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Warframe Tier List U9 Thread Merger


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The issue many said about Doppleganger was it was very situational and extremely odd to use. I shoulnd't have to play keep away with myself just to deal damage. Yes interesting but not really useful. Also the Poll was filetered by DE, we were given skills to vote on most of which were Damage Oriented. The few that weren't


Matter Conversion for one, was outvoted for Null Star and many said "Null Star sound's aweseome I hope it wins" this is a major flaw when it comes to design. When designing something you design it's purpose first not it's appearance. The same happened for Anihilation 'that looks cool" thank god M-Prime won because that thing blasts for 4K per-blast when made right. I went to wave 25-30 Xini with that thing and I wasn't even max level yet. Helps we had a Vaubin though.


Nova has

1: Meh Skill that should be scrapped or remade

2: Convoluted and worthless skill unless you like Absorb Mechanics.

3: A great teleport, strongest in the game but very costly (75 energy really should be 50 base)

4: A massive tool for dps that assists other frames. You ever combine it with Miasma?


So really she has 1-2 skills worthy of note. Null Star is worthless past level 20 enemies it feels and that is with at least 4/5 ranks on Focus. Antimatter is clunky and uses hidden mechanics. Both need to be redone or scrapped for new ideas.

I have to disagree.

I used her 1 and 4 in combination on Xini. My frame was only level 7 (14 if you wana get technical with overclocking)

The group I was with pretty much just went and targeted anything that could chain react.


She doesn't need anything fixed if anything maybe her ult is a little bit too strong. Just a little....

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You should change Nova's ranking to maybe high tier... She is very fragile and very hard to use when soloing but in a team she can absolutely wreak havoc!


Here's a screenshot of the highest damage I got. I like spreading this around. With those numbers I guess she can 1-hit enemies over level 100. btw that's wave 15 in Xini...



Edited by JCayos
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Mostly I agree with this list.


However, I strongly disagree with Nova being low tier, she is awesome in my opinion. She has 3 really good damaging skills which of 1 is a homing shield wrecker, one is a AoE blast that you can amplify to deal tons of damage from afar and one is a chain detonation cabable of bombarding whole rooms clean. Even the wormhole can be useful when running through some Void missions as you can skip huge rooms or even some speed runs for treasure vaults so that you can safely pop in to take your lewts in matter of seconds.


However, she is NOT perfect, I am not claiming that. She is missing a reliable defensive skill, yes I know that Antimatter drop eats enemy fire as well but dont count it really, which makes her pretty squishy especially later on when you can actually get swarmed with lvl 50+ mobs.


I disagree with her being simple damage dealer as OP claims as the fact how you place your wormholes and how you use your Antimatter drops can really make or break a Nova: if ou know what you do you can actually 1-shot Phorid for example (video footage available through youtube). This proves there is a deeper level to the character. However, if you just go by the common bash-through mods & weps she can feel like pretty halfway made character.

Her ult (Molecular Prime) feels to be one of the best ones I've seen so far. My reasoning to this is as follows:


- The ult actually doubles the incoming damage to a "tagged" monster (Tag = Monster hit by your ult either by explosion or initial activating of the skill)


- The ult is capable of clearing whole rooms in defense maps (especially infested) when it just bounces from mob to another. Even if it cannot kill ancients it severaly injuries them and leaves them vulnerable with a "tag"


- The base damage is high to begin with, it can be further increased by Focus and range increased by Stretch.


Personally, at the very least, I enjoy greatly using the ult and it feel really rewarding to see your screen flash green (in my case) and get almost a monitor full of exp numbers. Damage increase on tagged mobs really help me do some bossing. With the skill kit being so offensive to begin with, I can focus pretty much on defensive mods on warframe part and get the damage I need from my weapons (Latron/Twin Vipers/Hate) + Dethcube.


TL;DR (I really dont blame you :D) Nova has a deeper level of gameplay to her and can be made into a real beast if you know what you are doing; low tier aint quite right place for her. Note the ults damage increase, modifying capabilities and Antimatter damage increase using your own bullets.


I also want to note that I have found Volt's speed increase very nice at kiting bosses like the new Vor (when it was hard at the release at the very least) so the entire kit aint trash. However, I agree that he needs pretty good overhaul in each ability but the core mechanics are interesting.


Just my two cents. Hope you enjoy reading this :)


Inb4 trolls and grammar polices (!), I am not native English speaker, I may have typo here and there, I apologize in advance and kindly ask you to bear with me about them :P



(By Finch. I am still trying to learn the commands completely so I just slack with this one)

Her first ability is good fro dealing with rollers/ospreys.

Didnt even remember to say this. It has been so automatic to me since like lvl 10 that forgot mention. +1 to this.

Edited by Teriuchi
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Rhino is definitely a top tier. Regardless of his iron skin, he has an aoe damage buff of 50%, his stop when combo'd with stretch has enough range to clear enemies over the hills and through the woods for 800 damage or 1200 when combo'd with roar and oh yea it puts enemies in stasis after that. Rhino charge is a great mobility option and does a pretty fair amount of damage, it's especially great when you are trapped in a group of enemies and don't have enough energy to stomp, it lets you get out AND put down a decent amount of damage. Iron skin, even though people trash on it not being viable on enemies after a certain point, it still gives you 1200 points worth of no damage. My personal thought as to what should be done with it, is to have it scale based off of the level of enemies within a certain radius of rhino. If there are no enemies near rhino, then it scales based off of the mission's enemy base level. But that aside, rhino is just as good as all the top tier frames and even better than some.

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Vauban in God tier is a little to high i think. He is a good allrounder and excels in infested defense. But he does almost nothing to grineer. And Corpus is depending on the layout of the map. He is almost like an inverted frost (wich excels at grineer defense).


Rhino is pretty good now. Iron skin is not bad (but useless in high level defense because all players are oneshot and even an iron skin doesnt change that) but his other abilitys are very stong in defense maps. He also is pretty strong vs bosses (iron skin shines), nightmare missions and t3.


Real godtier for me would be nyx. Chaos is strong everywhere. she is only weak against bosses. Her usefullness is the same vs grineer, corpus and infested in defense. She is also good in nightmare and t3. 


Trinity is part of a infested defense farm team (Vauban, Trinity, Saryn, Saryn) wich allows spammability of high energy Skills. Thats the only place she excels, but right there she is vital to the team. You have to consider high defense of mobs and the limited amount of bullets, wich at one point doesnt allow to shoot down every enemy with guns. So Trinity and vauban keep an endless cicle of crowd control and damage up (trough the saryns). I say with this team composition, you can kill any wave in infested defense. Even wave 1000. Trinity is the only frame, that makes this possible. But its hard to grade that in a tier list. 


Volt.... still pretty meh. Speed is good, you can rush t3 infiltration maps in 2 minutes with this.... his ult is pretty good at low level farming... but:


Mag:... Mag is the ultimate low level farming mashine in my opinion. pull, melee. Crush... bulletattractor 3 excals for oneshotting bosses. She has a place on theese first planets or boss farming/ low level defense. So if you want to maximize your farming speed on bosses. Mag, Excal, Excal, Volt. So this is a team that consists of none of the frames that are good in high level maps. So you see they all have a place.... 



a Tier list is pretty hard to build when you have so many things to do. A Vauban is not the solution to all problems. 


You should maybe add a line to what the tier list is aimed for.

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Nova definitely needs to be raised up, to at least Mid, if not High tier. Her basic armor/shields/health are meh, not too helpful, so yes, she's a bit squishy. But she's fast on her feet, very fast, only behind Loki when it comes to speed, and that's quite a feat. She also has great energy reserves, which she certainly needs for her abilities.


Null Star: Not her best ability, I'll agree, but considering it has no time limit, you can essentially just cast it between fights and get a few free projectiles damaging enemies. The fact it staggers them when it hits is great, it ignores armor which is awesome, and it does additional damage to infested (3x I believe.) meaning, while not the BEST first level power, it's certainly not the worst ( :cough: Freeze, Fireball :cough: ).


Anitmatter Drop: Now this is where things get crazy, this little dohicky here can be guided by the player, which is tricky, but is a great feature, and plenty of fun to mess around with. But what makes it ridiculously awesome is the fact that, shooting it increases the damage it does depending on how much damage you deal to it. Now, while this does mean you have to use ammo shooting it, it's worth it, when the explosion goes off it deals all the damage you did to it, and more, to anything in the radius. Now, you could have used all that ammo shooting enemies, but you wouldn't have done as much damage, to as many enemies as you can with this. It takes a bit of timing, careful aim, and some practice to get used to it, but this skill is a MONSTER in the right hands.


Wormhole: Mobility ability, handy, real cool, goes far, buddies can use it, can sometimes use it to set up shenanigans to drop enemies off cliffs. Good ability, but not much to really talk about in this case.


Molecular Prime: This ability...this thing is amazing, and I have no idea why you don't like it. First of all, it has quite a bit of range, and lasts for quite a while starting out. It also slows enemies down, and makes them take extra damage. Then when you kill any of these enemies primed this way, (Easily done with a decent gun, an Anitmatter drop, or a buddies ability) the enemy explodes for a very respectable amount of damage, if other nearby enemies are primed, and die from the explosion, they also explode, causing a massive chain reaction that can wipe entire rooms. So what if you have to cast it, then 'use' it by killing the first enemy? The damage can get to ridiculous heights depending on the amount of enemies you face, and anyone can set it off. Also the slow effect and the fact it makes enemies take extra damage, makes sure it keeps viability in higher levels, or against bosses. I'd LOVE to see a good Nova/Banshee combo take Molecular Prime and Sonar out together and just obliterate entire mobs in a few shots.


All in all, Nova takes a fair amount of practice to be amazing, but she definitely IS amazing, and EASILY deserves a place at High Tier, or at the very least Mid Tier.


signed hopefully people agree with this, and get Nova where she deserves to be.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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I can't take this list seriously anymore...


I can get to wave 50+ on Xini with enemies still not able to break Iron Skin in 1 hit. And since enemies are weaker than that in...well...basically 100% of circumstances(so through all of the actual game ignoring endurance pissing contests)...saying it's still a useless skill is pretty $&*&*#(%&. Ignoring of course the ever present fact that even IF it were a useless skill, so is silence. And that doesn't stop Banshee from being top tier.


Excal is the trashiest trash. No redeeming qualities. Low stats, low damage, low utility. There is no reason he should be medium.


Mag pull can insta-kill a dozen level 200+ enemies(tested). It's an amazing skill, especially against melee enemies.


Nova has the highest damage in the game, this is a fact. As well as having some situational utility.




But the reason I can't take the list seriously is because of the OP. He refuses to engage in any actual 'discussion' or offer any revisions to his list based on such. He only updates on new balance patches, only updates based on personal view(and very limited/often wrong information). IF he posts, it's to tell people why he's right and they are wrong, whether or not it makes any actual sense.

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Nova - Two words: Desing Council. You can't expect that so many people will create something that is good or even logical. She was supposed to be "Antimatter-Based Frame" but screw this, Wormhole! It's like with cooking, DE allowed eveyone to pick their favourite thing and then they've mixed it together into something disgusting (Translation note: Disgusting means "Useless"). Her damage is WEAK, she doesn't scale above level 25 (Ember Syndromre hrhr) and her Ulti is one of the worst in the game mechanic-wise. You have to cast it... then you have to kill the target... and then finally goes the chain explosion. Way too weak and not satysfying. But that's probably because of the... YUP... armor scaling.



Wow, I was just in @ xini. Reach level 100-115. The Nova was taking everything out except the ancients at that point.  Yes, ancients have lots of armor. If a frame can take them out up until high 80s, I don't see why it would be considered low tier. It cannot be due to the lack of power. From what I've seen, she has a good kick. 

Edited by Vitalidad
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I don't see the big difference between Frost and Vauban. Snowglobe gives much more complete protection than Bastille except against melee units. Avalanche is inferior to Vortex. Tesla and Ice Wave both scale rather badly.... and are otherwise completely unrelated. Bounce and Freeze are both wierd. So I don't really see the difference, Vauban doesn't do much outside of defense to warrant God Tier.

Also, Excalibur should be in High Tier, because Slash Dash.

Everything else seems roughly in place.

Edited by PaperAlien
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Why hello there!


It's been a while but DE has finally started to adapt and balance some things. Once again Old-Timers and experienced players took votes to present you this brand new (not really lol) Tier List of Overall Usefulness!




Nova - Two words: Desing Council. You can't expect that so many people will create something that is good or even logical. She was supposed to be "Antimatter-Based Frame" but screw this, Wormhole! It's like with cooking, DE allowed eveyone to pick their favourite thing and then they've mixed it together into something disgusting (Translation note: Disgusting means "Useless"). Her damage is WEAK, she doesn't scale above level 25 (Ember Syndromre hrhr) and her Ulti is one of the worst in the game mechanic-wise. You have to cast it... then you have to kill the target... and then finally goes the chain explosion. Way too weak and not satysfying. But that's probably because of the... YUP... armor scaling.


Final Verdict: Low Tier (But of course. Desing Council are not Game Developers. How could they desing something better than this...generic Damage Dealer that doesn't scale.)

Final Feedback: She's like Ember. Nice to some point (so is any other Frame), but alter on she's starting to fall behind... fast. I don't even know what needs to be done to change that. Armor Ignore? Some utility? I got nothing. I can only hope that's the last the when developers allowed the Community to create their own Frame.

While I disagree with the choices made on the majority of the skills on Nova, I have to say that I would place her mid to high tier and that is because paired with a DoT frame like Vauban with his Vortex, Nova's MolPrime does huge damage when there are several enemies in the vortex.  As soon as the weakest one bites the dust inside it, the rest follow suit in like 2 seconds.  Easy cleanup of lvl 100+ enemies.

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If Frost is top tier, Volt would certainly be mid tier with his shield, that thing is AMAZING! bonus damage AND invulnerability? yes please. 


Both of there ults are meh.


Both of there direct damage skills are meh.


Speed and freeze are both very different but both have gotten me out of some pretty sticky situations. 


They both have the same shield capacity and armour means nothing with shield like that.


The way i see it the thing that makes frost good is snow globe and the thing that makes volt good is shield.

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Nova is low tier.


What the F*** is OP smoking? I'd put her on God Tier with that damage.


She can END high level defense missions in one hit.


Im not sure if frost is really a top tier or not. He's just tanky with one awesome skill, and 3 entirely useless skills.

Edited by Oizen
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Nova is low tier.


What the F*** is OP smoking? I'd put her on God Tier with that damage.


She can END high level defense missions in one hit.


Im not sure if frost is really a top tier or not. He's just tanky with one awesome skill, and 3 entirely useless skills.

Hes kind of right about everything else though. Besides it would mean everything in Mid-Tier and below would get a buff.

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Let's be real here.


***With the introduction of Constitution, (+knockdown recovery) and more importantly, +28% power duration, Rhino and Trinity need to be moved to high tier. Trinity's Link is one of the strongest offensive power if not the strongest against high level enemies, so your point about damage over tanking is not really valid at all. +58% power duration because Continuity and Constitution stack together

*You have to use more than just defense because some abilities are better in defense than in normal missions. Snow Globe and Bastille. And I read your post that you do use other missions, I just wanted to add this.


Rhino's Iron Skin isn't solely a 1200 free shield cushion. It also draws aggro which is important in a team and more so because Rhino has massive amounts of shields and health. One ability doesn't stop him from being in high tier no matter how unsatisfactory you think it is. Otherwise, your list is more biased than objective. Also 58% power duration makes his Rhino Stomp and Roar even more powerful.


Trinity + longer Link = high tier.



Except that the only thing that power duration effects on Rhino is rhino charge. Don't ask me why because it makes no sense. But roar and stomp aren't effected by power duration mods.

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I can't take this list seriously anymore...


I can get to wave 50+ on Xini with enemies still not able to break Iron Skin in 1 hit. And since enemies are weaker than that in...well...basically 100% of circumstances(so through all of the actual game ignoring endurance &!$$ing contests)...saying it's still a useless skill is pretty $&*&*#(%&. Ignoring of course the ever present fact that even IF it were a useless skill, so is silence. And that doesn't stop Banshee from being top tier.


Excal is the trashiest trash. No redeeming qualities. Low stats, low damage, low utility. There is no reason he should be medium.


Mag pull can insta-kill a dozen level 200+ enemies(tested). It's an amazing skill, especially against melee enemies.


Nova has the highest damage in the game, this is a fact. As well as having some situational utility.




But the reason I can't take the list seriously is because of the OP. He refuses to engage in any actual 'discussion' or offer any revisions to his list based on such. He only updates on new balance patches, only updates based on personal view(and very limited/often wrong information). IF he posts, it's to tell people why he's right and they are wrong, whether or not it makes any actual sense.

I haven't seen mag's pull ability...how does it insta kill mobs?  I have checked out a video of it, but I don't see any damage numbers fly off and I can't tell if people have died.  I'm just curious.

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I haven't seen mag's pull ability...how does it insta kill mobs?  I have checked out a video of it, but I don't see any damage numbers fly off and I can't tell if people have died.  I'm just curious.


Two ways to instantly 'kill.'


The first being the obvious, like Banshee/Kestrel. You move them to an area where there is no floor, they fall and die.


The second isn't 'killing' but it's effectively removing them from the battle. Mob AI isn't that advanced. Especially infested. If you go to an area they are not designed to get to(like on top of the crates on Xini), and then pull them to you...they will be stuck there. Locked. Unable to get down. And if they are melee(like all infested), it will remove them from the fight.

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i decided that if i want to make a warframe, i will go to the wiki, read the stats and abilities, and decide if i like it.

reason? people in this forums think they know everything about the warframes, even if they didnt use them.

oh, and OP? it says you are here since may. i hardly think you farmed each warframe and leveled them to level 30 in some months, unless you played non-stop. and you are not any kind of founder, so i don´t think that you bought the warframes with platinum.


chao everyone, see you on the wiki!

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It's sad that the dev's actually namedropped the OP in a livestream, when it's so clear the OP has no idea what they're talking about.


Nova can only do damage to low-level enemies? Uh... what? Nova is THE most OP frame right now; it seriously needs a nerf. I've been playing Nova in Tower 3 defense and Ceres, Eris, and Pluto defense up to wave 50 (i've gone higher, too, but it doesn't matter because at that point it's more efficient to just claim & exit and reset the levels) -- Corpus, Infested, and Grineer. Nova's damage drops off, yes, just like every single other frame. But that 50% slow, 2x damage multiplier, and the damage on Molecular Prime all remain very useful. Plus, a duration of 60 seconds and a range of 25 meters when maxed? "Low-tier" frame that's only good against mid-level enemies, are you kidding me? Antimatter Drop isn't some worthless gimmick that's only worth using if you "like absorption mechanics" -- it's game-breaking because it allows players to deal literally the maximum damage the game code will allow (around ~239,000). Nova's 1 isn't that great compared to 2 and 4, but when maxed it's still a base, unmodded damage of 1200 damage total (3x to light infested) for 25 energy -- more than any other frame except for Saryn's Venom if you spread it around. The portal is really fun, but its usefulness is kind of "meh" for the cost of 75 energy (it's nice to be able to pull Toxic Ancients off the pod without a Loki or a Vauban's Vortex).


I really don't care about whatever arbitrary criteria the OP uses to differentiate between "tiers". When it comes to Defense, it's clear that Vauban, Frost, and Nyx are much stronger than other frames (Frost and to a lesser extent Nyx for Corpus, Grineer, and Tower defense; Vauban and Nyx for Infested defense). And when it comes to damage output Nova simply outclasses all of the other frames -- no other frame has the combination of a double damage multiplier and multiple instances of 800 AoE damage in a 25m radius, and no other frame can hit the hard damage cap (239,000) by pressing 2 and shooting for a couple seconds. Molecular Prime and Antimatter drop need nerfs. Badly.


Honestly, game balance as a whole needs a complete overhaul. It's ridiculous that, for example, you need a Frost to do Tower, Corpus, and Grineer defense. It's not literally necessary to have a Frost on your squad, but if you are the average player clicking on a high-level endless defense node, you're lucky to find a group that will go to wave 10 without a Frost. Infested defense is a bit more flexible, which is why it's so much more popular. But seriously, that's horrible. DE, your endgame right now is grinding Infested defense hoping to get a Tower key that isn't a t2 raid or exterminate, sitting there doing nothing while a Nova, an Ember, or someone with an Ogris clears everything by pressing a button.

Edited by litlir
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