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The White Order is looking for new players!


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Are YOU a new player? Are YOU an old player? Are YOU a veteran? Are you never accepted into a clan because you're new?

Well lucky for you, none of this matters since everyone is welcome!! 

We want a big and active community who wants to grow big enough to fight for the solar rails!

Wanna be one of the first players in this soon-to-be huge clan? Then Join!



f3fd0184a2bf2ddeb85ee4e220abca58.png(don't worry it's transparant in-game and cool af)



The White Order is part of a big alliance! Not the very competetive one, but the one with a loving community!

"Seal of Prophets" is the name of the alliance! The leader of the alliance is extremely active, and that's something really good! They have raids, discord and a loving community! Seriously, just check out their applying page, they only get possitive feedback!

^ Is old stuff, we used to be part of that alliance but not anymore. Instead we have created our own alliance!

"The Covenant" is our very own Alliance and we want more clans to join that one too! We are currently alone in it but if you own a clan or know a clan that is looking for an alliance, just write to me and I'll be glad to have you clan! (Only serious clans though, dont want any weeb stuff and things like that.)


Currently we don't have a discord. I'm thinking of making one though if the clan is successful, maybe even one for the Alliance if that is successful too!



Currently the only leaders (warlords) in this clan will be me (Vispen) and my friend (Ezzal), but those 8 who joins now while we're in a ghost clan, will get a really good promotion if you are trustworthy, and I really mean it. If we don't like you, too bad. No promotion for you. What I mean is that those who fill up the clan while we are a ghost clan have a chance of a nice promotion. You all will get one promotion though, but nothing special.










These are the ranks of our clan. Newcomers start as Initiate and Ghost-members will immediately be promoted to soldier, nothing special.



Okay so here comes the dojo!

Me and Ezzal have tried to make the dojo as compact as possible!

We didn't want a too big dojo, we want a compact and alive dojo.

The grand halls are decorated, not fully (that would be incredibly many decorations), but just enough.

If you see something that can be improved, me and Ezzal will take you seriously and listen to you.

The other floors wont contain much, one of the elevators will only go to all the barracks for clan promotion and the other will contain some decorated rooms with water and zhit.

So we have all the labs, but we dont have all the research. That's our current goal, get all research done and then promote the clan higher, and higher. Long ago (previous text) in the clan we got too hesitant and pushed the clan up to mountain-clan and it wasn't really healthy for us. People stopped playing, not many active players and no one contributed so we had to lower ourselves to ghost-tier (We thought that since the clan-tier would derank so would the prices, but they didn't) so right now everything is expensive to research, but luckily we have almost everything.

Tenno lab: 51/63

Orokin lab: 5/9 (No specters)

Chem lab: 15/17

Bio lab: 16/19

Energy lab: 17/22

We have much resources in clan vault since we were a mountain clan and built stuff, then destroyed it and demoted to ghost clan, so it's only a matter of time when all the research is complete.

map of the dojo:

Map of the dojoSorry for bad picture, the map is an a-hole...


Sooo, if there's anything missing, anything you want to know, just tell me! ;)

IGN: vispen

Steam: zmiken99 (I know.. it's old af)

Timezone: Me and Ezzal live in CET. UTC +01:00

Edited by Vispen
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10 hours ago, Galyan said:

hello can i join?



3 hours ago, Xpally7 said:

Hello, I'd be interested in joining, newer player just hit MR5. But I'm active and planning on staying that way. IGN:Xpally 7


2 hours ago, Quackeris said:

I pretty much just started warframe and I'd be more than happy to join.

Almost MR2 and incredibly active...

I'm inviting all of you! :)

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I would be interested in joining your alliance, were currently a very small clan but actively recruiting and finishing the lab research. Our Clan is the Band of Morons. Myself and my right hand man are on very much and are always willing to jump in and help. Id very much like for our clans to come together and build a great community. Nevermind i didn't read that you're an European clan, we would never be on at the same time.



Edited by bppaugh
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1 hour ago, bppaugh said:

I would be interested in joining your alliance, were currently a very small clan but actively recruiting and finishing the lab research. Our Clan is the Band of Morons. Myself and my right hand man are on very much and are always willing to jump in and help. Id very much like for our clans to come together and build a great community. Nevermind i didn't read that you're an European clan, we would never be on at the same time.



Which timzone are you guys in??

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1 hour ago, Composer117 said:

I'm new and have just started the game. I'm an mr2 and currently only have volt

Id - Composer117

Btw I'm indian so I dunno when y'all play

We live in europe, Sweden, (CET +1) but I can still invite you and you accept if you want to :)

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