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Why Do Certain Power Mods Not Work With Vaubans Skill Mods?


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I have been fiddling around testing this, and some things dont work.


Tesla gets its range increased by stretch, and its damage by focus, but continuity does nothing to how long it lasts.


and the vortex skill is only effected by continuity, an nothing else. I feel I should be able to use mods to increase its damage and suction range(alone with the long overdue fix to it effecting other players.


the bastille skill is fine i think, not sure what focus could do if it did something


I don't see how these things could be anything but a mistake that needs fixing.



I wouldn't think it would break the game for my teslas to last 60 seconds instead of 40, or for vortex to do a little bit more damage to a few more enemies

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I have been fiddling around testing this, and some things dont work.


Tesla gets its range increased by stretch, and its damage by focus, but continuity does nothing to how long it lasts.


and the vortex skill is only effected by continuity, an nothing else. I feel I should be able to use mods to increase its damage and suction range(alone with the long overdue fix to it effecting other players.


the bastille skill is fine i think, not sure what focus could do if it did something


I don't see how these things could be anything but a mistake that needs fixing.



I wouldn't think it would break the game for my teslas to last 60 seconds instead of 40, or for vortex to do a little bit more damage to a few more enemies


It's something the devs need to look into.

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I am not really sure that I agree that vauban is overpowered,but he does have a very strong set of ability(bounce maybe not so much)


I am very bad at keeping things concise, so I apologize about this disheveled nature of this post



I think that many other frames don't have tools that stay consistent, thus they feel useless by comparison.

I started the game with the loki, so lets use decoy as an example of this.

With decoy, when you're first starting out, its a very strong tool.  It draws the attention of all enemies and it stays alive long enough for it to be useful. 


Now move on to the end game where it dies as soon as it is placed. you can make the argument that you're supposed to place it somewhere that it wont get hurt, but at best it becomes a situational trick rather then the useful tool It was.

Unfortunately even then everything has to compete with whatever the best AoE kill skill is at the time


My friend bought a saryn almost out of the gate, so when we would play together I would think "what good is my skill set when he can just kill things outright" I didn't wish that his powers were weaker,so much as I wished my skill had stayed at the same level of usefulness it was before.   My friend like his saryn, but he felt that only his AoE skill had any use. even though he had this great skill he felt let down by the other ones. He wasn't having as much fun as he could have had.

I feel its a matter of perceived usefulness and fun.  People are calling for a nerf to nova because compared to a frame that can just outright kill everything in the room, what can they do to feel that they have a use in the party other then dead weight.

Nerfing things is an option, but so is making everything else more useful and fun to use.

Back to scaling


The first frame I built was a frost(I have not bought any frames).  He has one actual strong skill, the snow globe, its strong, not just because it offers an absolute territory of defense, but because it doesn't become less useful as the difficulty goes up.  

Frost is considered(from what I have read on this and other forums) to be a top tier frame, and its based on one skill.(also high hp but this is really just in regards to skills)  Think how different it would be if frosts shield had hp that didnt scale like loki's decoy, a skill that would just break instantly at the end game.

People would say that the frost is more balanced?, maybe, but it certainly wouldn't be as fun.

And IMO vauban and frost's strong defensive skills do less to undermine the fun and perceived usefulness of others. Compared to nova, killing the whole room leaving one feeling as if the most they did was be an extra body so more enemies spawn for her to kill.  But I am sure the nova is having fun, and has valid input on the matter.

Game balance deserves more thoughtful discourse then simply "X is OP and that's your answer"

Right now I perceive the vauban to have one truly strong ability and 2 fun and slightly useful ones.

The tesla grenades are fun, but in the endgame they don't hold up that well. For them to hurt enemies enough to be *not* useless, you need to have them leveled to max, with max focus, and stretch, and have a cluster of 10(225 energy) of them.  Then they will kill or almost kill one enemy every other second for 40 seconds(should be 60 with the mods). Compare that to nova/saryn using 100(or 70, but I am not counting streamline) to kill everything outright, not really OP. They are still very fun to use at high levels though.

Vortex is at best a fun tool that can kill a few enemies while holding off and hurting the rest for a bit.  And at worst is an unwelcome hindrance to you team mates( they really need to make it not have friendly)

And bounce is... well... Its a bouncy castle, vauban does children's parties I suppose.

These skills are nothing next to the large zone of safety that bastille provides(*old man voice* alright you kids, if you misbehave in the bouncy castle, its right to the bastille for ya)

Making that skill worse wouldn't make loki's decoy better, or mag's shield drain skill, or any of the other unfun situational skills.

I made this topic to maybe(chance slim to none) get a dev person to comment on the fact the the skill powering up cards don't work on somethings.

They are not consistent and I think that's a problem.

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all abilities, regardless of element need to ignore armor, that would solve the inconsistency with attack skills thoughout all ranges of difficulty of the game.


all abilities with durations need their health bar removed completely so they become TIME based instead of getting sneezed on and dying within 2 seconds of spawning. (except for Chaos, pre patch chaos made ALL missions a freaking joke)


it would fix alot of things if the skills were like that.

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