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Space Shark Incorporated [4+ Years Old-Running Strong] [All Regions] [Casual] [All Research] [Discord]


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On 5/18/2016 at 9:59 AM, SkyMist said:

IGN: SkyMist          THANK YOU!!


On 5/18/2016 at 4:39 PM, Sunfax said:

Hi, I want to sign up another one of my friends who I am grandfathering into the game.

IGN: Buddajang

Thanks! :)


On 5/18/2016 at 7:08 PM, anzima said:

Hey there could me and my brother get an invite please?


Our IGNS are anzima and molebyte

molebyte is still in a clan, so please leave it and post here again for another invite.

On 5/19/2016 at 8:50 PM, Luneth said:

Hey there, I'd like to join please :) 

IGN: Luneth


On 5/19/2016 at 6:18 AM, Zmoik said:

IGN: Zmoik

and a friend IGN: Haykka


On 5/19/2016 at 6:42 AM, TheLazyGuy said:

IGN : TheLazyGuy

played since the start ^-^ looking for a clan as the old one has died


On 5/19/2016 at 7:03 AM, AAZZAZZEELL said:


MR 3


Im new to the game but it would be fun to have a good clan to join.


On 5/19/2016 at 8:40 AM, TheNodus said:

IGN TheNodus

Please invite.


On 5/19/2016 at 9:54 AM, Kutsus said:

IGN: Kutsus

I wanna swim in space.


15 hours ago, Chillingo117 said:

Hi, can I plz join? Ign: Chillingo117



10 hours ago, Stmosfear182 said:




5 hours ago, seanyoo01 said:

IGN: seanyoo01

are new players welcomed too?


3 hours ago, Silverton said:

My brother and I are looking for a more active clan with people that we can run our 100s of void keys with and this seems like a good place to start on our search.

IGN: Silverton

Bro's IGN: Joleja

We are both MR 21

Joleja is currently still in a clan, so please leave it and ask here again for another invite.

3 hours ago, HardCoremisfits said:

IGN: HardCoremisfits

I would love to be in a clan because it no fun playing solo, Space sharks incorporated sounds exactly what i'm looking for.

Not sure if it matters but i'm from the UK.

All invites have been sent. Welcome to the clan :D

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*Recommended to leave your name on this thread and be invited upon our earliest convenience.*

For future reference on those who want to try an immediate invite, can message in-game the following people if they are online:

  1. LightningElektron
  2. SSI_Guko
  3. tlk742
  4. DandySwan
  5. Dikkimies
  6. SSI_DarthReaper4500
  7. SSI_MoonMoon
  8. CakeWorm
  9. Csirkekrem_Leves
  10. Huntragon
  11. LuxLo
  12. Namastyler
  13. Neorlin
  14. SSI_Amaterasu
  15. SSI_Deadpool
  16. SSI_LordOfErebus
  17. SSI_Protocol
  18. SSI_Windshark
  19. Suit_Dude
  20. TheMCSkittlez
  21. VeronikaStripper
  22. Warriorrogue
  23. Zicos

*I'll continue to update and repost this on new pages of this thread*

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Posted this on your website was able to find the official forum :)


I was wondering if I could get an invite IGN: Sethzin I would post on warframe but I'm at work and for some reason warframe is blocked (can't sign in) but the sub domain forum is no, but does no good since I can't sign in to post (and my phone shows no reply option, very odd). I could do it at home but don't want to lose the link (can't access email sites or anything to send it to myself). 

I am only Mastery rank 1 and barely have anytime into the game. But I am not new to the game. I use to have PS4 and was a much higher rank (I wanna say it was MR12+) and hunted down many warframes and weapons (prime and normal) and spent a lot of money on it just to unlock the slots to hold them (makes me sad now sad.png ). PS4 broke and just can't bring myself to buy another one. So I switched to PC. So I took a break for ~ a year. A lot has changed but I've played for a long time before that. 

Hope that doesn't disqualify me! 

Read more: http://spacesharkinc.iclanwebsites.com/51759/topic/moving-to-pc-looking-for-clan-8rv#ixzz49EwZrnes

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52 minutes ago, Sethzin said:

Posted this on your website was able to find the official forum :)


I was wondering if I could get an invite IGN: Sethzin I would post on warframe but I'm at work and for some reason warframe is blocked (can't sign in) but the sub domain forum is no, but does no good since I can't sign in to post (and my phone shows no reply option, very odd). I could do it at home but don't want to lose the link (can't access email sites or anything to send it to myself). 

I am only Mastery rank 1 and barely have anytime into the game. But I am not new to the game. I use to have PS4 and was a much higher rank (I wanna say it was MR12+) and hunted down many warframes and weapons (prime and normal) and spent a lot of money on it just to unlock the slots to hold them (makes me sad now sad.png ). PS4 broke and just can't bring myself to buy another one. So I switched to PC. So I took a break for ~ a year. A lot has changed but I've played for a long time before that. 

Hope that doesn't disqualify me! 

Read more: http://spacesharkinc.iclanwebsites.com/51759/topic/moving-to-pc-looking-for-clan-8rv#ixzz49EwZrnes

Someone already invited you. Welcome to the clan :D

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52 minutes ago, Valhalla_Wacht said:



May I join? Thanks!


1 hour ago, WuschelMiniTyp said:

IGN: WuschelMiniTyp

would love to join your clan


6 hours ago, CaucasianAsianX said:

Starting up again after a year. IGN: CaucasianAsianX


8 hours ago, PKMANZ said:

Coming back after over a year and looking for a clan, IGN: PKMANZ

Invites have been sent . Welcome to the clan

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31 minutes ago, Ninkill said:

Can i join the clan pls?


1 hour ago, SilSha05 said:

IGN: SilSha05

Sounds like things are going swimmingly over there.

If that pun doesn't disqualify me, I'd like to join.



2 hours ago, VooDooZ19 said:

Hello !

I want join your clan 


invites have benn sent . Welcome to the shark tank :D

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IGN: AndreiRez

Interested in joining because in search of a fun and cool community.

Steam: PrettyChart898 (to message me at all times, kinda)

Edited by AndreiRez
Easier contact
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Just now, AndreiRez said:

IGN: AndreiRez

Interested in joining because in search of a fun and cool community.

Is there like a specific colour palette for your frames/weapons? i would really want one, shark themed of course.

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