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Space Shark Incorporated [4+ Years Old-Running Strong] [All Regions] [Casual] [All Research] [Discord]


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1 hour ago, NoxVentus said:

IGN: NoxVentus


2 hours ago, Okami_Scorpio said:

IGN Okami_Scorpio


16 hours ago, Moondrixx said:



On 6/23/2016 at 4:53 AM, Ralien122 said:

IGN: Ralien122

Invites sent welcome to the clan .


Sorry about the delay the last few days , the clan was pretty much full so we stooped inviting people for a while and made space by removing some that have been AFK for a long time.

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*Recommended to leave your name on this thread and be invited upon our earliest convenience.*

For future reference on those who want to try an immediate invite, can message in-game the following people if they are online:

  1. LightningElektron
  2. SSI_Guko
  3. tlk742
  4. DandySwan
  5. Dikkimies
  6. SSI_DarthReaper4500
  7. SSI_MoonMoon
  8. CakeWorm
  9. Csirkekrem_Leves
  10. Huntragon
  11. LuxLo
  12. Namastyler
  13. Neorlin
  14. SSI_Amaterasu
  15. SSI_Deadpool
  16. SSI_LordOfErebus
  17. SSI_Protocol
  18. SSI_Windshark
  19. Suit_Dude
  20. TheMCSkittlez
  21. VeronikaStripper
  22. Warriorrogue
  23. Zicos
  24. GravesTheOutlaw
  25. Ttariel
  26. CapnQwerty
  27. NightmareT12
  28. KingTaro
  29. Rubber_Fist_Of_Death
  30. Turix
  31. TheMCSkittlez
  32. Ghogiel
  33. gray_foxz
  34. INAC
  35. U-Know_The-Guy
  36. Overkill.

*I'll continue to update and repost this on new pages of this thread

*note to Whale Sharks: if you want your name removed from this list, let an officer know.

Edited by SSI_LordOfErebus
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6 hours ago, gieseMANIAC said:



55 minutes ago, Cristian720 said:

HI all i would like to join your clan i am rank 8 i have most of important mods maxed and most of warframes full.Thanks IGN:Cristian720


28 minutes ago, arahoomam said:


IGN: arahoomam

Would love to join your clan!


6 hours ago, SyrupBuccaneer said:

Hello! I am interested in joining. My IGN is SyrupBuccaneer.

You'll probably see that this account is very old, but I only played the game once or twice since its inception [busy with other things], but I'm back and interested.


Invites sent . Welcome to the clan

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5 hours ago, Serventius said:


IGN: Serventius


6 hours ago, Summertime_Rebel said:

Hi! This looks like a great clan, i'd love to join.

IGN: Summertime_Rebel

you 2 are already in a clan , if you still want to join us you will need to leave your current clan and request another invite .

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Just now, Slay6tanic said:

IGN : Slay6tanic


MR16 old player lf a serious clan

Invite sent . Welcome to the clan.

We are more of a casual friendly clan , but youcan join see for yourself if you like it with us and decide if you want to stay or leave.

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@SSI_WindShark Ok I forgot ro leave my old clan but I have had to go away recently and I wont be back for more than a month and I cant play warframe when im away so as soon as I get back ill play and join your clan if thats still ok.

Thanks and ill make sure to be active when i get back, sorry for the inconvenience.

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Just now, Summertime_Rebel said:

@SSI_WindShark Ok I forgot ro leave my old clan but I have had to go away recently and I wont be back for more than a month and I cant play warframe when im away so as soon as I get back ill play and join your clan if thats still ok.

Thanks and ill make sure to be active when i get back, sorry for the inconvenience.

Don't worry , when you get back and are able to play we will happily make you part of our clan.

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3 hours ago, TheW0lfPack said:

Hey, i asked for an invite a few days ago and i never got one and didn't have a notice of why.


The 0 is a zero

Invite sent . Welcome to the clan.

you probably asked for a invite right at the time we stopped sending them because the clan was full , we just now started giving invites again after we opened up some space.

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Just now, CoolaidstyleMan said:

Hey, I am interested in joining up. I am a very active player and currently MR2.


IGN: CoolaidstyleMan


Looking forward to joining!

you are already in a clan , you must first leave your current clan before i can sent you a invite

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