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Corpus/ Grineer clean up crew? [Lore-ish question]

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After a Tenno has finished rampaging through a Grineer/ Corpus facility/ ship who cleans up all the carnage and repairs all those broken grates/ vent covers? Or do their ground troops armour have some kind of auto vaporizer or teleporter thing that teleports the dead to the morgue? Odd question  I know, but really who cleans up that mess? Even with vaporizing bodies if it's not just a mechanic to save performance there'd still be a lot of blood left behind.

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One of the radio scaner transmissions suggests that ships are repopulated:

"Uhh... we're entering the unresponsive vessel. Hmmuhh, no signs of Infestation so far. Ramn, there are casualties. Mm-hmm, everywhere. It looks like, uhh, blade weapons. Yeah. Ra-pat-tok! Uh-huh, Tenno skoom! Yeah, they're all dead. Mark this ship for repopulation."

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