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Orokin Towers Outside The Void


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Plenty of people throughout the forums are bemoaning the fact that the Orokin Towers in the Void are not decrepit or decayed but instead looks brand new as thought the Orokin people just left it. I personally loved it when in my first mission to the void I discovered that it was in fact not ruined and antiquated, because as the developers have confirmed it is a dimension outside our relative space and time. My one complaint would be the fact that the enemies of the void are just reskined, albeit beautifully reskined, enemies from the three factions. A great compromise would be to create Orokin towers ruins that do look ancient, outside the Void. Since the towers would be outside the Void the regular rules of time would apply, meaning the towers would decay after a millennium. As well it would explain the presence of the Corrupted as the various factions would have entered and sprung a trap that would have assimilate them into the towers defenses, this could free up a place for a whole new and original enemy set for the Void Towers.

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