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The New Ancients

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The new Infested Ancients are bad. They look bad, they animate bad, using certain abilities on them makes the game come crashing to a halt.


Because of their new esthetic it is now hard to distinguish them in a crowd of Infested. They lack the silhouette that combined with their previous color schemes allowed for easy identification. They are also immensely less intimidating, they look too silly. The change in models also removed the Corpus knee cap that identified their weak point, and the slimming of their figure makes them harder to hit. If they are still vulnerable in the legs, I cannot tell. All in all I feel they need to roll back this update of the models. Rework them, visually and animation wise; then reintroduce them as a new enemy type. The Infested lack variation in the way they combat the player anyway; maybe make them a ranged infested unit. Have them spit acid, something. I really am not a fan of them at all: what do the rest of you think?

Edited by theGreatZamboni
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Toxic is vulnerable on the stomach area you can see 2 green looking circles. the other 2 haven't found it yet.


As for the texture, i prefer this one, over the previous, although, i was disappointing when i noticed all of them were changed to the new texture, i though it would be a different texture for each

Edited by Endrance
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Toxic is vulnerable on the stomach area you can see 2 green looking circles. the other 2 haven't found it yet.


As for the texture, i prefer this one, over the previous, although, i was disappointing when i noticed all of them were changed to the new texture, i though it would be a different texture for each


You addressed the texture, but not the model. What do you think of it?

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I think if anything they could just use some retexturing and detailing. Right now they're a little on the shark skin side for the infested 'bloated tumor ridden nanite plague controlled heap of flesh grotesquely waddling towards you at speeds that shouldn't be possible on such twisted misshapen limbs' trend. The actual glitching, yeah that should be fixed, but I like the more distinctive design that sets them apart stylistically from the other infested that are just twisted corpus and grineer - they become something else, something strange and disturbingly unknown, not just 'older corpus infested'. 


The slightly lower profile, I can deal with. It makes them a little more challenging. I can see the toxics coming, and toxic surprise is my wort nightmare, but healers and disruptors can still get close if I'm not looking hard, and give me a solid "OH ****" moment, which I think they should do. They shouldn't just be "Oh darn, time to pull out my akbolto and peg the stand outs before they can get close at all".

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You addressed the texture, but not the model. What do you think of it?

The only complaint i really have toward the new ancient (not counting the all the same, instead of different ones) is purely the hitbox/aiming.


Since that weird looking arm/appendice block some shots and decreases body damage 

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That I can understand. But what about Grineer? They are all weak in the head.


That's hard to change when the subject is nominally human. My main point with that was concerning your issue with  picking them out from crowds of regular infested - sure it can be harder, but the true horror of horrors (toxics) are still fairly visible at some distance, and I expressed why I was essentially fine with healers and disruptors being harder than before to notice in a mob.


Before it was just "look for glowing green and bright red, bolt them all the instant you see them, AoE as necessary to survive mob of grunts", now you have to actually pay attention to  outlines and try to sort targets, while the toxics are still pretty easy to pick out and prioritize early. Some toxics still get closer than comfort because of the surprise disruptors that make it through the attention span, and this adds tension, fear, in a balanced way - toxics aren't stealthing  up to me, I can still stunlock panic button a single disruptor surprise sneaking their way into melee, it disrupts my projectile tempo and makes me work a bit harder without "lol ur dead" surprise moments of three toxics showing up on my doorstep. Two healers and a disruptor? Well crap, but I can deal with it. A toxic trailing behind them? A challenge! I need to think about killing AND retreating, and to WHERE. 

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You want them re-worked and re-animated and introduced as a new enemy type.

I do not see your point there.


Pretty sure that OP is suggesting to use this new ancient model as a new, separate Infested type and use/create something else to more properly represent our lovely Ancient Infested. They didn't mean what you were thinking.

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I really like the model and the animations, but their scripts and textures need work. I'd personally make them between 20% and 50% larger.

I really don't get the people who want the plus sized Corpus version back. How was a larger version of the same enemy an "Ancient" exactly?

As for variations:

Healer, Distruptor, Toxic - as is, but give them better textures to differentiate them.

Psychic - creates "hallucinations" translucent infested that deal no damage and cannot be hit.

Spitter - spews acid at medium range. It's attack can be re purposed into a clantech acid shotgun.

Destroyer - releases homing explosive spores.

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I really don't get the people who want the plus sized Corpus version back. How was a larger version of the same enemy an "Ancient" exactly?


This point I'd like to strongly endorse and reemphasize. The old toxic model was a stand in, new unique forms gives them a much more depthful feel than same old same old plague zombies.

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Pretty sure that OP is suggesting to use this new ancient model as a new, separate Infested type and use/create something else to more properly represent our lovely Ancient Infested. They didn't mean what you were thinking.


And that, ladies and gentleman, is when an original poster would rather diss you out, other than explaining his actual idea.


Thank you, good sir. Now I understand what he meant.

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I agree with updating the models on the Ancients. I find them easier to pick out now, actually. But they are bugged like crazy. When dying I've had them teleport off cliffs or pinwheel in the air... I think that's the more pressing issue, instead of their design right now. They don't seem to have a proper walk cycle when attacking, they sort of slide across the floor.

Also, this game usually runs fantastic for me, and I'm not sure if its the sheer number of infested or just the ancients that are causing massive slow down. Especially when using a special ability like slash dash.

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