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Arsenal - The Bullets And Explosions Warframe

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idea for a warframe that embodies everything that is cool about 80's and 90's action movies: bullets and explosions

already got 3 of his abilities decided on, cant decide on a fourth


the first 3:


Cluster Grenade: only wusses need tesla grenades! this bad boy'll blow up, and then blow up again, all over the place! increasing the fusion level yields more damage and more cluster bombs (2/4/6/8*) released upon detonation

(skill 1 for 25 power)


Stockpile: arsenal, like the bro he is, deploys a radical ammo pickup at his current location(instantly picking it up, but like normal ammo pickups all other players can also pick up a copy of it), this ammo box contains all ammo types at once!

increasing the fusion levels yields more ammo of each type, equivalent of 1/2/3/4* pickups of each type

(skill 2 or 3 for a whopping 75 energy because an ability like this would be boss)


Armageddon: arsenal dishes out some major pain from his most bodacious shoulder mounted rocket-pods! sending out a swarm of heat-seeking missiles that track any enemies unlucky enough to reside within his field of view upon activation of this ability.

fusion yields wider blast radius (2/3/4/5m*) and more potential lock-on candidates with missiles to go with them (6/8/10/12*)

(this has got to be skill 4 for 100 energy)

*subject to balancing


as for the undecided skill I was thinking:
a cute(ly awesome) little automatic deployable turret armed with machineguns and weak 'nade launcher that gets thrown out onto any surface and proves itself a public nuisance to all who oppose you
squad buff for double rate of fire and reload speed for short duration


squad buff, megacharging everyones sentinels for short time, instantly respawning any destroyed ones, rendering all sentinels invulnerable for the duration of the buff, and tripling their damage output. anyone who does not have a sentinel receives a companion orb that functions similar to the wyrm for the duration of the skill

(I figure so much overpowering of the sentinels is not too bad as they tend to be relatively weak to begin with)


any sugestions/ideas?

Edited by DeckChairVonBananaCamel
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i like the idea however it feels a bit like your trying to go with an idea of him being this bad-&#! carnage and explosions guy who is unstoppable and instead ended up with an immovable object that no one can pass, especially if you choose  the turret at his 3rd skill, also something about that ammo power annoying me, ill come back and edit this when i figure out what but i dislike that power. just my feed back cool idea though

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i like the idea however it feels a bit like your trying to go with an idea of him being this bad-&#! carnage and explosions guy who is unstoppable and instead ended up with an immovable object that no one can pass, especially if you choose  the turret at his 3rd skill, also something about that ammo power annoying me, ill come back and edit this when i figure out what but i dislike that power. just my feed back cool idea though

haha, nah I just think explosions are badass and I think they need to be more accessible to those who cant get the research weapons. im pretty sure (correct me if im wrong) that nova is the only warframe that has some sort of bomb ability, meaning that for non-clan members the only access to explosives is the thunderbolt mod.

as for the turret I guess I was misleading, my bad, my vision for it was a puny 1-2 foot tall automatic thing that got thrown out onto the floor/wall/ceiling and just plinked away at enemies, ill edit that now

as for the ammo power if your thinking that it'll make the ammo consumables redundant I kind of figure that trinity makes the health ones obsolete too


thankyou for your input!

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I really love how you think. Reading the ideas of each skills made this frame seem fun as hell.


I think the only problems would be balancing issues but those can always be solved...Right??

yeah I figure that with the two main damage skills they function more as aoe/crowd control so damage can remain relatively low because the overlapping of the damage radii will inflict enough damage to enemies to make it able to compete with other warframe abilities.

I only added lots of awesomeness to the descriptions because im passionate about explosions in videogames I feel that there are not enough in warframe that the player can cause.


also, before anyone points out that explosions aren't very ninja-like I just wanna point out that the gorgon and supra are essentially miniguns

miniguns and explosions are so totally not ok ninja tools miniguns and explosions make ninjas exponentially cooler, that's a scientific fact

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