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Power Pools


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To make the Frames more customizable, give them all 4 more powers that can be switched with the other four powers. Two of each of the four powers. This could make some of the classes break out of the roll they have been placed. We can make defensive or support Frames into different types.


A way to apply this give the cards a flip side or a B-side power. Steve said he liked to flip problems on their head and do the opposite, this idea fits in with that idea. Example: A-side frost snow globe, B-side frost has an attack snow storm, like Ember has flame spiral around her, frost can have a storm of snow spiral around him and blind the npc and damage them, or give them a damage bonus.


The point is the B-side can be a 180 of the A-side power and we can mix and match our slots, power 1 A-side, power 2 B-side. power 3 B-side, power 4 A-side. Really make the Frame our own, not only in color, helmet, and mods, but a choice of powers. This will break people out of the listing frames on a tier list as well.




Another reason why a B-side is better than a whole other card for the powers, if you sell cards and it is attached to the other card you will never sell a power by mistake.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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To make the Frames more customizable, give them all 4 more powers that can be switched with the other four powers. Two of each of the four powers. This could make some of the classes break out of the roll they have been placed. We can make defensive or support Frames into different types.


A way to apply this give the cards a flip side or a B-side power. Steve said he liked to flip problems on their head and do the opposite, this idea fits in with that idea. Example: A-side frost snow globe, B-side frost has an attack snow storm, like Ember has flame spiral around her, frost can have a storm of snow spiral around him and blind the npc and damage them, or give them a damage bonus.


The point is the b-side can be a 180 of the A-side power and we can mix and match our slots, power 1 A-side, power 2 B-side. power 3 B-side, power 4 A-side. Really make the Frame our own, not only in color, helmet, and mods, but a choice of powers. This will break people out of the listing frames on a tier list as well.



This would also allow Scott to go nuts with the Nova Frame and show us what his 4 powers would have been on her B-side powers.


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lol yes.


i don't use radial blind on excal at all. actually used a forma to change one of my = (skill) slots to something else.. however, making a B-side skill, that say would be like rhino's roar, or a damage or def buff, would be cool. might actually make me rethink my current 6-forma loadout for him.


can't think of a B-side for super jump.. unless DE turns it into another slash dash... and for that matter would likely make the B-side for radial jav exactly what radial blind currently is..


even if they were slight modifications of the original.. slash dash B-side would have longer distance, but shorter aoe range (or visa-versa)

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Yes please.


I love this idea.


Sadly I'm only 1 person, so I can only give a + 1.


Hope that still counts though :3

Well if you like it maybe a member of the DE team sees it and thinks saltshaker42 isn't the only one. I like this too, let's look into this idea. Maybe something comes from this. DE said they are trying to rethink the Frames and their powers, maybe they just need to gives more options and let the community alter them to suit their play style. I love most of the powers of the Frames I play, but would love to have an option to switch them up a bit to suit different missions.


I like almost everyone else, switch between Frames for defense on certain planets or if I'm trying for higher levels, and switch if I'm farming or doing an alert. It would be nice just to flip my powers to suit the purpose as easily as we switch the mods we switch out.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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Well if you like it maybe a member of the DE team sees it and thinks saltshaker42 isn't the only one. I like this too, let's look into this idea. Maybe something comes from this. DE said they are trying to rethink the Frames and their powers, maybe they just need to gives more options and let the community alter them to suit their play style. I love most of the powers of the Frames I play, but would love to have an option to switch them up a bit to suit different missions.


I like almost everyone else, switch between Frames for defense on certain planets or if I'm trying for higher levels, and switch if I'm farming or doing an alert. It would be nice just to flip my powers to suit the purpose as easily as we switch the mods we switch out.

This could also let Volt's Electric Shield change into a mobile offensive shield, and keep its original function for whoever wants it (apparently a lot of people want it to stay for some reason). I really like that idea, but its more than that.


This would be great for allowing your favorite frame fit your style of playing easier.

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This could also let Volt's Electric Shield change into a mobile offensive shield, and keep its original function for whoever wants it (apparently a lot of people want it to stay for some reason). I really like that idea, but its more than that.


This would be great for allowing your favorite frame fit your style of playing easier.

You hit the nail on the head of the idea, I love the frames I play, but some of the powers I just don't use, not because there bad powers, but because they don't fit with what I'm doing. Like you suggest the shield is a static shield, this one can have a boost of damage for the bullets that pass through it, and the mobile shield could shock people that are hit with it and no bonus to bullets.


I am not trying to come up with the B-side powers here. I am just trying to show examples of how this could work for us and DE.

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You hit the nail on the head of the idea, I love the frames I play, but some of the powers I just don't use, not because there bad powers, but because they don't fit with what I'm doing. Like you suggest the shield is a static shield, this one can have a boost of damage for the bullets that pass through it, and the mobile shield could shock people that are hit with it and no bonus to bullets.


I am not trying to come up with the B-side powers here. I am just trying to show examples of how this could work for us and DE.

I understand. My suggestions obviously all suck, so I don't mean to try and make it seem like I want to force this mobile shield as one of Volt's powers.

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Now, the question I have is, if you have two of one power card, would you be able to flip one and equip both?


Also, one possible change this possibility makes me think of is dividing Volt's Shock: One side is a high damage, single target attack. The other side is a wide arc AoE stun that lasts longer than current but does significantly less damage (visually looking like either the second or third form of Force Lightning in KotOR) XD

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I'd probably still be more inclined to utilize unused power slots for other mods to better outfit a frame. Nevermind the fact that creating additional powers would take as much work as an entirely new frame. I'd rather have a whole new frame instead myself...

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This could also let Volt's Electric Shield change into a mobile offensive shield, and keep its original function for whoever wants it (apparently a lot of people want it to stay for some reason). I really like that idea, but its more than that.


This would be great for allowing your favorite frame fit your style of playing easier.


Smaller arm attached shield? Would satisfy the many people that want Tenno riot shields.

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Now, the question I have is, if you have two of one power card, would you be able to flip one and equip both?

Think of it as a power with two sides, Like a coin. Heads is the A power tails the B power. Lets say the A power is a attack power the B side could be a defense power or a utility power. And you can choose the side you want to use for the mission for each power to suit your style or the mission needs. You will never be able to equip both sides at once, either heads or tails.


Even if you have two of the same card it would act like it does now, you can use them to power up the card, but not double equip.

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I'd probably still be more inclined to utilize unused power slots for other mods to better outfit a frame. Nevermind the fact that creating additional powers would take as much work as an entirely new frame. I'd rather have a whole new frame instead myself...

Well they are going back and changing powers all the time, same thing here, just adding instead of subtracting or changing. Be honest do you think they will stop putting out new frames just because they add new powers? It just adds a bit of range to the frames we have now. They are stuck in there little boxes now. We need a way to make ALL Frames viable options for all missions and this could be a good start in that direction. 

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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I have been looking around the board, I have found a lot of people who rank powers and frames and the reasons they give for ranks have a lot to do with not being able to use ____ in ______ mission/mission type. This speaks to the heart of this idea and how it could change that thinking. The other side of this is I think because it is a free to play game DE needs to make money. It would be harder to do that if people didn't need all the different classes to switch between, but that again could be fixed if they did something really cool with the mastery system and rewarded people for all the hard work.

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This isn't a new suggestion, and it remains a good suggestion. I do hope this garners attention from the Devs.


You did good. Have a cookie.


If this is old news I'm sure the devs have seen it and dismissed it the first time. I have no idea why, it sure seems like it would add so much to these Frames and solve a few problems, but hey what do I know, I'm the guy who came up with an old idea.

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