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Aura = Poor Dev Move. [Screenshot Added]


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let me get this straight.. you NEED a maxed out vitality? LOL

Trolling/spamming or contributing? If you don't like a mod's rank, submit a support ticket and ask D.E. to lower a mod's rank cap so we ALL get nerfed for your pleasure.

Stay on topic.

Edited by JCsuperstar
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I dont aprove this aura system! 


In one livestream they said artifacts would  be converted to mods and get a new polarity...   i dont see a new polarity... i see the same old ones ...


... i dont know what De is thinking but this system is very ...very bad.... in my opinion... 

i stoped using auras, only used 2 anyway, energy siphon and enemy radar... 


before it was very easy and painless to change artifacts in the lobby,  now... its &(@#&&)_!(*@!*(_*!*(!@&!*@#_(!


I hope they change this ASP .... 


Just finished formatizing my saryn 6 times and only have one unpolarized slot available, after 3 weeks of tweeking this frame to find a best setup i can get,  i will not polarize my last availble mod slot for this new system, becouse it would break all the work i done in the last 3 weeks. 


... and also,  trying to find my Aura mods in 1000+ mod pool is... whatever!


thanks 4 for this DE, but no thanks! 

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Yeah, I also dislike the new aura system.  Here are my complaints:


#1. The interface is clunky.

By combining the aura mods with the normal warframe mods, the devs have vastly increased the amount of clutter.  I don't keep any duplicate mods, and I don't possess all of the mods, yet I've got over 5 pages of mods which I have to read through every time I want to change frames or alter my mod set-up.  That is absurd; the aura mods should have been given their own interface, separate from the main warframe UI. 


#2. It Eliminates Choice.

Previously, artifacts were chosen completely at a player's own discretion.  Sure, most of them just used Energy Siphon.  But that's because it was far and away the most useful the majority of the time.  It was a balance issue, not an issue with the overall system.  Now the devs have decided for players which auras the players should use, regardless of the players' own thoughts on the matter.  Most frames (especially non-potatoed) don't have the space for another 1/2 price mod, let alone a mismatched one. 


#3. It Still Doesn't Make The Auras Balanced.

I'm guessing that part of the reason for the changes is that the vast majority of players used Energy Siphon.  Those who didn't use Energy Siphon used Rejuvenation or occasionally Enemy Radar.  Now, people are still going to just use those three mods, because a lot of builds revolve around them.  The only difference is that now players are going to sack other warframe-specific mods in order to use up less energy, or waste a forma polarizing a slot. 


#4. It Unbalances The Warframes.

Because of the above issues, caster warframes without a -- slot for energy siphon have effectively been nerfed (especially for solo play). 

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really guys is it really that hard to spend like 3-5 points for an extra mod i think this is awesome because it give mods a huge boost then before(ex rifle amp used to be 10% now it 45% max) and thats just 1. so plzzzzzzzzzzz stop complaining and go get 8 control mods and 5 morphics in 1 run plz and thank yo.

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Personally, I endorse and like the new Aura system as implemented for the following reasons:

1. People complained about a lack of meaningful definition and role to Warframes. Now, as a basic point of their construction and on board aura options, they have natural leanings to what they can offer a group. If you want to structure your now role-oriented aura option to another role, you can absolutely alter it with Forma.

2. The fact that everyone and their brother only wanted to run Energy Siphon is a separate issue and speaks to the gross mis-design of Energy Siphon as an aura when compared to the Scavenger Aura's. The aura\artifacts are badly designed for utility aura to aura. That has nothing to do with this change on accessing them though should receive serious address. The scavenger artifacts really have no comparison value when we can just bring ammo boxes, in my opinion, for a truly minimal cost of credits per box.

3. There has been continuous commentary that Warframes are too easy to max out and the number of 'must have' mods was a pretty shallow list. Auras drawing from the slot energy pool decidedly improves this case (and yes, it's an _improvement_ that the perfect builds are not perfect now, in my opinion). This should promote greater diversity of builds within Warframe categories and/or drive more customization and tailoring of favorite Warframes with Forma or mod selection for specific functions. We have a reason to not always use the same thing, out of the box, for various missions. This is a plus, not a minus.

4. Artifacts as they stood before were aberrant in their implementation. They were cumbersome and unintuitive for new players to interact with, had no scalar value (once you got one, there was imply no reason to get more of that one) and generally they offered no tailoring past 'so which of us isn't bringing Energy siphon as a change of pace'. The fact this encourages us to improve and develop our team benefits as a customizable, costed option means that team oriented warframes and 'selfish' warframes (for lack of better term there; not intended as an aspersion) both have value now in a 4 man group.

As far as I'm concerned the Aura system is one of the clear candidate positives of the U9 release and I embrace their intent and implementation as it stands as a total improvement over the prior system. It's a mistake to assume we should be unrestricted and able to always do everything without investment or opportunity costs. The old artifact system had no real opportunity costs, and this system does. That fact alone to me is a compelling indication that this was a good move.

Your opinion of course may vary.

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I'm mostly fine with the new system save for one problem: it is no longer easy to swap out artifacts to meet the current situation. The cause of this problem is of course the varying polarities of the artifacts.


Luckily this is an easy fix. Make the artifact mod slot unpolarized by default and give all artifacts the same polarity. Any player who has already polarized their artifact slot has it changed to whatever polarity is selected for all artifacts. This prevents anyone from being upset over wasted Forma.

Edited by HoopleDoople
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The new 'Aura' system is bad... well for everyone but DE.


Here is what's wrong: all the frames gained a new slot specifically for auras.  The former artifact cards were transformed into Aura cards (one per card, even though the artifact cards were substantially more powerful per card) and given a flag that lets you ONLY put them in the Aura slot, and only lets Aura cards in the Aura slot.  ON top of this, the Aura slots were polarized on the frames, generally to polarization types not used by that frame (ok, let's face it everyone used Energy siphon, so the only useful aura slot polarization is the bar polarization).  


What this means for players:  What you once got for free, you now have to pay for in substantial ways.  First, when leveling frames, it's additional energy you can't use for other mods you need, like vitality or redirection.  Even when fully leveled and potatoed, chances are you still already have mod cards maxed out to fit that frame.  Guess what, now if you want to use an artifact, you have to give something up.  Hope you have weaker versions!  Don't want to do that or don't have weaker versions?  You can always polarize to get the energy back, only 20 platinum a pop!  Already did that?  Sucks to be you I guess.


And on top of that, now you have to rank up your aura cards just to get them to the same degree of usefulness (I'm only counting Energy Siphon, Enemy Radar, and Rejuvenation because that's what people used.  Steel charge, rifle amp, and the others were all too weak or useless by comparison).  So now you've got to get more 'aura' cards you didn't previously need, and rank up your cards.  And as you do so, you need more energy to fit, so hope you got more forma!  And since chances are almost every frame you'd want to use is polarized wrong for the aura you'd want to use with it, guess that's another forma!  And if you want to be able to swap auras per need, better just set it to unpolarized LIKE IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN FROM THE START so you can actually swap cards that you've ranked up without needing to juggle your mods again.


And is there a way to take your rank 9 redirection and de-power it without destroying it, so you can use it with this new system?  Nope.


Does the sentinal have free slots, and mod points, that it could have fit on?  Yep.  Can you do that?  Nope.


Why?  Because DE's unofficial reality is this game must be Pay to Win or they can't keep going.  People aren't buying enough because the prices are too high for cosmetic stuff, and too high for things like warframes and weapons, so better to force the players to buy lots of Forma, and get them used to the idea of having to buy lots of Forma.


Of course, you can ignore most of this if you just play solo.  Sure, you might not get .5 energy per second, but there are probably enough blue balls around for you, at least until DE nerfs that so you have to use energy siphon.  So this change actively discourages coop play.  Why?  Because the game is harder with more players, and the artifacts help with that, but now the auras cost players something and it's easier to just play by themselves to reduce the difficulty.  And players always go to the least common denominator (which is why nerfs like this always limit player choices rather than expand them).


There is NO UPSIDE for players.  


How do you fix it?


Several options: 1) Revert to artifacts and dump the Auras.  Steve goes 'My bad' and everyone goes on with their lives after whining about it.  2) Revert to artifacts but KEEP the Auras: now suddenly the auras are useful; a possible additional bonus that the player can either use or ignore without feeling forced.  If you want the ADDITIONAL bonus you can spend platinum on forma, but you don't have to.  3) Move the Aura slot to the sentinel.  Most sentinels have free slots already, and most have available points too, because of the dearth of sentinel mods.  This wouldn't benefit the player as much as just reduce the anger and the downside for players. Of course, most players aren't likely to forma for this, so maybe that doesn't accomplish DE's mission of getting you to buy more stuff. 4) Make forma a material that drops rather than must be constructed from a blueprint, and make it as rare as say, Orokin cells, and make it cost the same in the market. 20 platinum is a potato.  10 for an Orokin cell is a joke, but if forma dropped as often as Orokin cells, then most wouldn't have a problem with it.  This still wouldn't have a direct upside for players, but it would make it less angering.


Leaving it as-is will continue to anger your older player base; let me say here that I have no plans to buy forma to make up for this change.  Every time DE does something to push me to buy platinum, I slow down my platinum spending, and when I run out and need platinum for something like a potato, I'll probably just quit playing all together.


I'll finish with this: The first question DE should ask when they are thinking about changing something that's already in the game, is IF players will welcome it, and why.  If you give players an upside, they'll go along with it even if there's a downside (like spending money to use it) because it feels like you're trying to create variety.  They might whine a bit about the implementation and ask you to adjust it, but they won't have giant threads for complaining.  If there is NO upside for players at all, adjust how you're going to implement it until there is.  And it can't be pretend upsides like making rifle amp and steel charge better at their max value; no one uses them for a reason.  It has to be a REAL upside every player can see.


I am disappointed, DE. 

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These one trick pony arguments are the best.


The reason everyone wanted to use Energy Siphon was because the rest of the artifacts flopped for the most part. So alot of the others would have had to be buffed to bring them into viability. Pretty much the same issue with 75% of weapons made in this game. When multiple things in a particular category exist, they will be compared, and when compared to each other strengths and weaknesses could be ascertained, pros and cons formulated that would allow for informed decisions.


The problem is just as the top tier weapons are so far above the rest of the mediocre weapons, Energy Siphon was the "top tier" artifact in that its usefullness faaar outweighed the rest.


So, nerfing one weapon because the others suck is not the way to go or nerfing one artifact is not the way to go. The new system seems atleast one or two other artifacts being viable when they are maxed, which in itself is an improved. However the implementation of this is so bad that most people will not even run with the Auras at all becomes they are fixated on maximizing their Warframe the way they want to play it that the sacrifice is too great. And, you really cant blame them for that, playing at a sub-standard because you are forced too is never anyone's choice. DE have said it many times they want Warframes to be Archetype-less, this change however has gone directly counter to that notion and at this time, is more inherently restrictive than anything else. The reason persons would forma their favourite frames was to run at optimum, the sacrifice was the farming/buying of forma, and the time it took to relevel their frames to max rank each time. Now, they have all the very same sacrifcies and now have to sacrifice in most cases, one or two warframe mods to slot in any max rank aura that they feel they need. Its not a nice system, it is too heavy handed, and while the idea has merit, they need to change the way it has been implemented to something more forgiving.

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whoa., there's so many texts in this thread.. oh well, I'll just state my own opinion.


The thing is, I have almost all of the frame in my arsenal, the last 3: regular excal and frost are being built; nova is being farmed.

I like switching between frame all the time; I use all of the frame abilities, there's not one ability that I remove. and I notice that to fully utilize the best of their abilities with mods is you need to forma them at least once. So I'm planning to forma all of them once, and some more than once.


The thing is this aura mod doesn't fit to the plan at all, the only way I think Aura could fit is: remove one of the ability or put another forma on the frame; but then I need to use another forma on the Aura slot to fit the Aura mod I want, that's 2 forma on one frame just for Aura (because I don't want to remove any of the abilities), after that I can't switch the Aura mod between frame, because the other frames have no mod capacity to spare.


2 additional forma, just for one frame.. I switch frame frequent, and have no go-to frame, I like them all, chances are that one frame won't be used as often as it should. If we are talking about opportunity cost, this Aura opportunity cost is low, the customization cost is too much for just one frame.


At this point, I won't be utilizing Aura mod at all or make changes to utilize it, besides if other player in the squad have Aura mod it will have an effect on me anyway.


My suggestions are these options:

1) Put the auras in the sentinel, as suggested by ArsVampyre, and of course it brings no profit to the Dev.


2) Add a special Aura mod capacity of 4 capacity, separate from the warframe mod capacity; and leave the polarized Aura slot of each frame as it is now. So players doesn't have to spare a warframe capacity for Aura mod, but still have to forma their Aura slot ~if they want to. That way you Dev can still profit from market forma, and if players want it for free they can farm some rare forma bp that takes 1day to build, hey everyone win. Even I would settle with this.. ask some, give some.

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I'm mostly fine with the new system save for one problem: it is no longer easy to swap out artifacts to meet the current situation. The cause of this problem is of course the varying polarities of the artifacts.


Luckily this is an easy fix. Make the artifact mod slot unpolarized by default and give all artifacts the same polarity. Any player who has already polarized their artifact slot has it changed to whatever polarity is selected for all artifacts. This prevents anyone from being upset over wasted Forma.

This fix gets my vote

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Such crap...I use a banshee religiously...now I don't even have a simple regen in a solo run...wtf devas...what caused u to screw us like this? Aren't we supposed to be the ones HELPING you to create this game? Where was the " hey guys would this be a good idea?" Please....PLEASE don't make me hate you too...I already wrote blizzard out of my life...

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There is nothing wrong with the new Aura. Jesus, you just have to forma and you will be fine. If your warframe cant max out some mods now then think what your war frame should specialize on.


It seems to me people just want to be lazy or have easy mode enabled.


Good work Devs

Edited by ArmoredCode
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i personaly this is just another way to make money you want to make it acctualy be usefull let me put more than 1 in if its a fecking mod let me use them like mods not make them some stupid thing that we all now have to forma our frames to fit in and try askig the players first thats why you set up the design counciol isnt it and if you did pass it by some of them tell me their names so i can add them to my ignore list for being morons 


on a side note back story and dojo pricing for building nice work at least there are those 2 things that are good in this patch

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Terrible move - the customisation you can add to any frame has been lost by reliance on the polarity of different auras. Players with a wide variety of warframes and slots will have to have a large input of platinum/ void farming to customise their frames back to the point where they were before. Are you REALLY trying to punish the players that have invested in all of those potatoes and warframe slots? I think I'll scale back my playing of warframe until this issue is resolved to my satisfaction.


I like the propositions to raise the points available on frames and the abolition of aura polarities in general.

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i personaly this is just another way to make money you want to make it acctualy be usefull let me put more than 1 in if its a fecking mod let me use them like mods not make them some stupid thing that we all now have to forma our frames to fit in and try askig the players first thats why you set up the design counciol isnt it and if you did pass it by some of them tell me their names so i can add them to my ignore list for being morons 


on a side note back story and dojo pricing for building nice work at least there are those 2 things that are good in this patch


Forma is obtainable for free, your agruement has no weight. Just pure lazyness.


Oh its so criminal for a company to try and make money on their own game that they let people play for free.How dare they try to make money off impatient people.

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Forma is obtainable for free, your agruement has no weight. Just pure lazyness.


Oh its so criminal for a company to try and make money on their own game that they let people play for free.How dare they try to make money off impatient people.


There are better and worse ways to make money on an F2P.  Forcing it upon people instead of incentivizing things often garners this kind of reaction.  There are plenty of ways they could fix this, but it would involve restructuring their microtransaction methods to make them more appealing to the general player base.  This is something they have yet to do.

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I have swam through the sea of tears, and have climbed the mountain of sobs.  If you want something useful, be prepared to pay for it in some ways or another.  I believe if these were never offered free in the deck system, nobody would complain about it now.  However, when people think that they are losing liberties that they deserve for some reason, the crying starts.  And while I applaud DE for listening to its user base like a mother, occasionally it needs to take the stance of a father and provide a stern lesson.  Your build flexibility is till there, and even more so with even more mods now.  What was lost was something I believe nobody should ever have had.


How does taking away something give *more* flexibility? That doesn't even begin to make sense.

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I really think this system should be reworked as it is. I like the idea of leveling an artifact or aura and it acting as a mod would naturally make sense. The first main problem as mentioned numerous times is that it forces you to fully forma your frame and the aura slot to your liking, which only artificially adds more time to the game and is largely an annoyance since this used to be free. Another problem with the artifact essentially functioning as a mod is that other players cannot see other's auras and coordinate accordingly. Yet, more than requiring more formas to make maxed builds work, the biggest oversight is that auras have polarities, which means you cannot switch between maxed auras of different polarities on a maxed build like you could before. I think there would be two good ways to go about this.


One would be to completely remove the mod capacity requirement on the aura (which I was praying would be the case as discussed in the livestream) and perhaps make the auras more difficult to level, like maybe only being able to fuse more copies of the same aura to level it instead of other mods and fusion cores. This makes aura alerts not just a waste of a ? award anymore, adds some length to the experience for max ranked auras, while it would still be relatively easy to get the aura back to the power level it was at pre-U9. The other way, which was stated many times earlier in the thread, was to add more base mod capacity, and remove the polarity from auras and aura slots. Say you add +5 base mod capacity for the aura slot. Auras could then be normalized to be their previous power level when they cost 5 mod capacity, essentially preserving the free artifact that everyone was used to, then the rest of the ranks would make the mod more powerful than they were pre-U9, but at the cost of mod capacity that would intrude on normal builds, but at a managable level that would be one more forma; so you are now spending mod capacity for an upgrade, and not something that used to be free. With no polarity it also means that you would be able to switch between auras without constraint like you could pre-U9, and I believe you should be able to do, as it only serves to limit players and lessen group synergy. I think the most immediate change would need to be the ability to see what auras others have equipped. In essence, the leveling idea is cool, but I think it needs better implementation.

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Personally, I endorse and like the new Aura system as implemented for the following reasons:


Quoting myself for reference rather than solely inline editing for better clarity.

After some discussions with some of my gamer mates whose opinions I hold in high esteem, I revise my comments above on two points (or clarify at least). While I maintain this was overall a strong movement in the right direction, the Aura system is most definitely hobbled by the simple fact that costing of mods energy values is borderline random if not actually random to the observer. I had referenced this kind of imbalance solely in the context of Aura to Aura value, but realistically, the impact of energy costs to benefits are just not scaled well. Puncture mods, for instance, stand out as outright wrong and have been so for some time/

They do not correlate to their in game value or function, and to be blunt, this just gets more messy with the new dual mods (whose intent, again, I completely endorse) that don't seem to really give up any efficiency versus their single components in several cases (a major mistake, imho.) Adding new mods without properly stabilizing the costs is a poor structural choice.

I stand by my analysis earlier but I cannot deny that the economic balancing of these items (and power economy of allocation is still economy) doesn't seem to jive and thereby detracts from the system. Power economy was intended for a 60 point frame with 10 slots. If a fully formaed suit prior to auras was able to get to a 60 allocation as part of the structure, simply saying 'find 5 or more power' from nowhere does seem to miss the mark to me, even if I applaud the intent.

The second point, and this is a tough one, is that there has been a tug of war on the 'identity' of Warframes specialties in combat. On one hand, DE states they don't want to pigeon hole people into classic roles (a goal I completely agree with) but then we hear the rebuttal that typing the Aura slots certainly suggests it does that further.

Honestly, I think this argument is a dead duck. Warframes have things they excel at as a combination of active and passive characteristics. The aura system does indeed offer the opportunity for more definition and arguably more 'role' oriented play. But given that _every_ Warframe is still a pretty solid offensive and defensive tool if you use their toolset well, tailoring the style of play and benefit they offer doesn't seem out of step.

Apologies for the repost, but if I see I need to correct my point of view, I do try to be honest in my assessment and presentation of information.

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