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[Warframe Concept] Clunker, The Salvage Collector


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Clunker (name subject to change)



A heavy set warframe created for salvage runs on abandon ships. What it lacks in attack power and speed it makes up for in high defence.







Health: 75 (275)


Power: 100 (150)


Armor: 175


Shield Capacity: 175 (475)


Sprint Speed: 0.8




1) Dispose  energy: 25

  Grabs a chunck of debris from the ground and tosses it to target enemy with extreme force doing 100/150/200/250 damage. On critical hit (25%/50%/75%/100%) causes the debris to splinter causeing minor damage to enemies in a small radius around target.


2) Recycle  energy: 50

  Converts unused ammo lying on the ground into health or energy orbs. Leveling this ability increases the ammount of health or energy thats created.


3) Vacuum  energy: 75

  After activation warframe becomes rooted to the spot and begins to suck in air for a short ammount of time

(5/10/15 sec.) in a cone. Items with in the cone of air will be dragged and clustered in front of the warframe. Weak enemies will be dragged and clustered in front of warframe as well (ancheints and elites will be stunned instead of dragged). Once the time has ticked down the warframe exhales scattering everything that was inhaled.


4) Trash Compactor  energy: 100

   warframe fires off 2 high powered magnets that suck in eneimies that get near them causeing them to cluster in a ball. At the end of the effect the magnets will become so strong they collided with each other crushin all thats been clustered. Leveling this ability results in a longer time (5/10/15/20 sec.) and higher damage (150/300/500/800)




ok first attempt at a warframe idea so i went with first thing that came to mind xD. some things i might change like some of the abilities and the name but id like to hear what others think.

Edited by LanceRune
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I like it. But the last ability seems to similar to Vaubans vortex. Its the same principle done differently. I am bad at making up this sort of stuff so I can't really offer a better idea :l

ya was worried the ulti would be just too much of a remake of Vaubans, ill see bout messin round with that

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This is actually probably one of the best warframe ideas i have seen. Although power 2 does seem a bit OP, as on infested defense missions like Xini/Io there is always a big heap of ammo in one line and all that turned into health and power would just be..... madness. And yea the 4th ability is a bit like Vaubans but there is many ways it could change due to the theme of this frame.

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This is actually probably one of the best warframe ideas i have seen. Although power 2 does seem a bit OP, as on infested defense missions like Xini/Io there is always a big heap of ammo in one line and all that turned into health and power would just be..... madness. And yea the 4th ability is a bit like Vaubans but there is many ways it could change due to the theme of this frame.

tbh dont think i actully done xini yet xD but i suppose it would kinda be OP for defence missions, maybe i should go with the second idea i had for ability 2 (which was a decoy made of debris that explodes when hit enough times)

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