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Bursting Forward! Nova's Journey Diary


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Erm ... is that second-last line Asclepius talking about himself, Chiron talking to him or someone else who managed to break into her code? *confused*

It's Asclepius, sorry. I will go back and clarify this. ^^ Asclepius considers himself a male entity.

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I need to watch more of Xenosaga: Episode I, II, and III video game cut scenes so I can get a better idea of what works best for Chiron's current baby in progress.


Whilst I am away doing this (I'm an hour and a half into a seven hour long movie for episode I), I am going to hold a contest.

It's like this folks:
You are to try your hand at writing-- I want a personal essay--limited to 2 pages worth--from each of my readers who participate detailing one of their warframes much like I do with Chiron, Laze, and Maenadae for the separate ones I own. Give them their story, their personality, parts of their background, life, etc.


The winner will get a surprise friendship bracelet from me sent to them in the mail hemp choker I just completed today!~♥
I will judge these by originality, imagination, and proper writing structure. (So if you can't use paragraphs, proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling, it's an automatic disqualification.) As a hint of what colors it has... It has rainbows. :3 But you don't know how it looks until you win, no?


The deadline for submissions will be Monday, July 22nd 6pm MDT. Send a personal message my way for my e-mail once complete. ^^


Current Participants:




A clanking of metal could be heard beneath his feet. He was in a vent shaft ready to start a raid mission. He recognized the type of robot he saw, a shockwave moa, with about 6-7 or seven crewmen. He waited for a clearing in the traffic, and then crashed to the floor out of the vent. Before he left the area he magnetized the vent to the roof so nobody would notice. He wore a Vauban warframe, and he liked to think he was stealthy, but often missed that goal by being seen by a menial goon, such as a crewman or camera. He moved forward towards his objective, unseen by many of the crewman. As he approached it he noticed something odd, an excess of enemies was guarding this artifact. It had to be something important.


“This should be easy” He said to himself, as he repelled down from the roof of the artifact room. He first locked the doors then started the hacking sequence to reveal the artifact. At first, he thought it was going to be a normal artifact, in a containment cube like every other one, but as it was revealed, he realized it was something more. He looked closer to see a weapon, like a normal Paris he had seen but with robotic bits on it to form an aiming assist system and some other parts he did not recognize.


“There it is, grab the artifact and get out of there” said Lotus, as he grabbed it and slung it around his shoulder. He undid the locking sequence and closed the storage unit, leaving a surprise for the Corpus inside. As he was climbing the cable to get back up to the roof he decided he would wait a moment to see the carnage. Almost immediately after the locks disengaged 4 Corpus techs scrambled into the room like a bunch of idiots.


“You have another objective Tenno, Uncover information on the weapon you acquired, and while you’re at, it inquire about its capabilities.” Lotus said, with excitement in her voice.

As He listened in to the conversation of the techs he was intrigued by their obsession with the weapon.


“Check the logs, and see if anyone has been in here within the past few minutes.” One said, this one was in an odd yellow uniform.


“4 attempts at access I the past hour sir, all of them authorized by your signature” said the tech working on the console.


“Then how on Neptune did the doors lock and no sirens trigger?” said the Yellow Tech.


“Sir, I don’t know” said the tech at the console, with fear in his voice.


“Well go figure it out at the mainframe!” yelled the Yellow Tech with anger in his voice, as he slapped the red tech at the console and kicked him out of the room.


Soon another Tech walked over to the console and started reading various files and sensor readings, but stopped abruptly with grave news in front of his eyes.” Sir, Project Karina has been stolen.”


“No, this cannot be!” yelled the Yellow Tech. "My prized creation has been stolen!”


“By a Tenno, Sir”


“A Tenno you say?” the Yellow Tech said with intrigue.” I guess we’re on a manhunt boys! Search every corner of this ship. Lock down every airlock on every Corpus ship within 3 parsecs! I want the Tenno found and his head on my desk with Project Karina beside it!”


Almost as soon as the speech was over the other Techs ran out and triggered alarms. The Vauban ran through the vents as fast as he could, trying to get to the airlocks. Meanwhile, the Yellow Tech was opening the containment unit to get a better look at what stole his experiment. The unit hissed to life raising out of the floor and revealing several grenades charged with electricity ready to explode. The Tech yelped in pain and screamed “GET THAT VAUBAN!”


The Vauban was charging through hoards of crewmen with the help of his Shade. He one by one collected data masses about the weapon he had picked up. He headed towards the hangar and started running towards the airlock. All of the sudden, he ducked for cover. His shade sitting on his shoulder, his was always very weird acting, he looked up to nearly have his head shot off by a railgun moa partnered with a fusion moa. He pulled out his Scindo and quickly smashed them both to bits before heading to the airlock with his ship waiting for him. Just as he was about to reach the warframe rack he found himself trapped and quickly surrounded by Corpus Techs and the one Yellow tech who spoke,” Give me the weapon back and I promise I will go easy on your memory wipe. If not I’ll take it from your dead hands myself.” In a quick motion the Vauban pulled out a clip of Kunai and started throwing them, and killing everything in sight. Moas, crewmen, Techs, and all were in a pile of sparking rubble, with only the Yellow Tech left standing.


“Very impressive, Very impressive young Tenno. Now give me the weapon or I’ll have to rip your arms off.”

As the Tenno sat the data masses down he started to take a weapon off his back, his Hek shotgun, and quickly blasted the Yellow Techs head into the wall. The Tenno finished off the tech and walked towards his ship, the mission was over.

“Very impressive Tenno, I’ll see you back at base.” said Lotus with a giggle.

As he took off his helmet, and took a deep breathe said,” Not funny Lotus, Not a bit.”




I am Loki.

I am alone.

But I am not lonely. I walk a lonely path, full of darkness and death. I am a god of the battle field, but I am not evil. I defend my friends, trick my enemies. I fulfill my orders. I am Loki.

The anthem thundered in my head as the ship approached. The anthem of the Loki, the select few who were gifted with the ability to control the battle field, not through strength, but through cunning, trickery. Like the god of old, I stood alone, feared and hated by my own family, my own clan.

I would redeem myself for my failure, for my lack of attention. I would prove myself an asset, a help to the clan.

The fighter shuddered, clanked, then stilled. I was at the ship. The door opened, folding outward, then sliding inward, silent on it's servos. I dropped, twisted, landed in a deep crouch. It was dark, humid, a point of light visible in the distance. A service tunnel, doubtlessly to the reactor core.

I turned toward my ship, mentally sent the command to detach. There was a hiss as the vacuum of space roared inward, the air sucked from around me. I ignored it, and detached the bow on my back, sliding an arrow from the quiver smoothly. The head glowed dimly, filling the tunnel with white light. I knew it was filled with pure energy, capable of melting through the thickest armor in milliseconds.

The tunnel was long, but I traversed it quickly. It was not for nothing that I wore the frame of a racer, of a runner. There was a fan, spinning slowly, on standby mode. I carefully drew the dagger from my back, glowing with the red heat of the liquid fire contained inside, and inserted it into the edge of the fan. The fan blades hit it, and ground to a halt. I ducked forward, moving through the small gap in the blades, careful to not let the quiver knock against them and make a single sound.

The room within was dark, the only light from the glow of the river of slag below. I knew it flowed to the smelter, where it was poured to great the thousands of Grakatas the Grineer army required. It was not my concern. I withdrew the dagger, noticing how similar the slots in the blade were to the river below. I shook myself. It was a lapse in attention that led to my dishonor. I would not repeat my mistake.

I sheathed it on my back, and continued. The stairs to the left were empty, so I descended them. I was here for one reason. I would not be shaken from my path. The walk way curved to the right, then blossomed around a pillar. I ignored the panel mounted on it, and continued on, curving to the left and approaching a door.

My helmet HUD sent out a pulse, detected several life forms beyond the door. I nodded. It was a foolish hope to be able to approach her completely undetected. I sent the mental command to my armor, and instantly vanished. I knew my energy systems would hold only for a limited time. The door opened, and I rushed past, barely seeing the five Grineer Lancers in front of me, focused on the one I knew was the largest threat.

My dagger leaped into my hand, as eager to redeem itself as I was. The woman in front of me was a monstrosity, standing nearly three feet above my own head on her robotic legs. The Gorgon cradled in her arms would tear my armor to shreds in seconds.

Unless I tore her own.

My jumped, my feet precisely placed, pounding the small of her back and knocking her forward. She suspected nothing, and pitched head first to the floor, the Gorgon, held loosely, clattering away. The blade in my hand bit deep, penetrating her armor like it was rice paper, and severing the life giving flow of blood in her neck. She convulsed under me, then stilled with barely a sound.

The Lancers stared. Here was their heaviest unit, their first line of offense, laying dead on the ground, felled with out a sign. They were stunned, scared. I knew they wouldn't remain that way. I left the dagger in the neck, rose to my feet, and drew back my right arm. The Glaive on my wrist moved, seemingly of it's on violation, spinning and clicking as the blades extended. I whipped my arm forward, released.

The blade pinwheeled, nearly in slow motion. Then it impacted, ripping the Lancer's head off and ricocheting to the walls, bouncing back and taking off the knees of the Grineer. The others now switched their gaze, still unable to comprehend what had happened. I reminded them.

The arrow slammed into the lead one's chest, penetrating his heart, and killing him instantly. His corpse fell backwards, slamming into the one behind him, knocking him to the floor. Another arrow followed, hissing into the one in the rear's head, and pinning it to the metal wall behind him. He slumped, held in place by the lethal instrument through his skull.

The last Lancer now realized what was happening, and wheeled, heading for the panel nearby, doubtlessly to raise the alarm. The quiver on my back whirred, crafting new arrows for me to fire, but it wouldn't finish in time. The dagger was my last chance. I reached for it, dropping the Paris in my hand, and grasped it, wrenching it loose. The Grineer was nearly at the panel.

My hand raised, marked the Grineer, and then the room flashed. I stood in front of the panel, the Grineer behind me tripping over the corpse of the gunner and falling, flailing, to the ground. He had not suspected the teleport, and suspected even less to suddenly be atop the corpse of his commander.

The dagger flashed, released from my hand at the peak of it's movement, sailing across the room. The Grineer staggered, clutched at the hilt protruding from his chest, then fell, laying across the first victim of my rampage.

I raised a hand, activated the magnetic generators on my wrists. The Glaive vibrated, then spun into my hand, the blades retracted. I reattached it to my chest, already striding toward the small pile of corpses where my dagger and bow lay. The Lex on my hip was heavy, but not needed now. I shunned the noise it caused, preferring the silence and shadows of my Paris.

The dagger was already burning a hole around itself, searing off the traces of blood and gore on it. The bow was undamaged, the ceramics and metal used in it's creation able to withstand enormous amounts of force and damage. The quiver on my back clicked once, then fell silent, it's bounty of death refilled.

The elevator ahead was my target. The room was clear, according to my HUD, and I knew I wouldn't have to engage in open combat again soon. Gunners were rare, usually deployed in high risk areas or cross roads, not in every room.

The next room was nearly empty, with only a single Marine in it, his Strun held lazily. I ignored him and continued on, feeling the micro fusion reactor in the small of my back already refilling my energy supply.

The next room was large, fully capable of holding several full squads. It was a drop off point for the ship's cargo train, on the floor below. The rails were where I needed to be. A single Lancer was below, doubtlessly half asleep like the rest of his brethren. I approached the railing, smiling beneath my helmet. His back was turned, and his head Grakata was pointed at the ground. My wrist drew back, the Glaive snapped into my palm, and his life was ended with a single throw.

I vaulted the railing, stepping over the corpse now on the platform. The rails led to the prisoner holding, where I needed to be. The cars were parked, unneeded in the dead of “Night,” on the ship. I dropped to the rails themselves, and checked the marker I had set myself. It pointed right. I sheathed my Glaive, then broke into a sprint, quickly traveling the distance to the pure darkness beyond.

My helmet compensated, brightening shadows, allowing me to see. The tunnel was long, and took me nearly five minutes to full traverse. The woman I came for would be unable to maintain the same pace. I would have to find a way...

I was at my destination. The rail way led into an empty room, the hub near the space port of the ship. I knew they kept the prisoners nearby, to allow them easy access to prison when they brought in more.

The room was not empty, with several Lancers and Marines patrolling it. Most of them were around the panels on either side, the main hubs of traffic in the ship, but one was on the platform it self. I mentally activated my armor again, felt myself fade from view, and approached him. He was bored, clearly half asleep. He suspected nothing. I leaped upward, drawing my dagger, and buried it in his neck, dragging him off the platform.

He lay on the rails, dead without a sound. I dragged him into the shadows under the car parked on the track. He would be hidden for now. Turning my attention to the map on my helmet, I found the prison very close, only a single door away. I vaulted the edging on the track, and started up the stairs. The nearest contact was nearly fifty feet away, and I didn't bother with concealing myself.

The door hissed open on the prison, and the sensors in my helmet instantly painted the cell I needed. It was on the floor below, facing the control room in the middle, where the jailer sit. She was a Scorpion, favored by the Grineer for prison duty. The machete on her back was a dangerous weapon, able to sever an arm easily, but also cause deep bruises.

She had her back to me, and I drew an arrow, nocked it silently, and centered it on her. The arrow flew true, pinning her head to the screen in front of her, and doubtlessly killing her. I dropped down, replaced the Paris on my back, and reached to my belt, where I removed the cipher I had brought with me. The machine would hack the door open far faster than I could.

The ports fit perfectly, and the door hissed open. A blur leaped at me, a fist already drawing back. I expected thus, and ducked, flipping the Banshee wearing Tenno over my shoulder. She twisted, landed on her feet, then stopped. Her alert stance drooped, and she simply nodded at me. I knew she didn't fully trust me, even now. It was, after all, my fault she was captured. If only I had been stronger, if only I hadn't faltered, if only I had been able to protect the pod for longer, instead of allowing the Lotus to recall me.

The Grineer had captured the pod, awoken her, and stuffed her in a cell, like an animal, to study later. She had been partially awake in the pod, aware I had failed in my duty, and doubtlessly thought me weak for it. I drew the Paris from my back, extending it towards her. I knew Banshees preferred the weapon.

She cocked her head, then took the bow, drawing it to test out it's strength as I unslung the quiver on my back. She accepted it, slinging it over her own shoulder. Her grip was easy, familiar. I had crafted the weapon from her pod, after I had awoken in the chasm below it. The climb upward had been difficult, to say the least.

She looked at me now with a new tilt to her head, and she nodded once. We turned to the stairs and climbed them, her in the lead, the bow prepared and ready. The door above hissed open, and revealed four Lancers. They must have discovered the missing patrol, and weren't as drowsy as they seemed. Two leaped forward, Graktas barking, as the others turned and sprinted for the alarm panel, already shouting an alarm to those below.

In seconds, a siren wailed throughout the entire galleon, and I knew we would have to fight. I focused, vanished from sight, and dug in, sprinting full out. The Banshee was already drawing the Paris as I hit the Grineer on the left. My dagger penetrated it's chest armor as the Glaive in my right hand removed it's head from it's shoulders. The arrow from the bow knocked the second one aside, and I sheathed my Glaive, drawing my Lex.

The Banshee jumped over me, already nocking another arrow with skill and speed I couldn't replicate. The bow jumped, and another Grineer fell. I vaulted the rail in front, and raised my pistol. The Lex sang it's lethal song, and another fell, a bloody mess where his face should be. A enormous boom shook the room as the Banshee focused the sound of the shot into a wave, knocking a dozen Lancers off their feet.

I signaled for my ship, even as my cloak ran out of energy, and sprinted for the hanger controls. A Napalm greeted me, it's lethal flame cannon firing. I dove to the side, rolling, feeling the heat of the blast flaring against my shields, penetrating, burning my leg. A direct hit would destroy me. I heard the blast again, and leaped forward, sliding on my chest, between the Napalm's legs.

I pushed myself up, the dagger flickering with a lethal heat enough to rival the Napalm's own, and lunged. The blade easily penetrated the armor of the Grineer, stabbing downward into it's shoulder and causing it to drop it's weapon. An arrow sprouted from its forehead, and it staggered back as I clung to it's back. The Lex in my right hand was pressed against it's temple. The lethal song sang once more, and the Grineer fell, it's head half blown off.

I leaped backward, skidding across the floor, my leg giving way, the Lex skittering away. The panel was nearby, and my ship awaited outside the hanger doors. I pushed myself up, waving the Banshee off as she ran to aid me. I slapped the panel, the computer in my armor hacking the system and opening the doors. The Banshee ran for it, then stopped just in front. I was wounded, my leg seared, barely able to support my weight. I would never make it to the ship in time.

I looked at the Banshee, saw the indecision in her stance. I raised a hand, pointed at her, then waved at the ship. I knew I was doomed. I broke the silence I had carried since I joined the Tenno, shouting out “Go! Save yourself!” She flinched at my voice. She knew a Tenno would never speak unless they knew it didn't matter who heard them. She slowly turned, as my ship swooped in, it's doors opening. She stepped inside, and I keyed the hard reset, passing the ship onto her. It flew out, heading into the darkness of space. Safe.

The Grineer swarmed around me. I could see Lancers, Marines, at least four gunners. Blades of machetes and cleavers flickered among the crowd. Flames on the tips of Scorch's barrels filled the crowd with light. I stood, ignoring the pain in my leg, and faced them, a god of the battle field no longer. As they closed in and I drew my dagger one last time, I knew.

My honor was restored.


Edited by Shifa
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I have to draw inspiration from somewhere. ^w^


(.txt in this age had multipurpose functions, and was a long file acronym before scaling down to what it really is: An archive file.)


Go read GetBackers. Then tell me how Asclepius fits. :3 Nobody gets bonus cookies now 'cuz I had to tell you. NOOCOOKIESFURYOU!


You know what? i'll give you a cookie anyway, just because you deserve it!





And about the contest... waa i wish i could join (;A;) you wont acept it in spanish, don't you? 

I need to seriously improve my english to even write something decent... 

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You know what? i'll give you a cookie anyway, just because you deserve it!





And about the contest... waa i wish i could join (;A;) you wont acept it in spanish, don't you? 

I need to seriously improve my english to even write something decent... 




And I can try using my in browser translator, but I have no idea how it would turn out. I still want you to give your honest best effort and write it anyway. The best way to work around this is to keep a thesaurus and a dictionary on hand-- To look up a word and then synonyms. If you understand English structure enough to where you can talk to a native speaker of it with little no hitches, I bet you can write a good essay too. :3


I didn't say you can't have someone edit it, now did I? >w> <w< ^w^~♥

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/-user-Chiron, logged in/

/booting up OS... … Infinity Fortress is now active./

/activating Millennium Kingdom crystal firewall and awaiting instructions./

/-Asclepius- Hm... It seems to be working fine. There's one thing missing--/

/-user- No, it's fine. I edited out that program and replaced it with a non AI based one. It's tendencies were too destructive./

/-Asclepius- Good. I couldn't kill Priscilla. Now then, what can I do for you today?/

/-user- Please open journal.txt and be sure to ready the camera. I really hope that by recording this through my own neural interface and sending it to this tablet will work. I can't carry it with me all of the time.../

/-Asclepius- You're scared, aren't you? Take me with anyway. I had Laze do some tweaks on this device for me to act freely like a Sentinel. I can't attack, but I'm more than capable of aiding you at anytime. I'm the invincible genius! You can't kill me!!!/

/-user- That-- that explains how you floated off on your own from my hands. And produced that dragon hologram that is circling around me./

/-Asclepuius- Focus. Chiron, we're already at the designated wormhole you have created and amplified to allow every one to jump to reach “D Point” and we sure as hell aren't turning back now./

/-user- Right. Well, here we go./


*the camera starts up, bringing everyone into view before a much larger and more powerful magenta wormhole. A violet Saryn, a red and black Loki, Draconomicon, Maenadae, Laze, and Chiron are standing before it. It appears we are in the Dojo's airlock-- The room is gleaming silver with the stars of space reflecting on everyone's warframes. It's sparse and empty, with a wide curved window revealing the stars in front of them.*


Chiron: This is day--Oh, forget it... As far as I know, time will continue until I die when looking from my own eyes. But for others, it will continue. *her face is fully covered by the silver porcelain helmet that conceals her face, and her energy is a wild storm about her, revealing the stress that's she is in from this*


Black: *The Loki watches her closely much like his own family* It's going to be fun from here,

Chiron. Only, I'm not getting paid for going AWOL. Who cares? I can--


*the Saryn grabs her husband's Snipertron Vandal free hand in a reassuring grip*

Saryn:-We can finally do something we want to do with out all of the bullS#&amp;&#036;. Oh, and for the

camera's sake, I'm Hydra. My husband is Drogra. You shouldn't call him Black.


Chiron: ...Right. *she readies herself and steels her nerve in front of her clanmates* I distanced the wormhole to reach a certain point in time, and a place that is safe from the crossfire between the Corpus, USSC, and current Tenno fighting in the action. If it goes well, we should see Tiburon waiting for us after receiving Asclepius' message.


Draconomicon: There's no guarantee on this, is there?


Maenadae: *she is standing nearest to the opening of the wormhole with Laze and Draconomicon by her side* She has done all calculations and modified her ability as such. I do not doubt her skills. I'm sure Master Banshee should be within Sister Tiburon's reach... She was my leader, and my teacher from when I was young. I know that she is awake.


Laze: … If we find her, we can hopefully find the data we need as well for access to the Grand Archives. The ultimate goal from Chiron's dreams is to create a weapon that can kill the Sentience completely.


Draconomicon: So this is our ultimate goal? That's sounds like something really huge for those of us who were lower ranked in the old war. However, I have no qualms about this. Let's just go.


Chiron: *there is a long silence from her as she waits in the rear of the group* When you're ready, Nomi.


*The group splits into two, with Draconomicon, Drogra, and Laze going first. As they step through the wormhole, you can see them fade into the light in front of them heading to “Point D” from the interspacial render. Maenadae goes next firing an arrow into the hole above where the others entered. Chiron hesitates, her body shaking in the slightest out of anxiety. Laze takes Chiron's hand, and the energy flow in her helm radiates strength into Chiron.*


Laze: It's okay, little sister. After all this, we'll get that nude pic for you, and we'll all throw a huge party for you and your Sensei.


Chiron: *her energy calms somewhat from the chaotic tempest it was before* … Asclepius, end the recording right when we enter. *a deep sigh, and the two go running through*


/-Asclepius- Ending video feed. Preparing field analysis of enemy attack patterns. Shields are at 320% and cloaking ready./

/-Asclepius- Awright, ya bastards! Time for use to get back what shouldn't be gone!/

/-System is in energy conservation mode until destination is reached./

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Well, I don't really want the choker, but screw it, I'll enter. Expect the PM in an hour. A day or two. Whenever I finish it, which will be tonight, as I noticed the dead line. Lets hear it for paying attention!



And as for the story! Liking it so far. Bit more personal than most of the stories I see on here. I'm interested in the tech they use more than anything. The tablet is rather intriguing. I presume it's about the size of an average iPad in modern times, or is it smaller? Could it be mounted on her wrist?

Edited by KF5AQX
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Well, I don't really want the choker, but screw it, I'll enter. Expect the PM in an hour. A day or two. Whenever I finish it.


I write slowly :/



And as for the story! Liking it so far. Bit more personal than most of the stories I see on here. I'm interested in the tech they use more than anything. The tablet is rather intriguing. I presume it's about the size of an average iPad in modern times, or is it smaller? Could it be mounted on her wrist?

If you don't like it, and you win it, please give it to someone you care about who would. ♥ I'd hate to see something I spent time to make not being worn.

I'll add you to my list, however. ^^ Keep in mind that the deadline is 6pm MDT for submissions. (If you dangle a carrot to this, and others complain, I may extend it.)


Yeah, it's from personal experience, but it helps me draw inspiration from the game better.

As for the tablet, I love to push tech to imaginative limits. It's the size of an iPad yes, but it can hold almost infinite data if you consider how advanced computers could be at that point in time. It's what personal computer would be at that point ideally. Laze has customized it even further (being the videogamer techie she is) to float on it's own by using... some sort of science I can't think of right now-- to hover in the air as well as hologram projector that produces lifelike 3d technology. it also can boost it's owner's shields (if Asclepius actually feels like doing so) and provide raw combat data to give real time predictions of enemy movement.

No, it can't be mounted on her wrist, and even if it did, it would only get in the way of her Gram.

As for the AI... They can be liberated from servitude, but I question the thought of whether they really want to kill us at that point or not. Especially if the AI liked it's human creator.

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Don't worry, I'm sure my mother or my sister would love it. But I can't foresee myself wearing it too much.


Also, the story is up to three pages in length already! Nothing like a deadline to make you work faster!

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Keep in mind that the deadline is 6pm MDT for submissions.

//calculating, please wait ...

//UTC offset for MDT found, UTC-06:00

//converting datetime 2013-07-22 18:00 UTC-06:00 to UTC+02:00

//result: 2013-07-23 02:00 UTC+02:00


OK, I'm in. :D


OT: I picked up my Nova from the Foundry this morning and she's already level 12-ish now. Before I'll go further, I'll wait for the Reactor from this night's alert to get ready. She's really fun to play, although mastering Antimatter Drop will be some hard work. I'm still trying to figure out how to influence its flight. And because its size doesn't exactly match the distance, navigating is really complicated.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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I have read all entries, unless there's a last minute one coming in any moment. ^^ It's 5:32 MDT as I type this.


So, with this... I need to find my stamps! ;-; I can't send the prize if I don't have those, now can I? x.o

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Okay, stamp problem has been solved. ^^


I finally have my Nova, too! Whooo! *happyflails* Cookies for everyone! *tosses around cranberry, raisin, and almond oatmeal cookies with a few snickerdoodles hidden through out the bulk*

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After reading the entries, I have picked my winner! Score basically went out the window here. >.<;;


The most engaging story was about a Loki who lost his honor got it back by rescuing the Banshee he failed to rescue.

CONGRATZ, Mr. KF5AQK! *confetti attack* (Seriously, what do I call you?! Your name sounds like the latest production model PIN of a Moa.)


If you will PM me your mailing address, I will happily send this choker to you in the following week.

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After reading the entries, I have picked my winner! Score basically went out the window here. >.<;;


The most engaging story was about a Loki who lost his honor got it back by rescuing the Banshee he failed to rescue.

CONGRATZ, Mr. KF5AQK! *confetti attack* (Seriously, what do I call you?! Your name sounds like the latest production model PIN of a Moa.)


If you will PM me your mailing address, I will happily send this choker to you in the following week.



I... I won? Well, damn. My sister has a new choker now!


As for the name, most people call me KF5, or just Will. My screen name is actually my HAM radio call sign, so it is basically random numbers and letters >.>

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I... I won? Well, damn. My sister has a new choker now!


As for the name, most people call me KF5, or just Will. My screen name is actually my HAM radio call sign, so it is basically random numbers and letters >.>

Got it! I've labeled the envelope and everything. I just have to wait for my mom to give me a stamp tomorrow morning. (I've lost my Chinese New Year ones I had...)

I hope your sister likes it. I spent an afternoon making it. There's a total of 16 strands, eight colors used in a color changing half spiral knot along the length of the necklace. The loop and the tie ends are braided for easy removal. ^^ When you see it, you'll see what all of this technical stuff means. :3

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Got it! I've labeled the envelope and everything. I just have to wait for my mom to give me a stamp tomorrow morning. (I've lost my Chinese New Year ones I had...)

I hope your sister likes it. I spent an afternoon making it. There's a total of 16 strands, eight colors used in a color changing half spiral knot along the length of the necklace. The loop and the tie ends are braided for easy removal. ^^ When you see it, you'll see what all of this technical stuff means. :3


If she doesn't her friend should. She's a sucker for rainbows.


Ya know what, I might just give it to her anyway. My sister isn't one for jewelry.

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If she doesn't her friend should. She's a sucker for rainbows.


Ya know what, I might just give it to her anyway. My sister isn't one for jewelry.


Welp, I just gotta send it off tomorrow. ^^

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After reading the entries, I have picked my winner! Score basically went out the window here. >.<;;

Indeed, indeed. I feel so ... little now.

However, I had fun writing my story and that is what counts, isn't it?


*picks up the oatmeal fruit ones* Of course no one wants these. *eats some of them and enjoys their soft, chewy fruit and nut laden goodness*

Are there any left? I'd love to have some for breakfast. :)

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Indeed, indeed. I feel so ... little now.

However, I had fun writing my story and that is what counts, isn't it?


Are there any left? I'd love to have some for breakfast. :)

I have been considering making consolation friendship bracelets... Don't feel little. *hugs and hands you a big bag of the cranberry raisin almond cookies* You gave it your best. Yours was a close second for me. It was hard to pick one out of all of them. I like the fact you bothered to write an entry at all. :3

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