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[Recruiting CLOSED] [International] Prime Dragon Ascension | open for recruitment


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EDIT :  Update -> Current spots: FULL

Greetings to all!

Before I begin, I must post the obligatory self-reflection questions or whatever you call them...ahem*

-Do YOU want to join a close community filled with diverse players?

-Do YOU belong to a clan that is inactive or is too big that you don't even know your fellow clanmates?

-Do YOU want to join a clan that has zero requirements? (except staying active...somewhat....will be explained further below....it won't be a problem, trust me)

-Did YOU take a long break (i took one for over 16 months) and want to get back in the game?

-Do YOU want a clan that is willing to help you no matter what?

-Are YOU lonely and/or bored in this game because no one will play with you in low level missions?

-Are YOU struggling because this game is not friendly to beginners?


If you answered yes to one or more questions above, continue reading. If you answered no to all of them, continue reading. :)

You are about to undertake a great challenge of conquering the great wall of text. (Don't worry, you can skip it too....if you don't appreciate the time and effort I put into this :( ..........just kidding of course)

WARNING: The following is a large wall of text. If you wish to skip to the bottom, then there will be a recap, just scroll down to „Recap / TL,DR (Too Long, Didn't Read“.

Thanks for reading!



Hello, let me introduce myself. I'm LyLSpringroll and currently the acting leader of Prime Dragon Ascension. In before, Tazerok was the previous Clanleader and before that Ryutai (Link to original Post from our previous recruitment). As you can see there was a switch on leadership. But wait! It's not because of fighting or anything worse, both departed on their own terms with their own reasons (e.g. Real life situations [i won't go further into any details, too personal]. I have been recently promoted to Leadership after the remaining clan members decided it was about time to do something about our current situation. Our Clan was deteriorating and almost became devoid of life. To prevent this we held a voting about the new Leadership (i was nominated) and also because of the upcoming new event of Plains of Eidolon. I hope i've inherited the same fire of passion from the previous clan leaders.

I'm a seasoned/veteran Tenno and I've been playing the Game since open Beta release (yes i'm old -.-), so i know alot (but NOT everything) about the ingame contents. Among myself there are a few other long term players as well. Because of the variety of MR(Mastery Rank) and different timezone you can expect that not everyone of us is online at the sametime, but due to that you will also come to learn about different people from many different places. We don't expect you to invest everything into the clan, if there are pressing matters you have to attend to like Real Life situations, then please take those as your utmost priority. We do our best to help each other out as much as possible, so we can learn from each other (there is always something new to learn).


The Dojo and Research:

Our Dojo is currently fully build, there are several rooms that act as decorations and whatnot. Our current entrance is the Trading hall, a floor dedicated only to research and another floor entirely for clan activites like dueling and other entertainment (you will understand, once you visit the meeting hall).

So far our clan doesn't have any alliances and we also intent to remain that way, in respect to our clan-founders wish. The same can be said for the Clan Tier.

Our Clan is more directed towards frequent and casual players. We don't have Clan Tax (yes thats right!), we don't demand or make you donate resources. Of course if you are able to, then your commitment is very much appreciated. SIDENOTE: Please don't mistake Clan tax with Trade tax (tax for trading is set to the lowest value and will remain so).

The benefit of a small Clan also includes, less research costs and "Event Points" are much easier to acquire for the Event rewards. We don't have a large clan list, so that newcomers are not overwhelmed with names. With our current amount of clan members its easier to memorize who is who. Also as a small clan we can easier connect with each other and learn more about others. Our Clan is very friendly towards newcomers and it doesn't bother us if you ask for help. Of course we also welcome with open arms to those who are already experienced.

We have a dedicated Discord Server that can be used for voice chat if you wish. This will never be a requirement and is there only as an asset. However i still highly recommend it. Our server has a bot which has been setup so that it posts rewards (reactor, catalyst, etc.), so you won't miss it ;)



Yes, activity is kind of a delicate topic. But don't worry. We don't have a strict policy. Constant activity is not required (you don't have to be online everyday, as long as in the clan list states that your last activity was max. 14 days ago, than there is no need to be afraid of), but we appreciate it if you can.

EXCEPTION: If you are inactive for longer than 2 weeks without leaving a notice or a note to any officer or myself, your clan membership will be released. Once you have informed us about your absence, we fully understand there are some circumstances or obligation that forces you to be away, which i'm also very lax about it. For instance i don't immediately kick you from the clan after 14 days (e.g. hospitlized, etc…), i will take a bit more time about it and when i feel that you won't be online for several upcoming days than i will hold a small meeting with the clan (depending on the decision/outcome we might also be more lenient and wait another 1 to X weeks more, no promises).

WARNING: Please don't take/refrain taking advantage from saying that „you have to be away for xx“ of that time so you can remain in the clan, by posting this EVERY 2 weeks. That is uncalled for and disrespectful to myself and everyone else in the clan, who agreed on the same condition to join the clan. You can bet, you will be excommunicated from the Clan.

There is however a very high expectation if an event is in progress (e.g. Operation Pacifism Defect). As an example to show you why. During Operation Pacifisim Defect event, only the clans who managed to get within 10% of the ranking were given the research for Ignis Wraith (which our clan did) in the Clan Dojo - Research lab.

In all seriousness though, I get pretty competitive during events so I do hope activity is higher around those times, but since those aren't around that often, you won't have to worry about it all the time.

There are absolutely ZERO requirements to join the clan. All that I ask of you is to stay positive, be respectful and help others when possible. I understand that there are many other obligations to tend to in real life. Remember, any level of experience and mastery rank is accepted. After all, we were all rookies at some point or another. :)


If you made it through that big wall of text, then congratulations!

If not, then here is a recap/summary if you skipped to the bottom.


Recap / TL, DR (Too Long, Didn't Read):


-) DOJO: mostly done ( Max Rooms, but some decorations still not build yet)

-) RESEARCH: All research is done (Yes, even the Hema and Ingis Wraith), ZERO Taxes for storage. You can donate any amount of resource for research as you like. [Colours are still missing alot :/ ]

-) COMMUNICATION: Join a close community (Discord optional)

-) ACTIVITY: Only expectation is for you to stay somewhat active (logging on once every 2 weeks if possible) and be talkative/communicative (After all we can't help you if you don't tell us your problem in the first place :D)

-) LEVEL: Any level of experience is welcome!



If you are interested, please contact me in-game or leave a reply on here. My in-game name is LyLSpringroll. You can also contact DarkStarShinra in game as the second-in-command.


Timeline & Response:

My Timezone is UTC+2, just to give you guys a thought when i'm online, I am usually active around in the evening.

Check your Timezone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/


Don't forcefully wait on our reply if you get an invitation from a different clan before ours, there are plenty good clans out there as well.

That is all, I hope to see you soon!


Edited by LyLSpringroll
updating open spots
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Hello, I'd like to join your ranks.

I'm a MR 11 coming back to the game from a lengthy hiatus.  Trying to make sense of all the new stuff, and would like to be in a helpful laid back group.  I usually play after work and weekends (UTC -5).

IGN: Mermster

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