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Seer Droprate Frustration


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Got mine yesterday after 3  hours of farming. Considering i could reach and succesfully kill vor within 2 mins, and if i dont drop a BP I justt quit the mission. So a little bit of math for you: 60*3=180, 180/2=90 => It took me around 90 runs  to get all components.

The 40 runs u did before the hotfix dont count, drop rate was broken.

It's people like you that frustrate me... quit the mission.  I hope you didn't have your game set to public, because not everyone does a boss run for blueprints.  And if you're the host and you quit the game, that can force everyone else to crash out or auto fail a mission and lose the resources and cards collected on the run.  I've lost blueprints, flow cards, and other valuable drops because of people to quit once the boss is done when the game is set in public!

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I already had the Seer Blueprint from the 20+ runs yesterday. But stopped farming because I was only getting cronus bp. Read this thread today and decided to give it a shot.



1st run got cronus

2nd run got barrel bp

3rd run got nothing

4th run got receiver bp


Maybe hotfix, RNG and running solo did the trick for me. Good luck tenno.


edit: It was on Nightmare mode also.

Edited by NeoDarkSider
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