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[Boss Suggestion] Hardcore Raptor


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Dear DE, the update 9 was a fantastic change to warframe, with many awesome (Nova, new star charts, new mods) and just nice (Sobek, eh) additions.


I am loving the new boss, however I am not feeling that the potential of aerial strike craft boss is fully used here. 


First off, the boss appears on Nef Anyo map, which makes somewhat little sence for a prototype flyer. I understand, that a proper map might be underway, but still feel the need to ask for a proper, big shooting range for him. Maybe with a central platform he starts for, four buildings in a square around it, with four shield emitters for him in a smaller square, along with a big shooting range with different targets, intended for him to destroy, which tenno could use (like a shield wall, there to imitate tenno shield, or something that looks suspiciously like a stretched emptty warframe armour). The shield emitters would only reveal destroyable parts when he'd hover above them.


Secondly, his attacks are rather easily cancelled with skills like snowball and link... while his mines barely work on the clients. 


The change to his attacks (only assuming the different, big and open, map is given. He is pretty deadly on this one map, mostly because you don't see him coming sometimes) would be :

- First, higher altitude for him to fly at, as well as faster speed while in the "closed" position and not firing.

- Second, since he will be higher and his attacks will have more warning, double the attack speed and triple the projectile count of his main barrage.

- Third, the rockets would receive an overhaul. smaller, faster rockets, deployed in count of two, that disrupt warframe abilities and shields, and only then (if you have less than half of your shield) killing you. That's right, corpus finally would have a boss, that won't tolerate you, bunkering down in a snow globe, or trying to use iron skin with no movement at all.

- Fourth, I guess, would be rewriting his AI and putting waypoints for strategic positions on the map, but eh.


Thank you for your attention.


Also, yes, i do know it's not really needed. Can it, can you?


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Because that's the difference between challenge and tying your hand behind your back.


Not to mention that it would also cancel iron skin, overheat, tesla, and what else I am missing.

Edited by GTG3000
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Well he is a nice boss, so I guess they are keeping him. But it's rather unsettling that the difficulty curve varies THAT much depending on wether or not you brought someone who can tank it, or let everyone stand in safety.

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