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Warframe Tier List U9 Thread Merger


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While the idea of popular votes is nice, I have to question it as a method of comparing the potential of so many frames, all of which are optional. Most people will just upvote their first/favorite frame (or the one they saw their friend kick &#! with), and downvote that one they built some time later and tried to level from rank 0 and died on the first mission and then never touched again.


I think it would be more productive to make a public poll of which Warframe Abilities people actually use and which they don't use when playing as a specific frame.

Edited by Winterbraid
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Im sorry, but nova is a beast, yes dies quickly which forces you to use enviroment to your advantage(-really no one does this?) but shes on par for her powers, i just love her to death. As far as soloing i have done nightmare, defense, etc solo... just takes getting used to not running in and saying i cant die! wewe!

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Imo nova is amazing... i mean seriously her 2nd skill i did like 5k damage with it. Yeah shes suppose to be a squishy person, shes pretty much a nuke caster. I played with my friend who was Frost in a defense mission Narcissus on pluto. Got to wave 30 then stopped because everytime we reached a 5th wave we got a fusion core uncommon rarity. Anyways... Shes amazing, her ultimate is strong and her 2nd ability is pretty good if u shoot ur bullets into it.

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5 forma trinity 3 bars bar aura 1 defence and 1 V all energy and skill mods eccept stretch trinity is a tank and a poor healer her job is to support heal and buff not suck at it and survive >3> i can cast blessing all day 24/7 it does not make it any less of a chance to die instantly or for my teammates to die instantly the second the invincability wear off from level 100s same for link

there is only 1 way to spec trinity all energy sure you can fit what you want in there like hp or shield but all honesty she needs faster casting heals and the ability to overheal to actualy give a safty net


Trinity is no baby sitter and she is not advertised as a tank we have 4 other warframes for that


I just really want a good healing warframe not another tank

she has one useable heal blessing and it takes ages to cast still i know it gives alot of good stuff so its balanced but its so slow and its her selling point healing and she just is so slow about it

what if vulbane took that long to set up a vortex what if it took that long to use slashdash or invisability or even maissma

fast paced game 3 slow skills \(o.o)/ and noone ever says anything about it

just oh its trinity deal with it you have blessing cast it early (im not a fortune teller here)

oh you have link your a tank (im a healer)

its like telling volt your a buffer not a dps

vulbane you have bounce your not a defence god your a mobility expert

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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While the idea of popular votes is nice, I have to question it as a method of comparing the potential of so many frames, all of which are optional. Most people will just upvote their first/favorite frame (or the one they saw their friend kick &#! with), and downvote that one they built some time later and tried to level from rank 0 and died on the first mission and then never touched again.


I think it would be more productive to make a public poll of which Warframe Abilities people actually use and which they don't use when playing as a specific frame.

well diffrent people have diffrent approach to warframe (game). gamestyle styles are diffrent and so are their tiers in some way. hopefuly majority will try to be objective :) ill add something new today, but dont want to scare people with huge amount of polls right now :D btw if u vote and it wants u to log in to facebook - u dont have to - it still counts your vote i think :)

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Mag does not belong in "useless" tier she could be a tier higher. Go into a game with max stretch and max pull and go in with some dual ethers/scindo and go to town. It's so fun


No I am afraid Mag is still very much low tier at the least.


Pull is average, Crush is OK, Polarise is terrible, BA reduces DPS.

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The reason "elitist" players always talk about defence is because it's the only gamemode where you can't just walk away from the baddies. And that's where vauban and/or frost really shine. Drop bastille/snowglobe at the pod and you'll see the deep frozen guy smile.

That doesn't mean that all their abilities are great, but they have at least 1 ability that's incredibly useful.


I don't agee with novas placement. She's not that squishy with 50 armor, 225 shields and 300 health she's more in the midlevel, not even mentioning her incredibly fast pony legs. As an added bonus anti matter drop is the only scaling damage ability in the game, it even scales with awesome weapon damage. Or was she just placed there because of her looks? Totally agree then.


The rest seems to be placed after counting the number of usefull skills and the scaling of their abilities. Volt and Ember are both specialised warframes and they (kind of) have the same problem that iron skin has. Their abilities are incredibly powerful until they hit a brickwall, i've seen embers/volts kill half a defence map with the push of a button 20 waves long...but you'll rarely see them shine outside of their specific field.


Rhino could be upped a tier with his other skills, but banshee has better damage buffs and cando cc as well so i guess it can stay as it is.

Excal, Ash etc will drop of in usefulness because of their hard damage cap at some point and Loki is a bit situational. You can still deal loads of damage with invisibility/smokebomb but all around they're not that great.


Can't say much about Trinity, only from what i've seen so far. Her first two skills need a boss to really shine and well of life's selling point is the invincibility it offers. It might be outright impossible to throw in a heal when teammates get dropped in 2 seconds (lag makes matters worse).

Doesn't make her useless either, but she can't kill 50 baddies in a second or stop them from stomping the pod. She enable her team to kill these guys but not as a healer but more like godmode and teamgodmode on demand. That doesn't really make her a healer imo.


I don't want to say any frame is useless and you'll most likely have at least one useful skill in any situation. It's just that some are more shiny than others when running away isn't an option.

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Why would you use anything else? If you can do high level defence you can can do anything, so high level defence is the only differential between Warframes.



Best example Vauban. Out of defence missions, the train-headed boy with the clown shoes, ain't got sh*t.  Every single one of his abilities stays in place therefore is suitable only for the static nature of defence, not the dynamic and fast moving  context of any other kind of mission. Vauban just doesn't bring almost anything to the table for a moving team. Don't get me wrong i absolutely love him and find him super fun and enjoyable (almost as much as Loki and Nyx). 


For this reason  the criteria should be reconcidered. A simple suggestion Void II or even III Exterminate - if a frame can solo this

it really can do anything.

Edited by zombaio
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For this reason  the criteria should be reconcidered. A simple suggestion Void II or even III Exterminate - if a frame can solo this

it really can do anything.


I have soloed T3 so far with Loki and Vauban so.... that means good?

One thing that needs to be heavily considered the play style of the person. With my play style i think i could do T3 with every frame. 

I dont rush in like an idiot and i actually move around, i dont mind running back to the room i was in before to give myself an advantage.


So a criteria based on the number of powers each frame has that scale is sort of the best for the  "average player" since the abilities functions when you put them to use without a lot of work. But this... is really not the way this thing is structured, this thing is structured simply by folks that like certain combinations of things, or just looking for one specific thing in Rhino's case, and pretty much ignoring the rest. I played with every frame, cept the new one, and i can put all of them to use in one way or another. Sure, some can be put to use easier than others, freaking snow globe, but putting a bit of elbow grease to work a frame shouldn't be bring it down in "usefulness."

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i only looked at this for volt and yes ancient can be a *@##$. but to be honest he is alot better. if i can clear a room on wave 10 - 15 in xini with one overload then he got some power. though i agree with the paralyze and dome idea great great an idea that DEV should make. like really really make. like im getting giddy just cause the idea. lol

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I have soloed T3 so far with Loki and Vauban so.... that means good?

One thing that needs to be heavily considered the play style of the person. With my play style i think i could do T3 with every frame. 

I dont rush in like an idiot and i actually move around, i dont mind running back to the room i was in before to give myself an advantage.


So a criteria based on the number of powers each frame has that scale is sort of the best for the  "average player" since the abilities functions when you put them to use without a lot of work. But this... is really not the way this thing is structured, this thing is structured simply by folks that like certain combinations of things, or just looking for one specific thing in Rhino's case, and pretty much ignoring the rest. I played with every frame, cept the new one, and i can put all of them to use in one way or another. Sure, some can be put to use easier than others, freaking snow globe, but putting a bit of elbow grease to work a frame shouldn't be bring it down in "usefulness."



I tend to agree with that... for the most part. And yes i also solo T3 on regular basis with Loki, Nyx and Saryn, not so much with Ember, Banshee and Mag (i find them less fun, personaly). Vauban... yes it is possible but only if you gear carries you though the level. Only Batille is really helpful there and one ability out of four...? no.


So yes, with the risk to reapet myself IF the criteria must be only ONE, wich is rediculous to begin with, i think Void T3 is better choise of benchmark than defence. 


For everything in the second paragraph you my good sir, have my thumbs up!

Edited by zombaio
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You never need a tank so it doesn't matter that trinity is a good tank.  99% of the time, you don't need healing or energy from Trinity. 99% of the time Trinity's abilities are useless. No matter how useful they are that 1% of the time,  it doesn't prevent Trinity from being Low tier imo. 


Vauban isn't God tier. 


2 friends that have bought Nova are of the opinion that its the strongest frame in the game. I haven't tried the frame yet, so i can't give my own opinion. 

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I love it how this list - devoid of any logic and scientific evidence, along with a few selected criteria you can only apply on one mode - is discussed with such heat, where everyone throws in his own personal experience, touting it as a "fact", with said fact "nullifying" all other opinions. "Oh my god, Trinity is awesome, she IS god tier, Vauban is derp, he cannot be god tier, goddamn, Rhino is god tier since blahblahblah, no, it's Nova, because her abilities are awesome, doesn't matter that it depends on how you actually play out a frame and its abilities, blahblahvomit".


It's circumstantial evidence at best, nothing more.

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I love it how this list - devoid of any logic and scientific evidence, along with a few selected criteria you can only apply on one mode - is discussed with such heat, where everyone throws in his own personal experience, touting it as a "fact", with said fact "nullifying" all other opinions. "Oh my god, Trinity is awesome, she IS god tier, Vauban is derp, he cannot be god tier, goddamn, Rhino is god tier since blahblahblah, no, it's Nova, because her abilities are awesome, doesn't matter that it depends on how you actually play out a frame and its abilities, blahblahvomit".


It's circumstantial evidence at best, nothing more.


I think it caught the people's eye because of the presentation. Then it got mentioned in a stream and the Devs were taking it seriously, apparently, and even mentioned the OPs name. This gave it some traction and now it's a thing. I didnt post in the original one cause it was one of the many threads where X person says Y about Z thing, i was surprised when it was mentioned on the stream. But with this new version the Great Mak Gohae needed to speak or else we would end up with more needless changes. I blame this in part for the needless changes in Rhino, and i said needless becasue  with this new version it's even MORE obvious how silly this thing is. STILL Rhino is not that good just becasue ONE and only ONE of his powers isn't good late game.... never mind the other three that are. The rating for Rhino is mostly based on one ability and without that being changed the group that wants that is not going to stop the complaining.


People NEED to speak up to be heard.


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No warframes are best but they made for what role people play best to

mostly many of the warframe are beast if use it right with right building of mods

its still beta they can nerf or buff the warframe anytime

the list seems wrong 



My option

Edited by Neronicify
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Vauban is less useful than he appears when you actually use him. Ember should be at least top tier since with the right build she can spend large chunks of time being highly damage resistant and doing large amounts of damage to anything within a fairly generous range of her. She is currently my top choice whenever doing a difficult mission where I don't know my team's loadout.

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after a few days can't we agree nova should be moved up. Her first ability is good fro dealing with rollers/ospreys. Her second can hit thousands of damage, is steerable and has a fairly large radius. Her third is fun and a good instant escape mechanism. I have seen her ultimate wipe out 90% of wave 10 on ceres... I really don't see why in the worl she is ranked so low. You really should have played with her a bit longer before slamming her.


edit: also I forgot prime increases damage taken by all enemies by 50%, so even when you do get into those really high levels you are basically getting an infinite +50% damage on every enemy in range (and the range is pretty great)

Edited by Finch.
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Rhino is god tier..

Rhino's iron skin is amazing... I just don't understand how you can't see this, I assume its simply because you had stupidly overpowered Comically stupid IMMORTALITY...  and now you will settle for nothing less, It makes you Immune to knockdowns/Drains, It Taunts making most defense missions Casual, it absorbs a bucket load of damage, it lasts forever...   I mean if it drops, Cast it again, with focus thats 1560 damage x2 .....  3120 damage!!  you just killed most other frames 5 times over and Rhino is still standing there....   This is Overpowered.. I can't understand how your not seeing this.


Guys, I've never played with enemies past level 40. Do they hurt?


Yes. Iron Skin gets removed almost immediately unless you're hiding in the corner shooting a beefed-up ranged weapon with tons of stun and ice damage. That's not what it was meant for. Any frame can do that...some can do it much better.

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The problem with Nova's skills was that it was based on a voting system in the Design Council. And the majority of the Design Council members are casual players, which is fine. But, due to the lack of experience with end-game or high level enemies, the majority of the Design Council members just went with the skills that catered to squashing low level to mid level trash mobs. Wormhole was voted for probably because they liked the ideas of playing with portals over having something that scales such as a doppelganger skill.

The issue many said about Doppleganger was it was very situational and extremely odd to use. I shoulnd't have to play keep away with myself just to deal damage. Yes interesting but not really useful. Also the Poll was filetered by DE, we were given skills to vote on most of which were Damage Oriented. The few that weren't


Matter Conversion for one, was outvoted for Null Star and many said "Null Star sound's aweseome I hope it wins" this is a major flaw when it comes to design. When designing something you design it's purpose first not it's appearance. The same happened for Anihilation 'that looks cool" thank god M-Prime won because that thing blasts for 4K per-blast when made right. I went to wave 25-30 Xini with that thing and I wasn't even max level yet. Helps we had a Vaubin though.


Nova has

1: Meh Skill that should be scrapped or remade

2: Convoluted and worthless skill unless you like Absorb Mechanics.

3: A great teleport, strongest in the game but very costly (75 energy really should be 50 base)

4: A massive tool for dps that assists other frames. You ever combine it with Miasma?


So really she has 1-2 skills worthy of note. Null Star is worthless past level 20 enemies it feels and that is with at least 4/5 ranks on Focus. Antimatter is clunky and uses hidden mechanics. Both need to be redone or scrapped for new ideas.

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