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[Warframe Concept] Ace-The Gambler


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I like Orokins, don't play with dice

 Life is the coin that we gamble in the battlefield. Ace is an warframe that will gamble his own life to save his allies fulfill the mission.

Status (rank 0/30)

 Shield Capacity: 150/450

Health: 100 /300

Armor: 150

Power: 125/175

Sprint Speed: 1.0


Passive: Risky Game - For each 5% of missing max health will recive 10% of Crit. Chance for all equiped wepons 

1 Winning Move -Next shot will be a garanted Crit with 0.5 multipliyer, that (25%) of the damage dealt will come back as shields.

   Energy cost 25       Scale whith  Power Strength [100% of P.S. = 25% recived shield]

2 Raising bets - Consume life to cast- team buff incresing in 60% armor and 35% of Sprint speed for 20s in a 10meters range.

Cost 50 health          Scale with Power Strength , Duration , Range [100% PS = 60% Armor; 100% PS=35% Sprint speed] [100%D= 20s] [100%R=10m]

3 Marked card - Throw a hidden card of his sleeve in a enemy , marking and staggering it ; upon death it will relase a healing blast that regenate 150 health and stagers nearby enemies in a 10meters range , the first stagger last 15s , second and beyod will only last for 5s  the mark has a 15s duration on the target ,just one enemy can be marked at time.

Cost 75 energy       Scale with  Power Strength,Duration (100%PS =150 health) (100%duration=15s mark/1st stagger)  

4 CHEATING - Creates a Triangular shape zone(base 7.5m , height 4m) that grant invenvibility to any alied with 10% of less max health and lower in 50% any energy cost of his and allies abilitys (50% discount after efficiency computed) , last for 22s.

Cost 125 energy    Scale with Range,Duration  (100% R= 15m triangle area) (100% D= 22s)


Extra : - I don't remember how this idea germinate ,well this is my first fan concept,(i have some more),maybe T.Fate have inspired me 

            - his 4th ability could have been named ''surpassing the odds'' or ''sigularity'' but ''Cheating'' feel more apropriate 

            (- with someone would like to drawn him i will be pleased):satisfied:

           - for his ult i thougt about letting the player have 333s of invencibility (the lucky number 3)

            -His passive is suposed to aplly with other crit. chance mods .

            -I don't have any nice idea for the back history for this warframe,

            -would be funny to get his parts from a illegal space gamble game where players could bet credits for rewards .

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1 hour ago, midtarget said:

can people stof using the dark colour? its really annoying and hurts my eyes because i use the dark theme

Edgelord can't stand the edge not coming from him, eh? Jk.

Well, I agree, lots of edgelords these days, with edgy color schemes at base for concepts. I agree. 

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At 5% health, he receives 19 times 10% critical chance = 190% critical chance. If you had a weapon with 10% critical chance, it would end up with either 200% or 29% total crit chance. If it was a Dread (50%), then it would be... im not good with math, I give up.


How winning move works with standard criticals? I mean, If you weapon is already 100% critical chance, what would happen, double critical?

Cheating - thats damn powerful. Real cheater whoever stands there.

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6 hours ago, daredevinho said:

At 5% health, he receives 19 times 10% critical chance = 190% critical chance. If you had a weapon with 10% critical chance, it would end up with either 200% or 29% total crit chance. If it was a Dread (50%), then it would be... im not good with math, I give up.


How winning move works with standard criticals? I mean, If you weapon is already 100% critical chance, what would happen, double critical?

Cheating - thats damn powerful. Real cheater whoever stands there.

the idea  Winning move was to half  the damage multiplier for a granted crit , the passive could stack to become a granted red crit if the wepon have more than 100% of crit chance   

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