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๐Ÿ’ฅ Phoenix Family ๐Ÿ’ฅ Largest Clan Family, Active Discord, Events, Giveaways ๐Ÿ’ฅ Recruitment Open ๐Ÿ’ฅ


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4 hours ago, BamsheK said:

IGN: BamsheK

Rank: 22

Region: Europe

Type of Player: Competitive.ย 


2 hours ago, Gynotype said:

IGN: Gynotype

Rank: 19

Region: North America

Type of Player: Casual


51 minutes ago, MajedTheShrewd said:

IGN:ย  MajedTheShrewd
Rank: ย  8
Region:ย  KSA, GMT+3
Type of Player:ย  Casual

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8 hours ago, RageM0de said:

IGN: RageM0de (thats a zero/0, just incase)

MR: 13

region: SEA

im a returning warframe player, played casually but would like to be a bit competitive,ย 

havent missed a day yet since returning.


2 hours ago, Verenios said:

IGN: Verenios

Rank: 16

Region: Australia

Type of player: Casual / Semi - Hardcore


"Was in this clan before but round Christmas till now went on holidays and forgot to place notice, So i apologize for that and am here to reapply"

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On 8/20/2017 at 12:18 PM, ImHeroic said:

Phoenix.pngPhoenix Dynasty. Helpful, Active, Respectful. 990+ members!


  • Welcome to the Phoenix Dynasty one of the most active moon clans in warframe. A clan that was made for everyone in warframe to have a place to call home, Founded by ImHeroic and Monstrocity. We are know for are Helpful, active and respectful clan members, and we want to keep it that way. We do have a clan discord for all are members, we do allow your friends to join the discord as well. And yes are clan discord is active! We hope you enjoy your time ย in are clan and stay with us! We also are growing super fast an recruiting new members everyday! We have 3 moon clans in total, Dynasty being the founding clan. We keep growing more and more so we decided to expand and make more clans! "Phoenix Dynasty, Phoenix Kings, Phoenix Vanguards". Each clan is a moon clan!


ย Warframe0134.jpg

Clan Goal:

  • Our mission of this clan is to have a friendly and active clan for the players. Without are members are clan would be nothing and we owe everything to are members. We want to keep are clan members happy where they are and help them out the best we can. And hopefully make them a clan member for life. We dont want to make them feel like its just a clan to be in. But a family. That is there for you, that has your back when you need us.




Activity Rule:

  • Activity is one of the most important things about clans, this is because most of the clans in warframe are not very active and have no one on in there clan. Phoenix Dynasty is one of the most active clans in the game. But why is that? The Reason we are one of the most active clans in the game is because we have a kick day. What is a kick day? A kick day is when you kick some one out of the clan for being offline for amount of time. We have set are kick day to 10 days. So if you are offline for 10 days we will kick you of the clan. But are you allowed back in the clan after you are kicked? Yes you are always welcomed back you just have to message ImHeroic, Lil-Nova, TechneR. For an invite back to the clan, and we will send you one shortly after. ย 



Clan Dojo:







  • We have a lot of events and giveaways in the clan. Mostly team events to help are members get along more and play more with each other. Survival events, defense events. Some times we had a twist to the events making it so you can use something in the event to make it harder or we allow everything! Events every month! 1,000plat events! And more!



  • Super active clan discord. Over 1000+ members on discord! Discord is not required to join. Clan events/Giveaways are announced on the clan discord, so we do hope that

join in on the discord for the events and giveaways!ย Clan Discord Link

ย 0*gurxGk4M6EVeQ0MP.png




Ranking up:

  • In some clans ranking up can be hard and they might not even talk to you about ranking up in the clan. We have a great ranking up system in the clan allowing all members to help out the clan and rank up. We are always looking for more "Recruiters". Recruiters are known as Guards and there main goal is to help recruit new members to the clan. Cause recruitment is very important to the clan.




We are apart of the Phoenix Legion Alliance a new alliance with 3.5k members! With an alliance discord and more!


Sister Clan's:


Phoenix Kings, Moon Clan, Sister Clan.

Our more less competitive side

. ย Phoenix Kings

Mastery Rank 5+


Phoenix Vanguards, Moon Clan, Sister Clan

Our noob friendly clan

.ย Phoenix Vanguards

Mastery Rank 0+


ย Phoenix Paladins, Mountain Clan, Sister Clan

Our competitive side of the clan.

Coming soon!


ย  Reveal hidden contents
  • Clan Rules
ย  Reveal hidden contents


We do allow Trading and Buying in the clan chat, we ask that you refrain from hate speech and racism in clan chat and alliance chat. Speak to your members as equals and never lower. Give good prices to clan members and alliance members when selling. No scamming, or fighting in alliance chat or clan chat. If you break any of these you will get a warning. If you repeat what you did again you will be kicked.Keep-calm-and-follow-the-rules.png


Please post your IGN, rank, region, and type of player: Casual or Competitive below if your interested in joining the Dynasty Family.


IGN: ImHeroic

Rank: 24

Region: USA

Type of Player: Competitive.ย 

Reminder: Please leave your current clan before asking to join so we can send you the invite as soon as possible!


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1 hour ago, Milan394 said:


IGN: Milan394

Rank: 16

Region: Europe

Type of Player: Competitive


1 hour ago, VGM_Shadow said:

IGN: VGM_Shadow

Rank: 13

Region: North America / Canada

Type of Player: Borderline CasualCompetitive (depends what you mean by competitive)

I would love to be able to join the clan!

clan invites sent

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