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Additional Powers


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Warframes currently have four slots for four powers. This doesn't lead to much variety when it comes to choosing, though, and most people only use one or two powers out of all of them. I was thinking we need more powers, but keep the four slot configuration.





Grip. Hold an enemy in a magnetic grasp, suspending them above the ground but immobalizing you as well (Like in an Uber, aka "Channeling"). Steadily drains energy while gripping. Pressing the fire key (Mouse 1) will violently throw the enemy wherever you happen to be looking at the time. This would be meant to take down bosses because of the immobility. Note that the energy drain would be rather fast, and there'd be a start up cost so you couldn't infinigrip with energy siphon. Also, there would be an energy cost to the throw. Having less energy would weaken the throw based on the amount left. The energy drain per second is increased on heavy units, and on boss units. Higher levels increase the force of the throw and decrease the energy drain.



Suffocate: Mag begins to crush the target with magnetic force, dealing damage as long as the cast is active. Think of it like a single target crush spaced out over several seconds. This also immobalizes the target. Firing lets him go. This has a much higher energy drain per second than Grip. It deals damage based on unit health. Downside? It has a lesser effect on machines like Jakal, Moa's, and Ospreys. Higher levels increase the damage per second and decrease the energy drain. It drains more energy on bosses and heavy units.




Dice: Excalibur increases his attack speed and unleashes a massive flurry of melee blows against a single target. This has a rapid energy drain and you cannot move while useing Dice. Normal enemies are immobalized, bosses and heavy units cannot move but can still attack. Higher levels increase the speed of the mele strikes.


Offensive Stance: Excalibur enteres an offensive stance, and routs power from his sheilds into his strength enhancers. Melee speed and damage are increased by 15%, but shields are reduced by 30%. Stacks with Dice. There is a small energy cost to initiate and end Offensive Stance. Higher levels increase the speed/damage amp by 5%, and the shield reduction by 3%




Backstab: Loki strikes from cloaking, dealing massive damage to a single target based on his remaining energy. All remaining energy is drained. Higher levels increase the damage to energy ratio.


Trip: Upon activation, power attacks are replaced with a trip, knocking the opponant to the ground. This consumes no energy for light units, a small amount of energy for medium units, a moderate amount for heavy units, and a large amount for bosses. Higher levels decrease the energy cost.




Electrify: Volt electrifies himself and all nearby allies for a short period of time, causeing melee hits to and from the electrified warframes to cause electrical damage. Every time a melee blow is dealt or recieved, it consumes energy. Attacking enemies are stunned for a brief duration. Higher levels decrease the energy cost and increase the electrical damage.




Leech: Volt impales a single enemy, draining their bioelectricity to fill his energy reserves. The enemy takes heavy damage during the attack. Once the enemy dies, Energy vampire ceases. Consumes no energy to activate, but immobalizes Volt and the victim. Cannot be used on bosses or heavy units. (OPTIONAL: if the ability seems overpowered, perhaps Volt's shields do not recharge during the attack) If Volt's energy reserves fill during Energy Vampire, the ability stops. Cannot be used when energy is more than 25%. Higher levels increase the speed of Energy Vampire.


Unstable Current: Volt saturates his armor with energy, becomeing immobalized. Any enemy that comes within a certain range is heavily damaged by a beam of electricity from Volt. More energy goes to closer and larger enemies. Extra damage to robots. Higher levels increase the damage to energy ratio and increase the range.



Solidify: Frost encases the target ally or enemy in ice. The target is immune to frost damage for the duration of the effect and is paralyzed. The target takes greatly reduced damage if ally, and takes damage over time if an enemy. The target's sheilds are reduced similar to cryo malfunction levels while in Solidify and do not recharge. Heavy units and Boss units can break out of Solidify. Higher levels decrease energy cost and increase damage over time and breakout time, as well as sheild reduction.


Glacier: Frost creates a thick wall of ice. The wall has a limited duration and health. The wall forms perpendicular to frost. Any units cought inside of Glacier are Solidified for three times the current level. Consumes 125 energy. Higher levels increase the health, duration, and size of Glacier. Essentially an alternate ultimate.




Hot Lead: While active, adds fire damage to the outgoing ranged attacks of nearby allies and Ember based on their weapons. Drains energy per shot based on the weapon being used. So, for instance, a Braton will have small fire damage added and light energy requirements, while a Snipertron Vandal will have high damage and high energy requirements.


Pyromania: Ember revels in the heat of the moment, gaining increased damage and speed at the cost of shields and an increased energy cost of deactivating Pyromania while on or around fire, including useing fire weapons and abilities. Higher levels increase the shield and energy reduction while increasing the damage and speed gained. Energy is drained while around fire. Being away from fire while Pyromania is active results in a general reduction in Ember's capabilities over time.




Frequency: Banshee emits an ultra-low pitched aura of sound, slowing herself and steadily draining energy, while causeing damage and slow to any enemies around Banshee.  If Banshee's sheilds go down while useing Frequency, Banshee takes damage over time from unsheilded exposure. The closer enemies are to Banshee, the more damage and slow they take. Higher levels increase the slow and damage on enemies, while decreasing the energy drain per second.


Wail: Banshee mimics her namesake, emitting an ear splitting electronic shriek that stuns all enemies in front of her, and causes them to panic. Higher levels increase the volume of Wail, resulting in a larger area and effect. The effect of Wail increases the closer enemies are to Banshee.



Assassinate: Ash strikes with all the energy in his warframe, dealing extreme damage to the targeted enemy. Ash must be invisable to use Assassinate, and it only affects Boss units. The targeted unit is stunned for a few seconds afterwards. Ash will collapse after Assassinate and have downed shields due to no energy left in his Warframe. After an increased delay, when Ash's shields are fully charged he will stand back up.


Blade in the Crowd: Ash kills a lone enemy unit, and assumes its identity. This drains energy over time. If Ash's energy depletes completely, the disguise is lost. If Ash commits any hostile action, he loses the disguise. Stealth KIlls while in disguise do massive damage, but take significantly longer and will be noticed by any watching enemy. This does not work on Boss units. Ash is paralyzed while performing such a stealth kill. If Ash moves too close to another Tenno, the disguise is lost. If ash bumps into an enemy the disguise is lost. Ash cannot sprint while disguised. Higher levels decrease the energy drain of Blade in the Crowd.




Horrify: Nyx conjoures vivid hallucinations in the minds of all nearby enemies. The targeted enemies will panic, flee, and fire randomely. If a Hallucination catches a targeted unit, it will cower in fear for a short period of time, becomeing immobalized. Higher levels increase the range and power of Horrify.


Mindbreaker: Nyx psychically assualts a target unit, consumeing energy over time and causeing them to flail around madly firing in random directions. The enemy takes steady damage over time during MIndbreaker. Nyx is immobalized during Mindbreaker. Normal enemies cannot move during Mindbreaker. Bosses can still move during Mindbreaker, and will slowly advance towards Nyx. Upon reaching Nyx, they will deliver a powerfull melee blow that will knock Nyx down and end Mindbreaker. Higher levels consume less energy per second and do more damage.




Hijack: Vauban scrambles the security systems, causeing all turrets to fight for random factions and doors to slam shut on enemies for a limited time. This must be performed near a console. Higher levels increase the duration and number of rooms affected.


Explosive: Vauban loads an incindiary explosive into his gun, causeing the next shot fired to explode and light enemies around the target on fire. Higher levels increase the power of the explosive. Vabaun can cast this mutliple times to load his gun with more explosives.



Infest: Saryn injectes the target with a parasite that rapidly develops into a biological explosive. The target unit will quickly mutate and charge into the largest group of enemies nearby, at which point it will explode and shower acid on them. If it dies, it still explodes. If there are no enemies nearby, the infested will charge the Tenno.


Contaminate: Saryn sprays toxic fungal spores around her, which after a few seconds mature and emit poisonous clouds. The spores can be killed with sustained fire, and actual fire quickly destroyes them. The poison does not affect Saryn but slows down fellow warframes. Enemies entering the area take steady damage and are slowed by potent nuerotoxins. Higher levels increase the radius and power of the ability.



Berzerk: Rhino charges forwards with no regard for his own safety, taking and dealing increased damage and gaining increased movement speed. Killing enough enemies will activate Bloodlust, resulting in Rhino rapidly recovering health and shield upon landing a melee kill, but otherwise not recharging his shields. Rhino cannot use ranged weapons while in Berzerk or in Bloodlust. If Rino does not kill any enemies for a duration while in Bloodlust, Bloodlust is lost. Higher levels

decrease the amount of enemies required for Bloodlust and increase its duration. They also increase the negative and positives effects of Berzerk.


Smash: Rhino charges up a heavy melee blow that deals 500% of normal melee damage. Normal units take massive damage and are usually crushed and die immediately, heavy units are sent flying if not outright killed, and Bosses are knocked down. If Rhino continues to melee after smashing an enemy, the next blows will have reduced power but the same effect.. Consumes 75 energy on the first strike, and 25 energy for subsiquent strikes. Higher levels increase the damage and force of Rhino's blows and decrease the energy cost by 5 for the first strike.




Reroute: Trinity channels life energy from a targeted enemy into a targeted ally or herself. She is immobalized during Reroute, as are the enemy and the warframe in question. Bosses are not immobalized, merely slowed, and will have the same reaction to Reroute as they do to Mindbreaker. Trinity cannot Reroute into herself. Higher levels increase the speed of the reroute and increase its range. Trinity loses energy over time during Reroute.


Sacrifice: Trinity uses some of her own life energy to overcharge the target, dealing heavy damage to enemies (too much life for their bodies to handle) and overhelaing allies. Higher levels decrease the amount of damage Trinity takes and increase the life given.


What do you guys think? Feedback appreciated.

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Mostly good ability ideas especially the AoE buff ones that give effects or buffs on to allies which would make co-op more useful and provide reasons to stick together, always felt limited by only 4 abilities especially with excalibur who's super jump isn't very useful.

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Neat ideas, and DE is planning on adding additional abilities already. That's why they switched over to the mod card system and had the skills as mod cards to begin with. It was to make it easier to have more than 4 abilities that you could swap out easily, iirc.

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I really like all of these suggestions. However, I have to ask, why the energy drain over time on the team buffs? Rhino's Roar is time limited.


There are no team buffs that drain energy over time in my suggestions. Electrify and Hot Lead drain energy per shot dependent on the weapon. So if nobody fires and there are no enemies nearby, Hot Lead and Electrify don't drain any power. However, once everyone starts shooting, Hot Lead will begin to drain power as it makes their bullets incendiary, and likewise with melee for Electrify.



I like the idea of adding some variation in the abilities. Just as long as none are over powered or negate any use of one of the ones we already have.


I was careful to put in drawbacks when I drew up the ideas, we wouldn't want things like Assassinate not having any drawbacks, now would we?

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