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New Teleportaion Power For Loki; Rid Loki Of Inhibitive Teleportation And Give Him The Ability To Stand On Walls


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My favorite warframe is without a doubt Loki, his ability to change the tide of battle trough use of nonviolent powers is astounding he is a true homage to the trickster Norse god himself. The one power though that takes away from him is Switch Teleport. Loki is a warframe who's powers are based around tricking others due to his low stats, thus switching with an enemy, squad-mate, or decoy whose either drawing enemy aggro, or already in the midst of enemies is completely counter productive. Switching with some one in any of these circumstances will almost always result in death because Loki hasn't the armor, shielding, or offensive capability to defend himself like Ash. Thus what I suggest is a new form of teleportation, the ability to teleport a certain distance in a single direction unless of course the environment or enemy is in the way. This form of teleportation would work the same way the power "Blink" does in the game Dishonored. However this new power would allow Loki to teleport onto walls and be able to stand or kneel in place. I believe the inability to walk or other wise move on a surface would balance this power. To exit from wall standing Loki could either teleport to the ground or simply jump, returning him to normal gravity.

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