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Didn't get my Twitch Prime loot.


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ive done literally everything this forum has to offer and still havent gotten my prime loot 😞 why did we all get ripped off like this... (update 5/1/2018) Anyone who's trying this after June 29th - July 29th 2017 WILL NOT be able to get this prime. This offer has ended as of July 29th and is no longer available.

Edited by MiniGinni
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4 hours ago, (PS4)THE_REAL_MEWOO1 said:

Guys guys it’s all wrong you have to watch a streamer on twitch that is a affiliate like professorbroman for 1 hour than you should get a thing in your in game inbox nvm 

No, it was a promo, now vaulted, its different than streamer rewards.

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Following the instructions on the Twitch Drops help page fixed it for me. From the page:

If you do not see the correct account there or any error appears on this page, please try the following:
1. Unlink your Twitch and Warframe accounts via https://www.warframe.com/twitch/unlink_action
2. Disconnect Warframe from Twitch via https://www.twitch.tv/settings/connections (Depending on how many connections you have you may need to scroll down and find the Warframe entry in order to hit "disconnect")
3. Reconnect your Twitch and Warframe account following the instructions on https://www.warframe.com/en/freeprime

Edited by GrayedFox
updated instructions
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So the event started from Darvo telling me I could get Trinity Prime by just redeeming in browser, I follower "All" the steps. I logged in to my warframe account linked it to my Twitch Prime account and then claimed it on Twitch Prime's Prime Loot. I relogged and I still have no Trinity Prime nor prizes... I thought I was just relogging on too fast so I tried it the other day. Yet I still don't have Trinity Prime, I Redeemed it over and over again but it just keeps repeatedly saying that I already linked my Warframe account to my Twitch Prime. I thought I was just doing it wrong at first and now I suspected it was a bug. Because I asked someone on how they got it, two of them the other was MR 1 and I don't know the other one but the point is. I did what they did, every tiny steps. Yet they got the Prime(Trinity) and I didn't. Please help me. Thank you.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)The88GZeus said:

Linked, claimed, unlinked, disconnected, relinked.

No loot.

I wanted that syndana

I'm actually autistic, and this sort of "it should be working but it's not" makes me feel like I may panic.

I know I don't need a cape in a video game, but it's allegedly mine.

It's gonna haunt me and spoil my enjoyment of the game.

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13 hours ago, (PS4)flames199824 said:

you have to login at twitch.tv and click on the crown icon on desktop mode on the site. There you will see the loot bundles you can add to your account. that's how i got my Trinity Prime. you must log out if you are logged in to warframe before it will show up though

Did it.

Didn't work.

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I can't get the prime loot when i had already done all the steps, including becoming a twitch prime member and linking my warframe account with my twitch account. Whenever i click the button to claim my prime loot, that will always appear> Something has gone wrong. Please try again later. 

Please help me 

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