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Buff Charged Chamber Or Give Us Primed!


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Well then, nothing important happend since my last bump.. so.. back to topic shall we?


I like that it's almost always the people defending the exclusivity who quickly resort to personal attacks.

Anyway it's pretty neat to see this in gameplay feedback now. Hopefully DE actually reads the topic and pays attention to it and the kind of attitudes exclusive mods breeds.

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event exclusive.

Your quote says it is not exclusive to the drone event.


You want Primed Chamber? When the next event comes up where it's a reward, you do what the top100 did and earn it.

When an event with rewards comes around in WoW/Rift/Aion/Etc, do you see them handing those rewards at any other time besides the intended event? No.

Do you get new years sales on days other than new year? No.

Does whining like a brat change anything? Certainly not.

TL;DR DealWithIt.GIF

Other games do not give out such powerful rewards for events. They give out the most powerful rewards for actually accomplishing something, and not just because you no lifed it for a weekend to come in top 100.

Edited by whitejackale
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Your quote says it is not exclusive to the drone event.

So.... what's your point? Exclusive is exclusive. A TIMED exclusive with the top X getting access to it first is fine, but it's not a time exclusive.


And then later the devs do another event with the same rules with a mod you like... see ?

Exactly, only this time instead of a "bad" mod, it's serration with the training wheels taken off. (i.e. 220%, probably won't happen, but you see my point)

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So.. new Event and no Primed Chamber Mod as a reward.. only Ammo Converts..which means more and more waiting for the next Event where we possibly won't get a Primed Chamber either. And no response on buffing the Charged Chamber. Am i the only one who finds that really really sad?

Edited by Namacyst
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So.. new Event and no Primed Chamber Mod as a reward.. only Ammo Converts..which means more and more waiting for the next Event where we possibly won't get a Primed Chamber either. And no response on buffing the Charged Chamber. Am i the only one who finds that really really sad?

I'm pretty disappointed about it too.

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I think that Primed Chamber should be an exclusive to the top 100 of the event. Let's face it guys, they tried really hard for it and they deserve something unique. I've done around 100 kills on the event so why would I have a chance to get it? At least, it's too soon to make it public imo since if I was in those top 100 I'd be really mad that everyone could get it now.

The rest of the game is left to RNG, where amount of hours spent played doesn't always correlate to better game play; luck plays a larger roll.  Why should time invested suddenly matter so much?


Allow working class people to have a chance at obtaining mods, we are the people with the $$$.  Stop rewarding basement trolls unfairly vs. to those who obligations that disallow them to game nonstop.


I agree with making it a ridiculously rare mod, like Handspring or Sanctuary or even a, "buy only," mod like Retribution seems to be.  That way they have something exclusive for their hard efforts, but the door is still open to those of us with the cash/luck to get it.

Edited by Swaggermeistress
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