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Sentinels 2.0


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                                                                     BEWARE. WALL OF TEXT INBOUND.



Ok, the Sentinels are quite amazing as is. However, they still have much room for upgrade.


I have thought about a few ideas that can be put in the sentinels that can be handy for both you, and your team.


1. Sentinel UI.

                        It is annoying trying to break your neck to see your sentinels health after a big fight, only to find it has full shield. We need our own health and shield bar near ours, so we can tell whether or not we need to hide our little buddy or not, and to see if we need more shield on it.


2. Sentinel Powers.

                       I have found that often the sentinels powers have a cooldown. I never know how long that cooldown is. Maybe we could include their four powers within the sentinel UI, just like ours, and it has a timer on each one, showing you whether it is active or not. So, let's say Shade's revenge is active, we could see it lit up to tell that he is shooting. When he isn't shooting, it looks like our normal powers. Now, his Ghost, when you are invisible, it is lit up. When you are out of invisibility, there is a number that is decreasing, telling how many seconds before you can go invisible again. Same thing for Guardian, and maybe other future powers. (Maybe it could say if he has used his Regen yet.)


3. Interactive Movements.

                      In often moments of the game, the sentinel is bound to the player, unless he is stuck on the wall. Well, I think that you should be able to give the Sentinel commands such as: Scout ahead, find ammunition, recover loot, and Guard other players.       With the scout ahead command, the sentinel could fly in the path that you are facing, marking enemies on the minimap for a set amount of time. This could be really helpful for all players, especially with shade. Since he will go invisible, the enemies will not notice him, making it not ruin your stealth mission.         Often in defense missions, in late game, you are out of ammo, and boxes. There are too many enemies to leave the pod, artifact, or whatever the hell you are guarding atm. So, you can send your little helper to find you ammo. (This reminds me of a bug in a game where the dog was so excited to bring you ammo back, you could throw a live grenade, and the dog would bring it back to you LOL). With this, you can continue being in your post, while you are still shotgunning infested.       Again with the defense situation, if there is a runner, and you are being overwhelmed and they mark loot, you can send your sentinel to find it and pick it up. Simple enough.         Last, is the guard other players. If you just happen to notice somebody has low health, you can send your dethcube over to them to nuke everything and save them if you are in a bad spot.



4. Naming.

                     Everybody has a name for their sentinel in their heads. However, they have to slow down to type in chat, "Hey, you will laugh what I named my Wyrm! I named him Squirmo!". And that means that you have to tell everybody you think will get a laugh. So, why not just give him a name you will see in the Sentinel UI, and others can see if they look at him.





                                           Anyway, I am glad that you took the time to read this.

        Your Loyal Friend,


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Some great ideas. Ideas to add, Sentinel xp bar and the ability to withdraw and summon sentinels, in case your best sentinel isn't shade and you wanna start off missions stealthy.

I agree. That would be   is  an amazing idea :D

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Great ideas, well thought out and totally feasible. I especially like the scouting and collecting ammo parts. Because iirc, they were supposed to be able to do that when they first came out. 


Seems our little buddies were forgotten in the U9 which was supposed to be the love for existing things in WF.  


Time for some serious upgrades and love for our pets for certain. 



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