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Nova....kinda Ugly? >.>


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I call her Shiny Butt. The curves on her butt are so silly and the reflections in that area are way over the top, resulting in way more underlining of her posterior than any other frame.


It's pretty silly. But she looks okay overall. Banshee, on the other hand, looks positively awful.

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Honestly, I think half of her awkward look comes from taking a very different model, and sticking it on top of the same old skeletal/animation rigging as every other Frame. I can't even notice a difference between how Rhino and Mag run, other than Rhino is slower.

I think there is a chance she could look more natural if her rigging and animation had been designed from the ground up along with the model. But that adds quite a bit of cost to generating a new Warframe. Perhaps if the game continues to do well, DE will spend more money on touches like that. I would love if they would go back and individually tune all the different Warframes animations to be more indicative of their "personalities".

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