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I'd Like To See A Warframe Inspired By A Knight


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Are you... trolling?


He uses Javelins and Swords...


His name is after King Arthur's sword..


King Arthur's sword is a sword, not a knight.


Using a weapon doesn't make someone look like a knight, especially when that someone doesn't even look like a knight with or without the weapons.


I have swords and a javelin. Holding them doesn't make me look like a knight. Also, Excalibur's javelins are just more swords glued together.


what you want is some warframe that looks like he is wearing plate armor. and possibly using a shield.

no thanks. that hardly fits the theme and aesthetic of the game.


What I want? I never said anything about what I wanted.


People in this thread forum don't seem to know how to think outside of the box.

Edited by FatalX7
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King Arthur's sword is a sword, not a knight.


Using a weapon doesn't make someone look like a knight, especially when that someone doesn't even look like a knight with or without the weapons.

I think you are missing the point he is named by a weapon which was used by a famous knight and king.


Also lets not forget Arthur is part of the Knights of the Round Table.

Edited by Palkora
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On a serious note, I'm not sure if anyone actually knows what a Knight is.


All of the warframes are exo armors. Whats your point?


My point? I thought I've made that clear.


What's your point?

Edited by FatalX7
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I really think of Excalibur as a Swordsman, when I think knight, I think of big, slow and metallic.


Excalibur is agile, he is quick and he is nimble (Super jump, lol).


A knight would be slow, he would be ever-marching and he would be indomitable.

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Had a paladin type frame idea back when the council were thinking of the new one which ended up being the Antimatter. It was more of a group support/defensive styled frame. Didn't get any love.. :(

Edited by Kerpele
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On a serious note, I'm not sure if anyone actually knows what a Knight is.



My point? I thought I've made that clear.


What's your point?


So your saying its impossible to have a knight warframe because of what a knight is?
"A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch or other political leader for service to the monarch or country, especially in a military capacity. Historically, in Europe, knighthood has been conferred upon mounted warriors.[1] During the High Middle Ages, knighthood was considered a class of lowernobility. By the Late Middle Ages, the rank had become associated with the ideals of chivalry, a code of conduct for the perfect courtly Christian warrior. Since the Early Modern period, the title of knight is purely honorific, usually bestowed by a monarch, as in the British honours system, often for non-military service to the country."
So in other words you cannot make a knight warframe because being a knight is nothing more than a title? In that case consider your point proven. Hoever I am not looking at this at a political or title I am looking at what knights were viewed as in books, stories, tv, movies and everything else. The sterotypical knight is one who wieids a sword and has some form of armor regardless of its weight or material. Remember some wore chainmail which isn't hefty like iron or steel. Excalibur is the closest you can get to a light armor knight of the medieval ages in those stories.
Also you can't really call him a swordsman if he is using an axe or a hammer.
Edited by Palkora
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This topic reminded me of the manga Blame!


There was a scene where some creepy knights overpowered a main character with badass brute force.




I think that would be awesome to have in Warframe :)



btw. Excalibur does not feel like a knight to me. More like a knight in a latex suit. Not very knight like :P

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This topic reminded me of the manga Blame!


There was a scene where some creepy knights overpowered a main character with badass brute force.




I think that would be awesome to have in Warframe :)



btw. Excalibur does not feel like a knight to me. More like a knight in a latex suit. Not very knight like :P

With a women's stiletto high heel stuck upside down on his forehead. XD

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Ah, media. Obscuring truth and real history since forever.


That same mindset has lead most of this community to believe that ninja actually wore black footie pajamas.


Ah Internet making people think ninja came from japan... Yet they came from Korea and were originally called Kanja.

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