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[Warframe Concept] Mandala, The Mystic (Repost)


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Found out a little while after I posted this on another board that I shoulda put it here, so... whoops.


[Reposted from Reddit, am the original poster over there: http://www.reddit.co...e_tenno_mystic/ ]


As we all know, most of the Tenno, powers aside, are very similar. Warriors to the core, wielding blade and gun against all who threaten them... But what if there was one Tenno, reliant upon her powers, who was a more... meditative sort? That's what I suggest here with "Mandala", a Warframe based on Shinto priests.

Now, I'm not the best at working out how her powers would work, but, because of the inherent fact that her powers punish the aggression of enemies, I would imagine that she has a high starting shield value, even if her health and armor are more lacking. Maybe...


Shields: 150

Armor: 50

Health: 100


Her powers would be the following:


Slot 1: Disable

Mandala punishes a single enemy for their aggression, violently destroying their weapon in their hands. For those without a weapon, they're faced with their own aggression turned inward, injuring them, and stunning them temporarily.

Energy Cost: 25

Damage: 30/40/50, Armor Ignored

This power, when it first strikes an enemy, does nothing. It doesn't even trigger alertness. Instead, that enemy's weapon starts to glow. When they're alerted, and attempt to fire, however, the weapon explodes in their hands, dealing damage, and Disarming them. If used on a disarmed enemy (whether because of her or Loki), they instead are stunned when they attack, taking half the normal damage.


Slot 2: Guardian Seal

Creates a floating defensive seal that catches enemy fire in front of Mandala, and once released, propels those projectiles forward in a storm of death.

Energy Cost: 10 per second, maximum of 5 seconds before automatic release.

Damage: 25 damage, +combined damage of captured projectiles

What this is is basically a small barrier that Mandala stops in one place, and maintains in front of her, catching enemy projectiles until she releases the button, or it automatically releases, propelling the combined firepower forward. Less effective against slow firing enemies, DEVASTATING against enemies with a high rate of fire. It's similar to Nyx's Ultimate, but one a smaller, more focused scale. The width of the resulting wall of bullets would be similar to Frost's Ice Wave, for example. It's a line, rather than a cone.


Slot 3: Open Palm

Mandala dashes forward, slamming a palm into an enemy, releasing a burst of energy, and sending them and those around them floating harmlessly into the air where they can be picked off at leisure.

Energy Cost: 75

Damage: None, ragdolls enemies and floats them in midair for 3/5/8 seconds.

Not much to say here. Mandala dashes forward, and strikes forward either at the end of her dash, or if she hits an enemy, sending them and their buddies floating into the air. The range isn't very impressive, maybe 10/15/20 meters in game. It doesn't actually HURT the enemy, just disables them for a few seconds.


Slot 4: Nirvana

Mandala reaches out, and punishes any enemy that attacks her or their allies.

Energy Cost: 100

Damage: Not listed. Similar to Miasma.

Duration: 6/8/10 seconds

This is Mandala's Ultimate. The screen changes perspective to view Mandala and her surroundings from above, while a... well, mandala  (yes, it being a lotus is intentional) forms in the color of her energy, covering a large area. Any enemy that attacks in this area has her teleport next to them, and strike them with an open palm, vaporizing them instantly. On Bosses, it just does a LOT of damage. Not sure how much.


But yeah, basically this is the rundown. She's a Warframe that actually is at her BEST once the enemy knows she's around.

Thoughts, Opinions?


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I love the concept that enemy aggression is the key.  She would seem to be really good at killing ranged bosses and large waves of enemies.  The Infested would have no chance against her.  Since she is based off of Shinto Priests it would be cool if they offered a started kit with her  wielding a Bo, Ninja stars, and the Kogane.  Would fit the concept.  I might do Something else than her #3 like a small AOE similar to Hinata's 64 Trigram 32 Palm from Naruto.  It would have a larger area with levels and would deal damage based on the warframe's level.

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I love the concept that enemy aggression is the key.  She would seem to be really good at killing ranged bosses and large waves of enemies.  The Infested would have no chance against her.  Since she is based off of Shinto Priests it would be cool if they offered a started kit with her  wielding a Bo, Ninja stars, and the Kogane.  Would fit the concept.  I might do Something else than her #3 like a small AOE similar to Hinata's 64 Trigram 32 Palm from Naruto.  It would have a larger area with levels and would deal damage based on the warframe's level.


That's actually sorta what her Ult is. Just with teleporting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I approach many fan created ideas with a major grain of salt. They tend to be ill-concieved ideas that come into existance by picking their favorite thing about a multitude of frames/weapons/mods and mixing them into an unbalanced concept.


This idea does -not- fall into that category and earned my unyielding support. Her abilities, while similiar to ones that exist already, are completely unique and sound very balanced. I question one thing about what you presented, however...


Regarding Nirvana. So far, no frame nor enemy has a true "instant kill", so to have it simply vaporize a regular enemy without regard for its level/health doesn't seem very balanced. Therefore, I propose a slight change to this ability, having it deal high serrated blade-type damage and inflicting a poison DoT that ticks for 1/5 the inflicted damage every second for 5 seconds (Keeping with the theme of what is essentially Chi being disrupted/forced into one's body, causing further damage even after the attack has landed). This would also be useful against bosses as only Saryn has the natural ability to inflict poison damage. It should also function similiar to Blade Storm, wherein the user is invulnerable for the duration.


To go with this suggestion, the damage would likely scale 300/450/600/800 per hit and should not be able to hit the same enemy more than once, since this ability already allows her to hit all enemies within the radius.


As an alternate possibility for the animation, she could channel her wisdom into the mandala, causing her chi to rain down in the area, inflicting an identical effect. Only reason I suggest this is simplicity's sake. Besides, having extra ideas never hurts.

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That's a very valid point there about nirvana, and I also had the thought, now that Nova's rolled on in, that, once activated, she summons multiple spheres (Antimatter Drop sized), that target enemies, flying through them to do massive damage to multiple enemies until the power wears off. Basically she'd get attack drones.

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