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Disappointed in Nyx & assorted thoughts


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Grabbed Nyx today when I got online and have been playing with her since, and it's a shame to say I'm pretty disappointed in how she plays.

As a start she is extremely weak as far as survival. At level 17 with 4 health upgrades, 2 shield upgrades, 1 47 HP mod, and 2 armor mods (30% and 40%) she still takes damage extremely fast, now this I can understand if the other points on this list were fixed, but as it stands now it feels hard to play her.


Mind Control: I really like the idea behind this power, but it's execution is off. Often I find the controlled enemy doesn't like to attack other enemies, and allies constantly get too hung up attacking the mind control victim because they can't tell that's what's happening. Amongst all this, it doesn't look like you get any XP for any kills the victim gets, which is frustrating if you're trying to level weapons and frames (which I constantly am.) All of those combined make me want to stay away from this power. Also, as a side note, the Mind Control Boost has no blue text saying what it boosts.

Psychic Bolts: Another power that I really like the sound of but in execution is very lack luster. In my experience, the bolts only hit the target about 50% of the time, sometimes even when that target is in plain view, out in the open. When they do hit, they rarely get kills. On top of all that, when upgraded, it appears to only add one bolt. Now I could be wrong about that, but that's what it seems. At least these kills I get XP for.

Chaos: This power I can't really say anything about, I assume it's a lot like mind control in an AOE and that you can hurt the victims still. Assuming this is the case, you don't get XP for those kills either. I'll probably revisit this as I get closer to 30.

EDIT: Yeah, you totally don't get XP for these kills either.

Absorb: Looks awesome and functions pretty awesome, but with 1 major caveat, it only seems to be feasible when playing solo, Even when playing in a duo the enemies seem to attack the other player almost as soon as it's used causing it to be extremely inefficient. Great for soloing, but I'd like to play with some other people from time to time.

Other assorted thoughts:

Sniper Max Ammo: Are there any mods to increase maximum sniper ammo? I have a Snipetron Mod to increase max ammo, but it actually increases rifle ammo instead, which isn't too helpful.

Dual Zoren: Dual Zoren feel extremely underpowered, it feels at the moment like it's more practical to use the charge all the time due to it's low charge time. That's fine and all I guess if that's what you're looking for, and although smashing E a bunch isn't much more interesting, I'd rather do that than have to hold E for about a half a second each time to do the same animation over and over. At that point, I'd rather just go use another weapon.

Rhino Helm: I can see reducing speed and increasing armor, but the change is too extreme in my opinion. Rhino becomes useless in team games when using it unless the team decides to hang out and wait for him to catch up after every little skirmish. That or you end up using charge just to get around (which people already do, but at this point charge is exclusively for transport.) I haven't gotten a self destruct mission yet while using the helm, but I'm afraid to see what would happen there if playing solo.

Ash Helm: Similar to the Rhino helm, The change is too drastic, double power usage is not nearly worth it enough for the amount of stamina you get. x1.5 power usage would be good, maybe even x1.75, but x2 is way too much.

EDIT: Maybe I should test things more before I talk.

Upgrade trees for warframes: I know it's not a popular opinion, but I think we should have 45 levels and be able to max out the tree. Leaving it like this is just going to bring in a bunch of meta building. "Power X is trash, skip that area of the tree. Rhino isn't tanky enough if he doesn't take route X. Ember is useless unless she gets all the power max in X side of the tree." The only way that's going to be prevented in the current setup is if everything is balanced really really well, which I'm sure is a dev goal, but you can only balance so well. In my opinion, add more mod slots with more, different types of frame specific mods if you want more uniqueness between the frames.

I'm off to go max Nyx and onto Frost after that.

/wall of text

Edited by Theowningone
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Rhino helm says it increases health not armor. Their typo or yours?

Base Rhino armor is 150 now anyways.

I can double check, but it didn't seem like there was an increase in HP, although I seemed to take significantly less damage. Either way, rhino is still too slow.

EDIT: After counting up my mods and upgrades, the health should have been around 358, ingame it is exactly 357. So it's either armor or broken.

EDIT 2: Description is confirmed to say "increases health"

Edited by Theowningone
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Control mind imho must make enemy go to your side for five minutes or less, not to control him...

5 Minutes is a very long duration compared to any other spell in the game. You can clear a mission in that time. I'm sure right now it's just a matter of getting the programming right, while my experience wasn't smooth a target I used Mind Control on sort of followed me-ish and attacked whatever was closes to it.

Nyx's Chaos is fine for me, if I get rushed I simply pop it and move to a safe distance and lay waste to the confused enemies. Not sure about the exp thing though.

Now her Absorb is a little buggy, or quite is more appropriate to say. I've used it and been knocked out of the absorb bubble, I didn't take damage nor did the spell stop but I'm sure that's not how it was intended. I also think it lasts too long, like there doesn't seem to be an actual cap to how much damage absorbed, more like a limited duration till it's 'release' effect, and even then the blast feels lacking. The distance the particles travel seem longer than the actual range of the spells damage radius, maybe it doesn't pierce enemies either. A few instances it felt that way when I was surrounded, only the few closest enemies were hit.

Overall I quite like Nyx.

Edited by Frazeil
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Ember is crap also, overheat and world on fire seems the same(only one skill is useful against weak mobs only Blast, World on fire is even weaker and cant understand range and damage is super low for so super slow skill, waste of energy and waste of time to use this warframe yet), both skills looks same, both skills ar SUPER SLOW even same animation, when u try to use them all mobs ar dead already from other team members, looks like everyone playing rhino(most op warframe like i see, one hit anything simple, super survavability,its should be like tank but its a best killer and best tank in one), game ballance is very poor,melee weapon damage is super huge, people one hit simple max lvl mobs when i need seconds to shoot them, instancing is huge running, im even rarely shoot anything(when i wana xp i go solo, again everything is soloable except higher bosses, can take too long to kill but possible), its coz game is too easy, i prefer global agenda's instancing, there everyone can help each other with skills and u happy when they kill mobs(here its a kill stealing and everyone hate each other) and u never can go solo, here everyone rush to kill mobs and loot faster, here is no teamplay at all, i prefer reward at the end then this booring runing and looting, wtf is affinity i dnt understand still, rank go up by killing tonns of mobs most faster, HEK shotgun is crap even maxed and with great mods(look in game what wep ppl using, 99,9% of ppl use gorgon), most of weapons is useless vs others, knifes useless also yet, waiting for ballance to TEAMPLAY! Going for Frost MAYBE if its more uselful then Ember , location Ceres>Exta

Edited by DrunkPunk
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I agree with prety much everything above - Nyx ( whom I have ) was actualy quite fast - and I coud keep away from most danger with that speed ( I am quite use to acrobatics and constant motion ) butI have not evaluated much of her special abillites -

In other words - I feel that her speed gives a slight balance to low health or shield ( not that It would be bad if they upped it a bit)

Edited by tactical_surgeon
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First thing I did when I saw the update was grab Nyx the abilities sounded pretty awesome. But I have to agree on mind control being an almost useless skill, I even started yelling it out to my friends when I used it "INCOMING USELESS ABILITY!" 90% of the time the person I control either 1) Stands there and maybe fires a shot if they are really feeling into it. Or 2) Stands completely still aiming around not firing and just being a sort of meat shield the other ones bully. I was hoping that it was worked on a bit more, some enemies are even more useless to mind control. Such as Shockwave Moa, instead of attacking you with shockwaves they attack when other enemies get close. And yet the shockwave only affects you (Perfect..), Shield Osprey well same thing but instead of shielding you they run around shielding your foes (aka no change). Grineer some reason like to default to hit you with my rifle mode when controlled. They get eaten up with bullets pretty fast. Infected honestly the Charger helped a tid. Not much but more than all the others. The rest are pretty clunky and useless if controlled. Psychic Bolts well considering it does half hearted damage, doesn't home very well at all and is very lackluster in its execution other than.. "GO LITTLE GREEN BOLTS THAT PROBABLY WON'T HIT ANYTHING!" And when they do hit the damage is pretty weak. I'll keep playing her hoping things get better. This isn't an insulting post just my few of the main issues I was having. Have fun.

Edited by ShockCollar
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Ember is crap also, overheat and world on fire seems the same(only one skill is useful against weak mobs only Blast, World on fire is even weaker and cant understand range and damage is super low for so super slow skill, waste of energy and waste of time to use this warframe yet), both skills looks same, both skills ar SUPER SLOW even same animation, when u try to use them all mobs ar dead already from other team members, looks like everyone playing rhino(most op warframe like i see, one hit anything simple, super survavability,its should be like tank but its a best killer and best tank in one), game ballance is very poor,melee weapon damage is super huge, people one hit simple max lvl mobs when i need seconds to shoot them, instancing is huge running, im even rarely shoot anything(when i wana xp i go solo, again everything is soloable except higher bosses, can take too long to kill but possible), its coz game is too easy, i prefer global agenda's instancing, there everyone can help each other with skills and u happy when they kill mobs(here its a kill stealing and everyone hate each other) and u never can go solo, here everyone rush to kill mobs and loot faster, here is no teamplay at all, i prefer reward at the end then this booring runing and looting, wtf is affinity i dnt understand still, rank go up by killing tonns of mobs most faster, HEK shotgun is crap even maxed and with great mods(look in game what wep ppl using, 99,9% of ppl use gorgon), most of weapons is useless vs others, knifes useless also yet, waiting for ballance to TEAMPLAY! Going for Frost MAYBE if its more uselful then Ember , location Ceres>Exta

This post goes very well with your name.

The first section about Ember being weak is pretty accurate.

The second about Rhino being one shotting enemies seems a bit off. Is that a referral to his skills being too strong? Or the weapons the person was using? Sounded like they just had strong weapons.

Running and looting? All loot drops for everyone, as in, if a blue print drops from a boss then the same blueprint will drop for everyone.

No team play at all? There is a bit of team play but it's entirely up to the players to accomplish that.

HEk crap damage? What. The. Hek... Are you even using it? The damage is great on the HEK.

Weapons useless vs others? Huh? I don't get it. There's no PvP so what "others" are you talking about?

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Fun fact, you can mind control bosses.

After getting Chaos 2, it's nice, but not perfect. There are 3 problems with it:

#1. You don't get XP for the kills.

#2. The enemies don't always attack each other (Although it appears to work better than Mind Control.)

#3. It seems to suffer from "Trinity" syndrome. It's cool to make all the enemies fight, but your teammates still sweep through enemies far to quickly to make it super useful.

Edited by Theowningone
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I think if they make a huge buff to Enemy toughness in the end game lvls so that we can have a decent fire fight that doesn't end in the enemy getting completely swept then Nyx's skills will be really usefull. The game needs to scale in difficulty better when people join a game

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