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[Level/boss Idea] The Gravirol


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This AI was originally just a set of blueprints on a sheet created by the corpus for an AI controlled ship, they then went missing for a few years after a grineer raid on the ship. These blueprints were unearthed again by a scientist who was scavenging wrecked ships. The scientist was then attacked by the infestation who made home inside the wrecked ship and the scientist was then taken by the infested. The Corpus then found the blueprints again aboard said ship after dealing with the Infestation and began working on the behemoth of a project. Very few prototypes of this AI exist and more are being created. Only the Tenno can stop it.


Stats: (don't have numbers so I'll just write things like high or low)

Health: High

Shields: High (No recharge)

Speed: Medium

Armor: High

Damage: Low

Main Ability: Control over gravity and pressure

Faction: Corpus



The Gravirol

You land aboard the ship and you are cut off from the Lotus aboard as the signal is seemingly being blocked and on the way through the ship you are constantly contacted by the ship's AI taunting you every step of the way. The ship only has Moas aboard, no corpus soldiers and it is full of traps and turrets. Also the boss will mess with the area around you by messing with gravity, using force to knock you down and other methods of stopping you. You need to get to the AI room of the ship and defeat the Gravirol Robot to destroy the ship, the robot walks on two legs, has one arm as a turret and one as an gravity manipulation device in the shape of an arm. Once done you get contacted by the Lotus to escape to extraction.


Abilities (Not in AI room):

Earthquake: Sends a shaking quake through the ship, not damaging you but knocking you down if you don't jump in time.

Toxic Deployment: The ship locks down and if you're not able to hack fast enough, toxic gas begins damaging the player until the hacking is complete.

Osprey deployment: Deploys 4 ospreys of any random kind in the room.

Moa Deployment: Deploys 6 moas in the same room as you.

Electrical Circuit: The walls and ceiling begin surging with electricity as an electrical rod sticks out of the roof and it slowly spreads through the ground while you need to destroy the electrical rod sticking out of the roof to stop it before you get fried.

Breach: The windows of the ship smash making you slowly lose shields and/or health until you hack to close the window.


Abilities (combat):

Boosters: The mechanical robot flies around with jet boosters coming from the bottom of it's feet for a short time.

Gatling gun: It shoots you like most enemies do...

Gravity Slam: It lowers gravity for a short time but if you are in mid-air when it ends then it will increase gravity to a large amount to slam you into the ground, damaging your shields and/or health, this brings it down if it is flying.

No Earthwire: It's indestructable cable connecting it into the ships main systems begins sparking with electricity, so don't go behind it or it'll move around to make it electricute you.


Reason(s) to destroy it:

1: It is a powerful corpus AI, capable of being able to cause a lot of trouble in the future

2: Many non-corpus ships have fell victim to this ship

3: It is used for deliveries too so it may have some Intel onboard of Tenno's locations and/or artifacts.



Now I'm only going to acknowledge mature responses so that means no:

"OMG dis idea is stoopid bcuz it is just a robot spaceship"

Mature criticism and/or helpful advice please :)



























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