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[Warframe Concept] Eon (Now With Art)


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First of all, hello peeps. I know this idea (time control based warframe) could have already been used by others. I'm not going to copy anyone, I just want to expose my ideas :3 Thanks for understanding and not yelling at me D: (I've found others ideas about a time Warframe a bit unoriginals)
So, for the stats, I was thinking of somethin tankish, with many armor and shield, but a low life (or 
maybe just in the design), there's not enough huge frames in the game for now (I think).

Well, I finally draw a little something rly rly quick, in fact, I'm not the best drawer of the universe, but just wanted to show what I was thinking about.(it's suposed to be a female) :3
The design is suposed to be a mix between some orokin stuff and antiquity gears (if anyone wanna draw a better concept, it's truly appreciated)~

For the stats:
Health 75.0 (225.0 at rank 30)
Power 150.0 (225.0 at rank 30)
Armor 175.0
Shield Capacity 150.0 (450.0 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed 0.95
4x Ability
1x -
1x V
Aura Polarity -
And for abilities:
Accelerate Trigger (25 energy): Create a pocket of accelerate time that buff fire and reload speed of all alies guns
- Speed gained by level would be 10%/10%/20%/30%
- Duration could be 12/12/16/20 seconds (maybe more, I don't know, maybe require some testings :D)
- Range 5/10/15/20 meter
[below, if not used as a first ability and cost much moar energy]
- Eventually affect ennemies by slowing down their weapons
- Idea from a friend: the power could also be used for accelerate shield recharge and stamina recovery
Well, it's not wonderful, but never used before, and could be nice for a first ability
Phase Field (50 energy): EON send partialy everything in his range in another time period
- EON will send an orb of power, the power take effect around this (could be throw pretty far, 
but not like grenade with Vauban power, more in a direct line)
- All ennemies affected by this are invincible, but can't attack and move anymore
- Duration could be 12/12/16/20 seconds (like the first ability)
[Other thoughts]
- We COULD end with some little dmg for ennemies at the end of the effect (so it's justify the 50 energy cost lol)
- And nevermind about the cryopod affected, more I think about it, more I hate this idea
This could be used to escape some bad situations; stop some ennemies while you kill others, so you're not
Memory Anchor (75 or 50 energy): Give a second chance to EON when she is close to die.
- Place a memory anchor somewhere, when you got 50%/50%/25%/10% of your life left, it send you back to the anchor
- And regen life of course, or this ability will be useless since dying and be revived would be a costless alternative
- Duratioooooon 15/20/25/30 seconds
- Maybe the anchor could be used by the first player close to die, team play, oh yeah
Time Disrupt (100 energy): Unleash power of time, aging ennemies of centuries and reducing them to ashes.
- First of all, power duration would be like 5/8/10/12 seconds
- Two circle of energy appear far from EON (50/50/75/100 and 25/25/35/50 meter ?)
- The 25/25/35/50 meter circle shrunk back to EON doing high dmg and destroying ennemies (maybe based on % of 
life/lvls of ennemies)
- While all other foes in the 50/50/75/100 meter circles are totally stopped
- After, everything come back to normal situation, when the power was used
- This power isn't based on OMGWTFIDESTROYEVRYTHING, but more on the dual effect slow/stop ennemies out of the circle, dmg ennemies in the circle
- Add wonderful particles effect <3
[Other thoughts]
-Since it stop time, maybe it could stop the oxygen from decreasing in survival or the vampire thing in nightmare
during the power use
-Idea from Siubijeni: The closer the little circle get, the greater damages dealt are 

For alt helmets:

Infinite Eon Helmet: Add power duration, while reducing armor

Kronos Eon Helmet: Add power strength, while reducing speed
That's all, feel free to me give ur idea for name, design, power, everything (I LOVE FEEDBACK GOOD OR BAD OMG) :D
If I like them, I'll add them to the post, unless you tell me you don't want me to
And really sorry for bad english, I'm still learning it ;u;

Hit the +1 button if you like: it cost nothing and means a lot ! :3
Edited by Aowashi
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Oh my gosh if have never heard of a warframe so balanced and perfect, and the powers all seemed to fit right in nothing silly or outrageous, if there is a warframe i would love to see in game this would be it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by dionnoel
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time disrupt needs a change, it can't be just another room cleaner.

accelerate trigger could also affect enemies in a negative way lowering their rate of fire and reload speeds

No i like time disrupt leave it as it is :( but as for accelerated trigger affecting enemy's totally could see that :D
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time disrupt needs a change, it can't be just another room cleaner.

Well, I was thinking to maybe do a little less dmg (or AoE) than other uber, but totally stop (or slow down) other ennemies (all of them !) during the use of the ability (but not really for a long time, it would be too OP) :D



accelerate trigger could also affect enemies in a negative way lowering their rate of fire and reload speeds

Yeah, nice idea :3

And many thanks, I like constructive criticism

Btw, all of this is only a supposition :)

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So i came up with an idea so time disrupt wont be a room cleaner,ok so basically as you said a sphere will form on out side slowly closing in like inverse orange moa knock down and every thing in the bubble slowly losses health and upgrading it extends range and amount of health loss per second

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back, I can respond again to any feedback :D


So i came up with an idea so time disrupt wont be a room cleaner,ok so basically as you said a sphere will form on out side slowly closing in like inverse orange moa knock down and every thing in the bubble slowly losses health and upgrading it extends range and amount of health loss per second

Yeah, health loss based on % like the vampire nightmare thing :3
That could be awesome, since it was never used before on a frame :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh my gosh if have never heard of a warframe so balanced and perfect, and the powers all seemed to fit right in nothing silly or outrageous, if there is a warframe i would love to see in game this would be it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I totally agree. This is a very balance concept-frame with very cool and unique abilities. Also, maybe accelerated trigger could lower the same stats for enemies. I also love your concept art. I'm not good at computer rendering, but I am good at drawing. If you want I could try drawing Eon to illustrate your ideas to the fullest!


Anyways love the frame and hope we could see something like that in game! 

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some VERY rough Concept of what I think a time-ability warframe would look like



Where you can see the clockwork guts of the warframe the glass covering has energy swirls similar to Mag/Ether blades






The thing is the middle of her chest is supposed to look like one of those gold circlely, glowy reactor thignies


with the design from the Void Locker on it seen here




Inside the gear hole where an ear would be is glowy enery stuff same energy stuff in the chest reactor thingy, also you can see glowy stuff flowing through the metal tubes coming out of her head



the Orokin etchwork which is horribly drawn would be on the mask/face, abdomen, inner thighs and shoulders would look similar to this


In my minds eye, I see most of this warframe White and gold with black etching, very void/orokin style

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I totally agree. This is a very balance concept-frame with very cool and unique abilities. Also, maybe accelerated trigger could lower the same stats for enemies. I also love your concept art. I'm not good at computer rendering, but I am good at drawing. If you want I could try drawing Eon to illustrate your ideas to the fullest!


Anyways love the frame and hope we could see something like that in game! 

Ah, many thanks for the feedback ! :3 And drawings are very welcome, don't hesitate to post it here :D


some VERY rough Concept of what I think a time-ability warframe would look like



Where you can see the clockwork guts of the warframe the glass covering has energy swirls similar to Mag/Ether blades






The thing is the middle of her chest is supposed to look like one of those gold circlely, glowy reactor thignies


with the design from the Void Locker on it seen here




Inside the gear hole where an ear would be is glowy enery stuff same energy stuff in the chest reactor thingy, also you can see glowy stuff flowing through the metal tubes coming out of her head



the Orokin etchwork which is horribly drawn would be on the mask/face, abdomen, inner thighs and shoulders would look similar to this


In my minds eye, I see most of this warframe White and gold with black etching, very void/orokin style

Yay, orokin/gears style could be cool too :D

Thank you to taking time to do this, much apreciated !

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

hi guys im a big fan of warframe and I would like to share my character concept with you,


first off mine is a female warframe im still undecided on the name its either medusa or gorgon. I specifically designed her to be an assassin she's perfect for bosses she will have a rather snake like appearance I was hoping to have possible some kind of robe with a snake scale like appearance. her helmet will have snake like tassels hanging down like hair.

im still designing the appearance. I kinda want her to be oddly beautiful





sends a snake shaped projectile at enemies on impact exploded with venom poisoning anyone nearby



put up stone walls around her to proctect from all in coming damage and allow you to restore your shields



gazes into the enemy eyes making them fight for her



removes her mask to display her face turning all enemies who look to stone


base stats


shields 150

armour 110

health 80

power 100


hope you like my idea kind regards hemokinesis find my clan howling banshees



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hi guys im a big fan of warframe and I would like to share my character concept with you,


first off mine is a female warframe im still undecided on the name its either medusa or gorgon. I specifically designed her to be an assassin she's perfect for bosses she will have a rather snake like appearance I was hoping to have possible some kind of robe with a snake scale like appearance. her helmet will have snake like tassels hanging down like hair.

im still designing the appearance. I kinda want her to be oddly beautiful





sends a snake shaped projectile at enemies on impact exploded with venom poisoning anyone nearby



put up stone walls around her to proctect from all in coming damage and allow you to restore your shields



gazes into the enemy eyes making them fight for her



removes her mask to display her face turning all enemies who look to stone


base stats


shields 150

armour 110

health 80

power 100


hope you like my idea kind regards hemokinesis find my clan howling banshees

Nyx already has that third power as her first, though hers is at range.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmmm... I like the overall idea (I myself have done a time frame by the name of Era. Your Eon is right next to her in the index), but a few thoughts:


-Accelerate Trigger is iffy. A mild boost to fire rate and reload speed would be appropriate for a first ability, but 30% is possibly too powerful, particularly for a 20 second duration. It definitely shouldn't affect enemy fire or your shields, because that would be too good for a first ability... the stamina recovery is debatable because it's not so useful, but the additional effect really isn't warranted.


-Phase Field is good, with one exception: the damage is not needed to justify the energy cost. Never underestimate the power of a good removal ability. I like the idea of removing an enemy from combat via a time loop--this mechanic, except single target, was the first ability of my Era warframe. Boosting it to any area of effect with a decent duration (the time might even be too long, depending on the exact radius) is a worthy second ability.


-Memory Anchor is an excellent idea. Every time frame I've seen thus far has some sort of rewind skill, because it fits a temporal archetype so well. This includes my own Era. However, this... this is probably the most elegant "rewind" iteration I've seen--a wonderful idea. It's even better than my own Rewind idea, I think.


-Time Disrupt is also iffy. Stopping enemies completely during the cast is a nice touch, but it shouldn't be all enemies--that's just too powerful. An Eon could use that to freeze enemies half the map away and provide a window of opportunity to team-mates who fell behind (or something). I like the inverse-wave idea, though. If you want it to be an ability balanced between damage and freeze... my suggestion would be to have a large outer radius, with the total stop being applied to all enemies within. Then, the ring starts its path inwards--moving gradually at first but picking up speed as it gets closer to Eon (over the course of the cast time. Would be a "channeled" ability like the old Overload). The damage would likewise be greater nearer to Eon, but not as great as purely damage ultimates to compensate for the freeze.

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Hmmmm... I like the overall idea (I myself have done a time frame by the name of Era. Your Eon is right next to her in the index), but a few thoughts:


-Accelerate Trigger is iffy. A mild boost to fire rate and reload speed would be appropriate for a first ability, but 30% is possibly too powerful, particularly for a 20 second duration. It definitely shouldn't affect enemy fire or your shields, because that would be too good for a first ability... the stamina recovery is debatable because it's not so useful, but the additional effect really isn't warranted.


-Phase Field is good, with one exception: the damage is not needed to justify the energy cost. Never underestimate the power of a good removal ability. I like the idea of removing an enemy from combat via a time loop--this mechanic, except single target, was the first ability of my Era warframe. Boosting it to any area of effect with a decent duration (the time might even be too long, depending on the exact radius) is a worthy second ability.


-Memory Anchor is an excellent idea. Every time frame I've seen thus far has some sort of rewind skill, because it fits a temporal archetype so well. This includes my own Era. However, this... this is probably the most elegant "rewind" iteration I've seen--a wonderful idea. It's even better than my own Rewind idea, I think.


-Time Disrupt is also iffy. Stopping enemies completely during the cast is a nice touch, but it shouldn't be all enemies--that's just too powerful. An Eon could use that to freeze enemies half the map away and provide a window of opportunity to team-mates who fell behind (or something). I like the inverse-wave idea, though. If you want it to be an ability balanced between damage and freeze... my suggestion would be to have a large outer radius, with the total stop being applied to all enemies within. Then, the ring starts its path inwards--moving gradually at first but picking up speed as it gets closer to Eon (over the course of the cast time. Would be a "channeled" ability like the old Overload). The damage would likewise be greater nearer to Eon, but not as great as purely damage ultimates to compensate for the freeze.

First of all, thanks for the huge feedback !

-So for the first one, I've been playing a while, but I've nearly never used mods to fire faster, so 30% seemed like a good value, but yay, we can always shrink that. But for the others capacities of this ability, now that I think about it, you're right, it would too powerful for a 25 energy cost.

Buff or debuff is maybe not the best option for a first ability, I'll see if I can find other ideas :b

-For the second, I've thought of dmg because this ability is not really usefull if you're not overcrowded, but yeah, it can be used very well without dmg too

-Thirdly, I'll just say thanks :b

-And finally, for the last power, I'd really like to keep the idea that some foes are just stopped and others are damaged.

Maybe not all of them are stopped, but the power only last 5 second, that's pretty much nothing, I don't think it's as op as it seems.

By the way, the idea of greater dmg the closer it gets is really good, I think 

I'll try to clarify/modify/add stuff to these and maybe add new powers, and thanks again for taking time to read and respond, much appreciated !

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