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Dojo Halls = Clan Tiers? + Suggested Fix


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My thoughts on the Clan Halls = Clan Tiers and therefore resource costs. I have looked around and seen a lot of complaining about this but not yet any suggestions about how to prevent or fix this. 


Firstly I am the Warlord of an 30 member Shadow Clan


I have been trying to figure out if building an Great Hall will push us up to the Storm(100 member) Clan Tier or is we are meant to have a great hall as a Shadow clan. I have see ALOT of people in the Ghost Clans(10 members) saying that they got all excited and built all the Halls just to realize this put them in the Moon Clan(1000 members) Tier. Simply destroying these Halls did not fix the problem. 


Therefor my First suggestion to the Devs is very simply the tool tips on each Hall to state "building this Hall will increase your clan size to (insert clan Tier names here)" 


Secondly as they have a popup telling you that donating the first time will result in the forfeit of your reset they put a popup to confirm that building this Hall will increase your Clan Tier. 


As it is currently DE are going to have to sift thought a bunch of support tickets that could have been avoided with a few simple extra lines of text. 


I really hope that they fix this issue very soon. 


Now something to help with this could be another room for the Dojo that increases the Capacity of the Dojo other than a Hall. I feel that just because you are a small Clan you should not be restricted to a TINY Dojo. As it stands building a Basic Dojo with the 4 labs, connectors and reactors for these a single dueling room leaves you with Very little of your original Capacity. With the addition of decorations now that cost 3 capacity each this means that these clans will also be forced to have a dull Dojo. 


Please do not take me for a whiner here. I Love what the Devs have done this is simply a few suggestions to make their support tickets less and give all clans the opportunity to have an awesome Clan Dojo.



Dragon Reapers Warlord

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Agreed. I mean I was planning on a Ghost clan, now I´m waiting for official word on what´s gonna go on. I mean am I still a ghost clan for events or did we abandon that right by building a great hall? I mean if it´s still based on actual members I´m okay with how it is now, that building a hall makes all rooms more expensive, that way my Dojo can grow fast in the beginning and that slower and slower the larger it gets. But if every hall means we move up a tier when it comes to events. That´s what worries me.

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I do agree with what you wrote in general, I do have something to add though: the capacity for decorations is actually seperate for every room and does not count towards your general dojo capacity. As far as I can tell every room and connector has 15 deco capacity.

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Definitely need to be able to get more capacity without having to increase your clan size. My clan wants to be a 10 man clan, and compete as such. However, without more capactiy, we can't place all the dojo rooms present with our hallway layout desire, nor will we be able to place our decor. This is sincerely disappointing. I hope small clans won't have to wait for yet another update just to be able to get at the content that large clans can. =/

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I do have something to add though: the capacity for decorations is actually seperate for every room and does not count towards your general dojo capacity. As far as I can tell every room and connector has 15 deco capacity.

Thanks for this ill check it out. If it is so then this will be awesome :)

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Agreed.  Didn't see any indication of tier increase in the architect menu, so I accidentally bumped my 3-member clan into the 30-100 tier by building the Great Hall.


Yes i did the same, but my hall is still in the 95% when i heard about this. But there is no cancel button now :/ so i'm basically screwed. They should calculate clan sizes by the actual size not how many halls they have... or at least have a indication " If you build this room and you want a small clan you're screwed ha-ha-h...a"

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Ya I agree clan halls should not equal clan tier. I mean I always wanted to make a great big epic dojo for my little ghost clan, with all these various grand/great/greater halls and such on various floors to give this sense of epicness. But we can't do that currently.

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Definitely need to be able to get more capacity without having to increase your clan size. My clan wants to be a 10 man clan, and compete as such. However, without more capactiy, we can't place all the dojo rooms present with our hallway layout desire, nor will we be able to place our decor. This is sincerely disappointing. I hope small clans won't have to wait for yet another update just to be able to get at the content that large clans can. =/


The Shadow clan mat requirements ( i think) arent that big. I made a Great Hall not know the price increase and i got my one-man clan into Shadow tier.The prices went from being a few hundred to everything being around a thousand. A few hundred you can get from a few missions, a thousand isn't going to take a single person more than a few days. The first jump in prices isnt that big.


That said, yes, they need pop-ups mentioning this in game. I played a few nightmare missions where folks had no idea why they were bleeding. People just do not keep up with game info. Stuff need to be in front of you so you can cover all bases and not create situations like this.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Agreed. My clan, which originally wanted to remain a ghost clan, built 2 clan halls and great halls. Now we're stuck in what I believe are the prices for the river clan, but I can't even be sure because there's nothing indicating what tier we are. The entire tier system for clans is extremely vague. 

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I think it is really stupid that what halls you build determine your clan size.

You know what should determine your clan size? YOUR CLAN SIZE. NUMBER OF MEMBERS.

we were really excited to see we can build all 3 of the new halls in a row, only to get screwed over by new resource costs

Edited by Vard
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Yes please fix this. We built the hall and put all the resources into it then realized what that meant and now we are stuck with 36000 nano spores needed for other things... We have 9 members with only like 3 active farmers.

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The capacity required for decorations is room specific not dojo specific (I think).

Edit: herp derp someone already said this

Also: why don't you read the patch notes?!?!?!

It should not be necessary to come to the forums for every little bit of information, especially when the patch notes are vague themselves and make no mention of several issues that people are having.


Not having any sort of in-game indication regarding clan tier is ridiculous and shows a lack of polish regarding the update.

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Got reply from support... if u build a Hall you're screwed... they will not revert clansize, costs or anything else...


  • Hallo Yerkamo,

    Es tut mir Leid aber nach der Vollendung der Halle wird der Clan auf die nächste Stufe gehoben und dieser Vorgang kann nicht mehr rückgängig gemacht werden.


For those who don't understand german, u cant revert your clansize after finishing a hall...



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It should not be necessary to come to the forums for every little bit of information, especially when the patch notes are vague themselves and make no mention of several issues that people are having.


Not having any sort of in-game indication regarding clan tier is ridiculous and shows a lack of polish regarding the update.


Patch notes are there for people to read, to know what is added or changed. The patch note is not vague at all about building halls = increasing corresponding clan tiers.


However, like usual, they should have add the information in the game regarding your current clan tier as well as a warning message when building the next tier hall for the first time.

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Patch notes are there for people to read, to know what is added or changed. The patch note is not vague at all about building halls = increasing corresponding clan tiers.


However, like usual, they should have add the information in the game regarding your current clan tier as well as a warning message when building the next tier hall for the first time.


Sry but it's not a minor effect, it's not even reversible... they got descriptions for other rooms already... and not everyone is reading patchnotes, thats fact and is known by every designer... so where is the problem to put in a warning?... no one is crying about lost mats or anything... but if u want to go back to a ghost clan cause of any upcoming events, u have to disband your clan and create a new one... thats the big @(*()$ problem... and it just suxx!

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Patch notes are there for people to read, to know what is added or changed. The patch note is not vague at all about building halls = increasing corresponding clan tiers.


However, like usual, they should have add the information in the game regarding your current clan tier as well as a warning message when building the next tier hall for the first time.

The primary purpose of patch notes is to make note of more minute changes such as buffs, nerfs, bug fixes, etc that reflect themselves in-game . There is no excuse for not adding a warning when your tier is about to change, because there is no way to otherwise tell before hand.


The patch note also neglects to mention that destroying your clan hall will not revert your tier, or that building multiple lower tier halls can throw you forward into a higher clan tier (i.e. my former ghost clan built 2 greater halls and clan halls and now we are paying at least storm clan prices).

Edited by JagenBlitz
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The primary purpose of patch notes is to make note of more minute changes such as buffs, nerfs, bug fixes, etc that reflect themselves in-game . There is no excuse for not adding a warning when your tier is about to change, because there is no way to otherwise tell before hand.


The patch note also neglects to mention that destroying your clan hall will not revert your tier, or that building multiple lower tier halls can throw you forward into a higher clan tier (i.e. my former ghost clan built 2 greater halls and clan halls and now we are paying at least storm clan prices).


The primary purpose of patch notes is to inform the players about the changes, including changes in buff, nerf bug fixes as well as new features. The clan hall implementation is a change as well as addition of feature. People should read the patch notes because it contain information about the games and updates. Not reading it is like getting a firmware upgrade and using the new function without knowing what it does.


They could have done a better job by adding a warning beforehand for first time building the next tier hall. But that doesn't mean player does not need to read the patch notes because they can't put every changes / warning to the game.


The patch notes does forget to mention the action is irreversible however, building clan halls to increase the clan tier is working as intended. If by 'clan halls' you mean Great Hall, then it is working as intended for your former clan to be in Storm Category. The following post is linked within the patch notes.




Greater hall is Shadow -> Storm

Great Hall is Ghost -> Shadow

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This needs a change. It is screwing people over that are excited about been able to build new things in their dojo and in that excitement forget about how it stupidly upgrades a clan and now they have to suffer because of a simple mistake.

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This needs a change. It is screwing people over that are excited about been able to build new things in their dojo and in that excitement forget about how it stupidly upgrades a clan and now they have to suffer because of a simple mistake.


Definitely needs to change, our small clan is screwed and we have a few active members which will take a week of farming to build a simple hallway. Who knows how long now it will take to farm for research making the game less fun for everyone, we were all excited to mess around with the dojo weapons but that's so out of reach now.

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The primary purpose of patch notes is to inform the players about the changes, including changes in buff, nerf bug fixes as well as new features. The clan hall implementation is a change as well as addition of feature. People should read the patch notes because it contain information about the games and updates. Not reading it is like getting a firmware upgrade and using the new function without knowing what it does.


They could have done a better job by adding a warning beforehand for first time building the next tier hall. But that doesn't mean player does not need to read the patch notes because they can't put every changes / warning to the game.


The patch notes does forget to mention the action is irreversible however, building clan halls to increase the clan tier is working as intended. If by 'clan halls' you mean Great Hall, then it is working as intended for your former clan to be in Storm Category. The following post is linked within the patch notes.




Greater hall is Shadow -> Storm

Great Hall is Ghost -> Shadow

The problem is that it shouldn't be absolutely necessary to read patch notes. Not reading patch notes should never screw people over like this. I'm not asking them to notify us of every change in-game, because it isn't necessary. A warning for this, however, should be common sense. Whenever you upgrade something it's usually going to tell you explicitly about any major changes that drastically affect how you use it.


Exactly. The greater hall is supposed to push you to the storm clan tier. The problem is we never built a greater hall, yet our prices are storm tier at the very least because we built two great halls, which was never mentioned as something that could happen.

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