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Aura System Discussion 9.1.4 Thread Merger


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And where does it stop? Its 74 now. Next month it could be 100, then 125. Next "event" DE could make 3 new Aura mods that give 20 (10/20) energy. The "event" after that they make one that gives 40.

If I am too focused on the power creep that could be you are too focused on the customization that could be. You think 60 points (w/ forma) won't be enough. I say that if DE does their job and balances Mods with that cap in mind it will. Its on DE. Nothing is stopping DE from making 'creative' mods within the bounds of current Mod Energy cap of 60. Again if we want to talk about "State of Meta" it would be better done in another context. If you want some starting points on "creative" things look at the criticals for various 'builds'. Casters are off course the most intensive with Flow, Continuity, Focus, Streamline, Stretch, and whatever else you want to cram on there to boost powers. Combine that with the need for Shield boosts and you're not having Energy issues but Card space issues. People were hitting that 8 Mod limit often before they were really hitting the 60 energy limit.

If DE is to raise the "cap" I want them to do it directly, with though and planning as to how it will impact current meta and balance. Not to do it haphazardly through bursts of incremental creep done through a system that shouldn't have any business adjusting Mod energy... positively or negatively.

So many mods, so little space.

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Considering the increase in costly mods, the introduction of possible new combinations and mods in gameplay, I welcome the Aura buff. The fact that there are a lot of players that never initially used Forma on their frames, this opens up a lot of doors for both players that have used forma and those who haven't with their warframes. I mean its damned if you do damned if you don't for DE.


Auras hindered us....people hated it.

Auras now benefit us...people hate it.


At this point, the idea that most players are trying to argue the point of the changes strictly for their perspective is starting to rule a lot of what the game means to some player.s

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Guys just end this thread.  In case you haven't figured it out yet SirAuro is a blatant troll.  Look at his account creation date, the number of posts he has, and the content of his posts.  He's intentionally starting or fanning the flames of inflammatory topics and then spamming threads with vapid but abrasive if not outright offensive remarks all the while cherry picking his targets.  He is either a succesfull troll or a one man crusader out to nerf everything in this game to the bleeding ground for unknown reasons yet unable to formulate a sound argument as to why.  Instead he either raises straw man arguments or demonizes his opponents to the point where he is now inventing factions such as "forma addicts" and "elitists".  Just ignore his trash and hope a moderator takes the time to step in.  

How charming :)

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Wat. Waaaaaaat.


Explain your reasoning because right now all that's going through my head is me flaming you.


Do you even remember how it was when you were a new player?

Yes, it was incredibly easy from the get go.  I like having the clan weapons at rank 7, but on the other hand, if we make uber powerful auras for high level mastery, a lot of new players are going to rage and rage at having to level a bunch of different weapons.  Even the Acrid, which I love and use at all times, is way too OP.

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Don't think 14 points is enough for all mods anyway.


Even without the 14 points, you just test all the mods stick with the ones you like and be done with it. I see no reason for the additional points besides what the elisted whiners told them to do cause they didn't like having to use energy for aura and use a lower level mod instead.

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Even without the 14 points, you just test all the mods stick with the ones you like and be done with it. I see no reason for the additional points besides what the elisted whiners told them to do cause they didn't like having to use energy for aura and use a lower level mod instead.

It's like saying you see no reason to Forma a weapon twice.

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Yes, it was incredibly easy from the get go.  I like having the clan weapons at rank 7, but on the other hand, if we make uber powerful auras for high level mastery, a lot of new players are going to rage and rage at having to level a bunch of different weapons.  Even the Acrid, which I love and use at all times, is way too OP.


OP against what? you'd have to struggle with forma to get your frame maxed now it's easier what's the complain? you're just losing FAR LESS time now...

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Seriously.....people are complaining about this.....for real.....


This is sad. First off, not everyone can or will potato/forma the crap out of their gear, many just want to have fun and not worry about stuff like that. You know, fun? Some people are just casual gamers who still support the game and DE, even financially, but aren't wanting to delve extremely deep into all the mechanics and technicalities and forma and potatoes. They just want to play. Have too much, can make your warframe and weapons OP and uber-strong so now there's no challenge? Hm, how about a crazy idea:




....don't use all of the stuff.....


I know, crazy right?! If there isn't a challenge, make one! Wow, too logical, right? Yeah, I thought so too....


By the way, the purpose of the game is to have fun. This change in no way hinders that purpose for the majority of people. 

Edited by Dracosaber
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Yes, it was incredibly easy from the get go.  I like having the clan weapons at rank 7, but on the other hand, if we make uber powerful auras for high level mastery, a lot of new players are going to rage and rage at having to level a bunch of different weapons.  Even the Acrid, which I love and use at all times, is way too OP.

I know tons of new players, because our forum has been generating a fair bit of interest in the game. A few are even buying platinum/founder. None of them want harder difficulty, especially since it's already kind of bullS#&$-level difficulty right now. (See: Nightmare)


Remember, Warframe now is demonstrably harder than Warframe a week ago.

Edited by Kyte
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I don't usually play the get-a-life card, but christ.  If you're playing the game only to spend time farming, fine - whatever.  But don't demand the same sacrifice from the rest of the player base. 


You're not "working hard", you're wasting time.


Personally, I'd rather have access to end-game content and well-powered frames sans endless farming.  I want my effectiveness to be largely (if not entlrely) determined by my FPS/TPS abilities.  You want a new goal?  Go work on your twitch aim and reaction times.

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It's better for those who can't supercharge their frames, i.e. free players, it's better for the game


so remove the bonus energy when forma is used? win/win removes power creep from supercharged equipment while keeping free players with extra energy.

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OP against what? you'd have to struggle with forma to get your frame maxed now it's easier what's the complain? you're just losing FAR LESS time now...

The complaint is that the game has become so ridiculously easy that I have no longer have any reason to even want to play.  I want a challenge from my games, and DE has stripped away any and all challenge.

Edited by DAwGi
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It's better for those who can't supercharge their frames, i.e. free players, it's better for the game

Ugh sry, not trying to come off as an eltist or anything but c'mon.  I have 18 forma and 5 blueprints for more forma.  I've never used forma until my nova and I only forma'd one slot and feel no need to forma anything else.  My points are this: 1. You don't need to buy forma (never have bought any!) and 2. You don't need your gear fully forma'd to wreck house.  This game falls into the trap of optimals albeit they scale weird sometimes due to the variable power of mods.  If you spec your gear out for the map properly mod points aren't a huge issue, you just need to use mods which have synergy with eachother and the weapon your using.  For example, don't put crit mods on a weapon that can't crit or has an abysmal crit rate.  Don't put clip extensions on a vulkar bc you'll only ever gain 1 round and at a very high cost.  

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The complaint is that the game has become so ridiculously easy that I have no longer have any reason to even want to play.  I want a challenge from my games, and DE has stripped away any and all challenge.

Do you want a challenge or do you just want your time back lets sort this out. You may have used 5+ forma on your gear to make it the strongest thing ever which in turn REDUCED the difficulty curve. This change is meant to help people who dont have time to forma their warframe 5+ times to still enjoy the same content as you. Also note that this doesn't add capacity to your guns so you can continue to forma those until your eyes bleed to make the single strongest gun ever of all time, but for everyone else this is a benefit and especially to the new players who dont have a potatoe or forma or anything to help them out. What is easy for you may be difficult for someone else and saying that they have to deal with it is the wrong way to go about it.

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Oh no. Instead of having to forma an item 9 times I only need to forma 8 times. Do you not see how serious this business is?

Do you even have level 10 Redirection/Vitality/Hornet Strike/Serration? No? Then how about go farm for those instead of 1 extra forma? I guarantee you much more longevity.

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Ugh sry, not trying to come off as an eltist or anything but c'mon.  I have 18 forma and 5 blueprints for more forma.  I've never used forma until my nova and I only forma'd one slot and feel no need to forma anything else.  My points are this: 1. You don't need to buy forma (never have bought any!) and 2. You don't need your gear fully forma'd to wreck house.  This game falls into the trap of optimals albeit they scale weird sometimes due to the variable power of mods.  If you spec your gear out for the map properly mod points aren't a huge issue, you just need to use mods which have synergy with eachother and the weapon your using.  For example, don't put crit mods on a weapon that can't crit or has an abysmal crit rate.  Don't put clip extensions on a vulkar bc you'll only ever gain 1 round and at a very high cost.  

When should use use mods like Rush or Quick Rest or any of the new mods?

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The complaint is that the game has become so ridiculously easy that I have no longer have any reason to even want to play.  I want a challenge from my games, and DE has stripped away any and all challenge.

Then stop playing with twinked out frames. Sell your potatoed+forma'd+etc frame and start anew.

Or here's an even better idea.


Use the optional reset. Or a new account. It'll be difficult again!

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