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Weapon Attachment Slot / Skin


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I have seen talk of various attachments to certain weapons both on the forums and in-game.
What I suggest is an 'Attachment' slot for weapons, in which we could attach silencers, ammo type conversions (laser, plasma, bolt) scopes, etc.

This game is great but I don't see a whole lot of variety and personality aside from colours and a slight difference in players mod loadouts. I propose that this 'Attachment' slot would be much like mod slots currently are, but you can only have one attachment at any time. The attachments could also be slotted in quite simply like a mod, but to remove them they would require use of a single Forma.
This would surely add some more personality to peoples weapons and a little more variety to the game...

Doesn't seem to be the hardest thing in the world to implement either, as all that would need to be done is:

- Decide what the attachments are going to be, and how they will effect the weapons.

- Design a few skins for various attachments

- Specify a spot on each weapon for attachments to fit. Yes this would be a hassle at first as all the current weapons would need going over, but should be simple to keep doing for new weapons.
- Create a simple attachment slot for use
- Add attachments to market, as an alert reward or as a drop.

I suggest that the attachments should be a market item, both as a blueprint and a Platinum purchase, to add a little more revenue for DE. Also the Forma that would be required to remove the attachment would likely add further revenue.

Obviously the attachments could just be a skin, much like what we have with Warframes helmets and certain melee skins, but I think this idea surpasses that.

Edited by DanPaul7
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To save making a different thing on the subject. The only thing i will say is the idea of using formas to remove attachments is a bad idea.


One of the best traits about warframe is the ability to change your loudouts in a second for what ever you need.


So you might build your mods for a 1 shot kill gun, and have the "scope" attachment for the range.


You then might want to do a stealth mission, so you remove the scope and add the silencer.


You might want to go to high-level defense and remove the silencer, and add the lazer attachment.


Its like suggesting, you have to use a Catylast to remove a mod from your wep. It would remove alot of "on the fly freedom" from the game.


Also. The reason i suggested skins is because that system is already in warframe and not being used. Making something simple and easy to implement, then improved would be best then jumping into the deep end so it never happens. As dont get me I agree the idea of weapon attachments does "Supass" skins and i think it would be very cool. Thats why i want the best chance of it happening.

Edited by IanN1990
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To save making a different thing on the subject. The only thing i will say is the idea of using formas to remove attachments is a bad idea.


One of the best traits about warframe is the ability to change your loudouts in a second for what ever you need.


So you might build your mods for a 1 shot kill gun, and have the "scope" attachment for the range.


You then might want to do a stealth mission, so you remove the scope and add the silencer.


You might want to go to high-level defense and remove the silencer, and add the lazer attachment.

The idea of using a Forma for removing the attachment is indeed to make it a nuisance to do. This way people will add an attachment to suit their play style, and instead of switching every single game, they will stick with this play style. Otherwise we will continue to see the same things equipped over and over.

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I assume that they'll have to tackle the fact that all the guns are all static pieces. And while they're doing that, specify the attachment points for scopes, barrel extensions, such and such.

Assuming I understood this correctly, this is indeed the case and I have edited the original post to reflect this fact. Thanks

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A big problem I forsee is aesthetics. The guns have 4 very different design languages and attachments that look good on one would look hideous on another. They would need to make different models for Grinner/Corpus/Tenno/Orokin attachments and that's discounting future factions, such as Space Pirates and the Sentients.

At least with Warframes and Sentinels, they all look fairly similar and can have a common pool of attachments.

Personally I'd prefer the weapon artists to work on new guns rather than having to re-tool every model they have. That's not to completley discount this idea, I just think it would take too much time/money to be practical.

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