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Wind Based Warframe - Gale / Zephyr (Feedback Please)


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Gale/Zephyr is suited very well towards Tenno who prefer a more melee approach to combat. Armed with abilities that support close quarter gameplay, Gale/Zephyr is a great alternative from guns.  

–In-game description

Gale/Zephyr is a wind-based Warframe. Capable of unleashing powerful melee attacks, while being able to single out targets and control enemy placement on the battlefield.


Health 100 (300.0 at rank 30)

Power 150.0 (225.0 at rank 30)

Armor 50.0

Shield Capacity 150.0 (375.0 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed 1.20


4x 17px-Ability.png
1x 19px-Bar.png

1x 18px-V.png

Aura Polarity 18px-V.png


Cyclone - Energy: 25Energy_small.png Hotkey: 1   Release a powerful tornado dealing mininal damage to targeted enemy, while simultaneously pushing away enemies near the target.


Squall - Energy: 50Energy_small.png Hotkey: 2   After a quick dash to targeted enemy, unleash a flurry of quick devastating melee blows to the target, damage based on equipped melee weapon.


Tempest - Energy: 75Energy_small.png Hotkey: 3   Surrounds the Warframe with high winds, deflecting enemy ranged attacks, only melee attacks may damage you for the duration. Grants increased melee critical strike chance and critical damage to nearby allies while active.


Typhoon - Energy: 100Energy_small.png Hotkey: 4   Create a Typhoon centered on the warframe, dealing moderate damage in the surrounding area, regenerating ally shields within and gradually growing larger while pushing enemies away.



What do you guys think? I'm thinking of drawing up some concept designs for Gale/Zephyr (Gale being the female version, and Zephyr the male version). Any POSITIVE feedback is welcomed. Constructive criticism is appreciated as well.


Thanks all!



-Name change of second ability Flurry to Squall

-Added additional effect to Tempest providing group critical strike chance buff

-Added additonal effect to Typhoon providing group shield regen while active

-Changed Aura polarity

-Tweaked Tempest to provide group increased melee critical damage buff as well

-Tweaked Squall's damage to be based off of current melee weapon equipped


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Edited by Deepsixeden
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I've seen a few people put forward ideas like this and I think the reason they usually don't catch on very well is the powers.

Usually they're too much like another frame (usually Ember) or they just seem underwhelming.

Your's seem mostly okay but I think you could try adding a bit more utility to him/her. Like a team-buff to shields in Typhoon. Or if Flurry (which Im sorry, but NEEDS a name that doesn't sound like an ice-cream) ramped up the melee speed of all team-mates within range. That could be used in combination with heavy weapon wielding team-mates to devastating effect !

These are just off the top of my head, Id love to see some concept art if you get around to it.

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Thanks a ton for your feedback, I do agree Flurry does seem a bit silly name wise. I did not want to include too much in terms of group buffs, since Volt already has a melee speed buff, but i do get where you are coming from. I'll have to brainstorm up some idea of how to give him/her a bit more team friendly buffs. Thanks again! And look forward to some quick sketch concepts!

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This is something I see on nearly every Warframe concept on this forums, they give the Aura Polarity the Polarity for Energy Siphon, even when it doesn't make sense with the concept of the Warframe itself.  I would suggest you put an "Attack" polarity in the Aura slot since this is intended to be a Melee Warframe, and therefore can hold the Aura "Steel Charge."


On another note, the second ability could scale off of how buff'd the damage is on the individual's melee weapon, so you would have to state, "Dealing melee damage."


To make this Warframe shine as the melee "Coup de grâce" if you will, is to make it so your 3rd Ability is more damage oriented, which can in turn make your second ability a massive ripping machine.  So it buffs the party's Melee Damage and Critical Chance/Damage.  Due to a majority of late wave Defense moments, and difficult area's recently changed, giving the whole party a good Melee buff wouldn't be overwhelming to balance issues due to the inefficiency of melee in most situations.


Those are just my thoughts at least, I love new Warframe concepts.

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This is something I see on nearly every Warframe concept on this forums, they give the Aura Polarity the Polarity for Energy Siphon, even when it doesn't make sense with the concept of the Warframe itself.  I would suggest you put an "Attack" polarity in the Aura slot since this is intended to be a Melee Warframe, and therefore can hold the Aura "Steel Charge."


On another note, the second ability could scale off of how buff'd the damage is on the individual's melee weapon, so you would have to state, "Dealing melee damage."


To make this Warframe shine as the melee "Coup de grâce" if you will, is to make it so your 3rd Ability is more damage oriented, which can in turn make your second ability a massive ripping machine.  So it buffs the party's Melee Damage and Critical Chance/Damage.  Due to a majority of late wave Defense moments, and difficult area's recently changed, giving the whole party a good Melee buff wouldn't be overwhelming to balance issues due to the inefficiency of melee in most situations.


Those are just my thoughts at least, I love new Warframe concepts.



thanks so much for your feedback! i totally agree with changing the aura polarity to V for increased melee damage. thank you again

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If its what youre going for, having a melee-master frame will be difficult, Loki and Ash currently dominate the crits with their invisibility, and Rhino (my personal long-time favorite) can currently charge, weilding any melee weapon, into an infested horde and hold his ground. So I agree with M4g1kz, a group buff to crits seems the way for this concept to find its niche. 

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If its what youre going for, having a melee-master frame will be difficult, Loki and Ash currently dominate the crits with their invisibility, and Rhino (my personal long-time favorite) can currently charge, weilding any melee weapon, into an infested horde and hold his ground. So I agree with M4g1kz, a group buff to crits seems the way for this concept to find its niche. 

i agree. i already changed up the warframes abilities after reading some feedback, and thanks for yours as well!

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