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Don't Waste Forma Or Leveling Time On An Aura Slot



I thought it through. Don't do it.

We have a chance at getting auras changed, and maybe getting mod cost removed.

If we do NOT get it changed, still don't polarize it.

It is better off spent on something else. Why?

There are three different auras that are actually used: Rifle Amp, Enemy Radar, and Energy Siphon.

Both Energy Siphon are Enemy Radar use a Tactical polarity, but Rifle Amp uses an Attack polarity. If you have to switch, that mod capacity saved won't matter anymore. Just stick to default aura polarization. If it matches, good for you.

If you polarize something else, there won't really be much to replace a mod with since you have many other mod slots. When you polarize a warframe enough, one or two non-matching slots won't really matter anymore.

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Or just remove the polarization for complete flexibility


That costs a forma.


Losing 3 points of mod capacity isn't much to lose sleep over when you could save six points with a forma on another slot.

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Way I see it if they want to keep the aura things fine they want to make it cost from a total 60point warframe sure why not BUT if you're going to do so then give the frames more points to work around it or make the aura stronger OR at least remove the polarity and the cost and make them harder to level but in doing so since would be harder also make it more efficient?

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