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[SONG] - Lotus Pokus - (aka the contest entry that didn't make it in time)


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I saw the contest way too late, like 5 days prior to ending and already decided that this time I wouldn't be able to pull anything off. But ideas work in strange ways, so lyrics and music danced in my head until I commited. About half of the 5 days was used to write and record, and recording was way too flimsy again (grrr), the rest of the time was plagued with technical difficulties, programming drums and trying to glue everything together in the mix. Since I had other things on my plate as well, sleep was kinda short and that made me derp on the time zone, so it was close to Friday 1AM my time when I wanted to send it in, which was about 6 hours too late. Frustrated, I left the song. Others who knew I worked on it asked me the next day how it went and still wanted to hear it. Encouraged by their feedback I tried to refine what I had over the weekend so it sounded a little bit better, but in the end it had to be compressed to crap anyways. I've kept being told that I still should send it in somehow anyway, so I guess here it is for the community!

I know I'm still pitchy, apologies for insulted ears :) The instrument tracks are somewhat clustered muddily around the beat but hey, it can only get better from now on, right? Eventually it will have to be re-recorded anyways, because there are some mental notes remaining. I couldn't get that slide guitar part, the reverb feedback on "running" Drives me nuts and there is also another bridge section that had to be cut due to the 4 minute time constraint and so on and so forth. But I digress. Here, have a song:

Lyrics are in the description: https://soundcloud.com/khunvyel/lotus-pokus

Thank you Warframe for continued inspiration and fueling of my creative energies :)

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On 11.2.2017 at 8:20 PM, FashionFrame said:

Even if you didn't make the contest, you finished what you could and released it to others! Myself, I would've quit, you kept pushing and got it out! That's what counts! Good job on it! 

With a clear vision, I always finish things, like it was in this case :) Just like Orokin Rock last time, at some point I didn't do it for the contest any more but simply for my own enjoyment. Same with this one. I realized at some point where the technical difficulties got out of hand, that I may not get it done for the deadline. But it's still an important piece to put out because in a nutshell I can show this as an example, saying; "This was technically just 5 days of work, under these-and-those circumstances that were everything but favorably."

As in terms of music itself, if it doesn't come from the heart and if I don't enjoy it, I simply don't do it. If an idea turns out simply to not work, I stop working on it and do not force it to become something it maybe wasn't meant to be.

I had to do more takes of the soft pre-chorus than I thought because I kept smiling like an idiot which affected my enunciation negatively. That, and I'm not a native English speaker, so there goes that as well :) I do what I can with what I have. Learn it the hard way with the bad tools and you get to be really good with great tools. Everything else is a cheap excuse for not delivering. I do know of the flaws of the song, and I do know how well it could be played, sung and sound. But in this case it was important for me to not cheat on the base recording tracks, but simply use what I have and pretend how it would sound like with a few days of aftertouches in case I actually had the templates and working prefabs that I should have had from a previous session.

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