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Grinders... grrrrr


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I think grinders would be fine if they just fixed their movement. Right now they can hit you from behind, stop on a dime, spin around instantly, and hit you again while you're still stunned from the first hit. They're little balls rolling around so they should move like it. Give them momentum and make them take some time to turn instead of changing directions instantly like they do now.

The other problem with them isn't really grinder specific, but the stun animation lasts way too long. I'm a space ninja that can run on walls and dash 100 feet instantly but this little soccer ball hits me and I stumble around like an 80 year old with arthritis for 2 seconds. How does that make sense?

LOL! so true! that stun mechanism also goes with the infested! specially the chargers..

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Oh my god, the new electric grinder balls that stun you forever are absolutely infuriating. These electric balls make me never want to play again in grineer levels. Whose idea was this? I'd like to introduce them to my scindo!

Edited by Vespoidian
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The Latchers are okay since some guy are laying them down. (Seekers)

But the Grinders are just plain cheap.

IMHO, the Grineer should have more manpower and less utility. The Corpus smart alecks can have all the utilities they can think of (besides the Grinders).

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I figured a 'flash' or 'stun' grenade would just make your aim incredibly shaky and drain stamina without taking away control. Put you on the back foot without taking away player input, so to speak.

I might be able to condone this providing you can still cover against them about as well as you can existing grenades, but apparently somebody felt that grenades weren't a good enough tool to harass you through cover so I find that doubtful. Giving Grineer a debuff that ruins your ability to snipe and that the player doesn't have any real way to avoid would still be a terrible idea, in about the same way that giving commanders switch teleport has been a terrible idea. Any mechanic that nerfs or punishes turtling needs to be one that players can employ countertactics to protect themselves against. Anything else isn't creating a challenge for snipers, it's writing sniping or cover tactics altogether out of the game completely - which is something commanders aren't already doing for no reason but their low spawn rate, at this point.

I see way, way too much talk about mechanics that arbitrarily or randomly force players out of a fight on their own terms and tools who think that this constitutes "creating tension" or "variety." And it's terrible. Forcing a sniper to fight close in instead is valid when the sniper has some way to see it coming and prevent it, and themselves to blame if they fail to prevent it. Forcing a sniper to fight close in instead by hitting them with a debuff or switch teleport or grinder rush that they had almost or literally no way to prevent is just stupid, and reduces this game into a wankfest for shallow CoD fanboys who just don't want to see absolutely any playstyle but "run and gun" supported.

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I really don't think grinders are such a problem. Yes, I have been stunlocked by 6 (literally 6) grinders to death before, but that was simply because I entered a room carelessly. If you enter each room slowly, making sure to take note of relevant sounds and retreating a bit if you hear something you can't handle so that you have a small amount of space you can control, you'll survive pretty much always. You probably won't hear a grineer heavy, but you'll be able to retreat if there's no grinders to stun you, and those are noisy. In my opinion, grinders shouldn't be removed since they're the only thing stopping me from rushing into rooms randomly and killing everything head-on.

In infested levels, the one infested type that does this is the charger, but in an entirely different way than the grinder.

This game is mostly way too easy as it is.

Edited by Inofor
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The problem with grinders is not that they are unbeatable. It is that I and apparently a great number of other player derive literally no joy from fighting them. This isn't about whether we can "deal with" them, it's about whether they are actually contributing anything positive. And they aren't.

Players rushing into rooms randomly as you describe could be and ought to be addressed via better solutions than the grinder. The fact that something results in a player dying does not by definition make the game "challenging" in any positive way. The fact that grinders will tend to outrun their supporting forces and just mob the player well ahead of any such heavies just stands to show that they really aren't even serving the purpose that you ascribe to them.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, is it just me or did they remove Grinders with the new update? Been playing but I only saw the latchers that Seekers throw, and the new awesome non-ballish enemies. If so, that is great news! ;O

Edit: Scratch that, I just played a mobile defense mission with 3 others, we were swarmed by grinders... Not fun at all. Apparently the only thing that changed was their name, they're "Grineer Rollers" now. Still ridiculous, still annoying, and still hard to get rid of when you're surrounded by others and getting staggered constantly by these balls one after another... REMOVE IT ALREADY, NOBODY LIKES THEM ;O

Edited by CapricaSix
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  • 3 weeks later...

These are the #2 worst thing int he game, right behind blueprint drop rates. Easiest solutions would be to make them slower or to make them bigger. They're easy to kill, if you can just hit them!

They already "fixed" the hitboxes I believe. But that didn't help at all, the "Grineer Rollers" are still annoying as frak. Only think I noticed is that not all Seekers throw nervos in the coop games now, sometimes most of the time they just throw latchers which is a good thing, but the Grinders... kill it with fire DE_Steve! The game has never been fun with these b******s around!

Edited by CapricaSix
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