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Many ideas, many changes! (arcanes rework, new trial ecc.)


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Hi everyone!

I would like to talk about some ideas i was thinking these days... i wrote most of things like a real patch note of warframe, to make it more understandable (i hope).

First of all, i am sorry if my english is not perfect.

I spent time writing this post, so comment below what you think, i really appreciate it, thanks.

Now let's talk about the main topics you're going to read:

  • Arcane enhancement
  • New corpus trial & new arcanes
  • Sentinel & kubrow
  • Warframes passive
  • Conclave battles
  • Simulacrum rework
  • Jordas verdict changes
  • Other changes (kuva, ducats, augment mod slot (NEW) etc.)

ARCANE Enhancement

Arcanes now are divided in 2 categories


Offensive can be only installed in weapons at once;

Defensive can be only installed in syandanas & helmets (like now);

Arcane Offensive list:
Rage (lor), Avenger(lor), Ice(lor), Warmth(lor), Toxium(ex Nullifier, lor), Resistance(lor), Acceleration(lor), Awakening(lor), Strike(lor), Momentum(jv), Precision(jv), Tempo(jv), Velocity(jv), Fury(jv)

Arcane Defensive list:
Aegis(jv), Conseguences(jv), Energize(jv), Divine(Arachne, jv), Ultimatum(jv), Agility(lor), Barrier(lor), Eruption(lor), Grace(lor), Guardian(lor), Phantasm(lor), Pulse(lor), Trickery(lor), Victory(lor)

New arcane;
Arcane Toxium 5/15/25/35 % chance to proc toxin effect, Uncommon LOR drop

See what arcanes i invented for the new raid down below 

Arcane changes:
Arcane Arachne has been renamed in "Divine" and changed into on REVIVING 6/7/8/9 % chance to instant revive an ally and become invulnerable for 5/10/15/20 seconds
Arcane Consequence has been changed into ON REVIVE 5/7/10/15 % chance to become invulnerable for 4/6/8/10
Arcane Phantasm has been changed into on PARRY 5/10/15/20 % chance to become invisible for 2/4/6/8
Arcane Warmth has been changed into 5/15/25/35 % chance to proc heat effect
Arcane Ice has been changed into 5/15/25/35 % chance to proc cold effect
Arcane Nullifier has been removed (if you had one or more of this, it has been changed into arcane toxium)
Arcane Healing has been reworked, now gives on damaged, 1,5/3/4,5/6% chance to receive 10/15/20/25 health when hitted, uncommon
Arcane Deflection has been removed
Arcane Resistance has been changed into 5/15/25/35 % chance to proc eletric effect and now is an Uncommon drop
Arcane Eruption has been changed into ON ENERGY PICKUP 4/6/8/10 % chance to give you and your allies overshield in 5/7/10/15 meters
Arcane Rage and Arcane Avenger have been changed ON HIT from ON DAMAGE/ON HEADSHOT, and they are now a rare drop
Arcane acceleration now is a common drop

(values can be broken or bad, i don't know really)

New corpus trial:
It is divided in 3 parts like the other trials;
It could be changed in different ways, but the teamwork is the main strategy for complete the mission.
I imagined a possible gameplay of these 3 parts;

  1. The game starts outside a random europa tileset, a little ahead you will find a door, you need 4 pass cards to enter, 
    it's like the second part of the LoR trial, you need to find those pass cards (dropped by special enemies, like miniboss) 
    and hacking into a terminal you must insert the right card or the alarms will be trigger and many enemies will come.
    Then you start a sort of interception, you must defend the radio stations until the process is complete and to do it, you need to find Power Cells dropped my enemies for keep the process active.
  2. The interception result shows that Nef Anyo is creating a devastating weapon using an artifact
    The second part is an assassination of Nef Anyo and the recovery of the artifact, once you arrive in the boss area, you must destroy the shield generator to shoot Nef Anyo and kill him;
    After you successful, complete this phase, you have to hack the correct terminal for find the location of the artifact
    Once you arrive in the room, you have to hack and defend 4 terminals meanwhile Lotus is trying to open the door of the artifact, if the enemies destroy all 4 terminals the trial ends in a game over, more terminals you keep alive, faster Lotus will open the door
    After you pick up the artifact (2 person for carry it) you have to escape in a elevator and here ends the second part of the trial.
  3. The third part is to escape from the structure, so pick up the artifact and bring it to the truck area and throw it inside a truck
    Now one member has to drive into extraction area and other teammates must defend the truck from enemy fire, the trail is well defended, snipers, mines and nullifier can stop the truck hitting the wheels, so the players must repair them for continue
    Once the truck arrives, Ordis will pick up the truck and the trial ends.

i have not mentioned all details, this is just an idea that can be expanded in so many ways.

Possible arcane rewards:
7 offensive 7 defensive
8 common 4 uncommon 2 rare

New offensive arcanes:
Arcane Channel on parry 5/10/15/20%+ damage on your next attack (melee only), common
Arcane Overmag on ammo pickup 3/4/5/6% chance to overload the magazine (rifle only) (all), common
Arcane Expressium on reload 1/2/3/5% chance to reload instantly (shotgun only), common
Arcane Flyit +10/20/30/40 flight speed (...), common
Arcane Critical on hit 1/2/4/5% chance to deal 100/120/160/200%+ critical damage (rifle only), uncommon
Arcane Thristy on headshot 1/2/3/4% to heal you for 5/10/15/20% damage dealt (rifle only), Uncommon
Arcane Lethal on headshot 40/60/80/100%+ damage (bow only), Rare

New defensive arcanes:
Arcane Stone on damaged 2/3/4/5% chance to block the damage received, common
Arcane Jumper on bullet jump 40/60/80/100%+ to jump father, common
Arcane Equil 10/15/20/30% chance to resist knockdown effect, common
Arcane Blokeiru 7/10/13/16% chance to auto parry, common
Arcane Absorb on damaged, 1,5/3/4,5/6% chance to receive 10/15/20/25 energy when hit, uncommon
Arcane Healing on damaged, 1,5/3/4,5/6% chance to receive 10/15/20/25 health when hit, uncommon
Arcane Godbless on damaged, 2/4/6/8% chance instantly restore your shield, health removing status effects, rare


Sentinels precepts:

Every sentinels have unique abilities, so why must i install a mod and waste mod space?! It's like install the mod "Avalanche" on Frost for use his 4th
So those mods should be removed and become auto installed in their own sentinel
Crowd Dispersion, Warrior, Retarget, Molecular Conversion, Ghost, Revenge, Targeting Receptor, Investigator, Thumper, Fatal Attraction, Calculated Shot, Electro Pulse, Arc Coil, Swift Deth, Vaporize, Striker, Ammo Case;
If you want that your sentinel does not attack, just dont equip a weapon, and it wont do any type of attack;
Vacuum is the most used mod in the sentinels, so let's make it global, for kubrows too! Now kubrows will collect Pickups, Ammo, and Mods within the area

Kubrow precepts:

Why sentinels are so strong and kubrows no? Let's buff them too!
Now, like sentinels, precept kubrows mods are auto installed in their own respective kubrows.
These mods have been removed: Savagery, Unleashed, Dig, Ferocity, Protect, Howl, Stalk, Hunt, Neutralize, Retrieve
So we need to buff Chesa Kubrow too (because vacuum is now a companion mod), now Retrieve ability has a chance to double the resource retrived for 5%(rank 0)/10/20/30/40/50% (rank 5)

Oh wait, helminth charger? Yes!
These mods have been removed: Proboscis, Trample and are auto installed in helminth charger

Warframe passive change:

Some warframe passives are not exactly good and most of times nonexistent, so there are some changes!

Frost passive has been changed into: your melee attacks may freeze the attacker, Frost takes reduce damage from ice and can't be slowed by it
Saryn passive has been changed into: status effect inflicted upon enemies last longer, saryn takes reduced damage from toxin
Ember regenerates energy, deals more damage while on fire and she takes reduced damage from heat
Mag receives energy while on magnetic effect instead of losing it, enemies killed by mag have a higher chance to drop an energy orb
Nova when knocked down, summons 2 antimatter spirits who help her in the fight
Loki deals more damage using silent weapons
Valkyr stacks "Fury" killing enemies, each 30 enemies she will become raged increasing damage and attack speed for melee combat (30 cd)
Rhino, every enemy around rhino increase his armor by 30 (max 300)
Mesa has +20% reload speed and fire rate on secondary weapons and headshots damage is doubled

Conclave battles:
Play with your clan mates for the glory! Collect more glory points you can for exclusive rewards, every week the best clans will receive a prize and every month you can try to win a bigger prize!

You can challenge your rivals in all 4 modalities (event too if they are available)

A clan cannot win twice in a row, so the next week/month you wont receive the prize, but you can play for collect glory points
A clan cannot partecipate if it is a new clan, the clan must exist at least 1 month 
Clan members cannot receive the prize if they joined in the clan before the end of the week/month
Clan members wont receive any reward if they dont collect any glory points

Your clan can also challenge another clan in a competitive squad team battle! Warlords can only send the invites to another clan
The reward will be decided by warlords, endo, platinum, resource and credits, winning clan will receive their reward in clan dojo in the Treasury, only clan war participants can redeem the respective reward

P.S. i think the "oro" should be removed, it's pretty unsatisfying lose the "oro"

Simulacrum rework:
You can use captura scenarios to test your weapons and skills, no more falling enemies! Now there are 4 arsenal slots so you don't have to tell to your friend to move on!

Jordas verdict Bug fixes & changes:

Reduced time for decryption in the first stage (minimum 3 minutes from 5)
Changed the ending of the second stage, after completing the objective you have 30 seconds for extract
if all participant go to extraction the mission ends early
Changed the delay of time between purge and Jordas vulnerable in the third stage, making Jordas vulnerable almost immediately after purge
Fixed camera visual in the first stage being too close to your warframe making it unseen
Fixed camera visual after entering in the non-archwing part in the first stage when trying to crouch
Fixed esophagus not eating you properly if you are not the host , ejecting you back
Fixed the hitbox of the core of the elevator in the second stage, making you stuck in
Fixed the black hole in the second stage near the extraction
Fixed sometimes not spawning enemies on the third stage
Fixed the black screen forcing you to die for autofix when there is a high ping in the third stage inside Jordas
Fixed visual bug showing archwing weapons inside the golem in the third stage
Fixed being able to use your archwing weapons inside the golem in the third stage
Fixed being able to use your weapons in the space instead the archwing one in the third stage

New functions & Changes

  • Added a focus wheel on the arsenal for change rapidly your focus school 
  • Snipetron and conventrix have been reworked, 3d model and fire mode completely new
  • Snipetron is droppable from the Nullifier and its variants (0.5%)
  • Boltor prime has received a buff, status chance is now 25%, changed the damage from 5.5 impact, 49.5 puncture to 4 impact 52 puncture 4 slash
  • Dakra prime has received a buff, status is now 15% and critical chance 20%
  • Axi D1 can be found in void sabotage mission reward, it contains Dual Dakra prime rare, Dual Dakra prime blade uncommon, Dakra prime blueprint uncommon, Dakra prime handle common, forma common, Dual Dakra prime link common (crit 25% crit dmg 2.5)
  • Kuva is now droppable in b and c rotation on damu and taveuni! (1500 60%, 2000 100%) so now you can farm the kuva in different ways and not making it a repetitive gameplay
  • Kuva security cameras now can be disabled if you shoot them for a couple of seconds, so non-stealth warframes can easily make the mission
  • Ducats are now droppable in rotation b and c in void high level survival/defence mission (mot and belenus, decent drop chance 20% i think is good, 150 b, 200 c)
  • Ayatans armor parts are now hidden in the solar systems! Enjoy and good luck finding them (they are animated with ayatans stars, pieces are pretty rare, but they make a sound if you are near it and you're using a prime item (warframe or weapon)
  • Changed some colors in tenno lab for make your dojo more cool
  • Changed gold texture for the golden pacifism defect statue
  • Augment slot have been added in warframe upgrade mod space, you can only unclock it finding the blueprint in the new system below
  • Corrupted Vor has a chance to drop a void key fragment (10%) and void key blueprint(5%), with 4 fragment you can build a void key. It can be used for open a special door in the void in a unique void tower and mission, it's better for you if you go with a full team, the orokins don't want you steal their treasure (Augment adapter blueprint and something else)
  • Fixed shade invisibility making helmet, syandana and armor disappearing
  • Bo prime handle icon now it's how it should be... primed
  • Fixed akstiletto conclave skin magazines out its position

Let me know what you think, i hope you appreciate my time spent for this game and i'd like so much if al least a line of my work will be implemented in the game.

Thanks so much for reading :thumbup:

Edited by Hornster98
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