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About The New Aura System...


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It's bad really really bad I can't say I care for the bonus mod points it provides that seems like a poor fix ;/ While I find the whole idea behind new auras pretty nice. The additional upgrading is meh to say the least... I mean really it's just another mod slot and that's it also I read that auras/artifacts don't stack anymore ? >_> Seems like another fusion sink and that's it...


Anyway that was minor stuff what pains me the most is that you have to put aura on every single frame or when you wanna switch it you gotta go and modify every frame again... The old system was awesome it allowed you to pick whatever artifact suits your needs the most for the current mission and current frame with amazing ease. Swapping between them was so easy and pleasant now it's so annoying most of the time I don't use aura anymore cause I cba to swap it every freaking mission... I know it's probably not a problem for someone who got a single frame but for someone who's got nearly all and likes to switch between them often is a real pain in the arse =/


I know you probably intended to make the artifact system feel more unique but in my opinion it's nice idea with very poor execution. I hope this gets somehow improved in the future and for the love of anything and everything bring back the 1 aura for whole account switch not per frame.


edit. ok they do stack that's fine but that was minor problem still doesn't help with the poor execution of the new system.


edit2. I wanted to voice my view of the issue if there's indeed a thread already with this being discussed merge is not difficult is it.

Edited by Netami
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Huh what you talking about how is it newbie friendly o_O New players don't even have auras or don't even have them properly leveled.. what does it change? The mod points bonus ? I said that's minor stuff and not really the core of the problem the biggest issue I've got is with not being able to switch auras 'on-the-fly' and having to pick aura separately for every frame I own. I just want that back everything else I'll agree to.

Edited by Netami
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Aside the constant, unavoidable and depressing knockdowns during every second vs Grineer and Infested, this one change is probably my greatest complaint about Warframe as it is now. No non-trivial reasons.


Knockdowns? Against Grineer and infested? Grineer maybe (you let them get that close to you?) but no way against invested. Maybe a change in playing style will sort that out?

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