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The Idea For A New Boss


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So i've come up with this idea for a new boss. The point of it is that it is much harder than other bosses and it almost makes Trinity mandatory. And the boss which will be interesting and challenging to fight with.

For this boss, like in other MMOs, we will need full team that will fulfill main roles(tank, healer, DPS)

The healer is, obviously, Trinity.

The DPSes are any other frames.

And now lets find out who can be tank. Its easy to assume that Rhino will fit this role perfectly. But my idea is that tanking is not about absorbing all that damage, but about avoiding it too. So Loki can be tank. Or Ash.

Now lets think about maintaining aggro. In other MMOs the tank maintains aggro with certain abilitis. Its not about Warframe. My idea is that you can force boss to attack you by shooting some specific areas on bosses body. It could be eyes or the emblem of his faction. So if you want to tank with your Loki, you will need to dodge all that damage, while shooting in this areas.

Now about the difficulty. I don't want this boss to be insta-killed by players with fully modded Heks or Despairs. But I don't want it to be extra hard, too. My solution is the thing I called dynamic difficulty: this boss will fully heal himself, aswell as increasing his health pool if you will deal him too much damage for very short amount of time. So you need to plan you DPS carefuly.

To make Trinity viable, you will need this boss to hit really hard. That hard that even Rhino will need to dodge his fire. This boss also will unleash radial AoE damage and attack random player for short amount of time. That way you want that Trinity to heal all group. I want also to link Trinity to my dynamic difficulty idea. Couple of times during the fight, boss will unleash some really powerfull AoE ability. Of course, boss will have some distinct animation for this skill. The point is that Trinity will need to use her Blessing before this damage to make all players invincible. After this massive slam, boss will be weakened, and will be unable to heal himself. So you can blast all of you possible DPS at him during this time. But if during his AoE slam this boss manages to kill somebody, he won't be weakened.

With this amount of AoE damage, our Trinity needs energy. I think we need to disable Energy Vampire on this boss to avoid making this fight too easy. Instead of this, energy orbs will be spawning on floating platforms. You will need parkour skills to get that energy.

Now lets think of rewards. This is not a solo-farmable boss, so lets skip all that RNG-based blueprint drops. I was thinking about some kind of token system. You will still need to farm him for some time, but you will be sure that you earn desired items after some number of runs. You can even count have many times you will need to kill that boss(and he could drop more than 1 token). This tokens could be spent on some items. It could be new items, or our current alert prize pool, or both.

Fell free to post you comments and ideas.

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Basically your telling us we need to play a certain warframe to win? Um no.


The mechanics can stay but you need to make it so all frames are possible to defeat it. whether it takes longer for some or faster for others.


And disabling Trinity's energy vampire is a bad idea. Energy Vampire is part of Trinity.

Edited by NBlitZ
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Idea has potential, but also has a LOT of holes to fill in, and some things that simply don't fit warframe (the game) at all.

+1 for effort though. Think of Borderlands and Borderlands 2, and those epic, ridiculously hard optional bosses post end-game.

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Basically your telling us we need to play a certain warframe to win? Um no.


The mechanics can stay but you need to make it so all frames are possible to defeat it. whether it takes longer for some or faster for others.


And disabling Trinity's energy vampire is a bad idea. Energy Vampire is part of Trinity.

In any MMO you need to play certain classes to win. Oh please, tell me what Warframe can fulfill the healer role? The main problem of Warframe now is that its not a co-op game. You can't make Warframe a normal co-op game without limiting some roles to certain frames. Warframe design is flawed now, since you can complete ANY task with ANY warframe, even solo.
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Well, you can't always solo defences and some bosses with certain frames.

It depends on weapons and personal skill. And you can solo defence since if you choose to leave after wave 5, you will complete defence misson. Warframe is a class-based game. As of now, it doesn't matter which frame you use. You can complete all content in the game with any frame. Even if you can't kill certain boss solo, you can kill it with the combination of any frames. And you don't even have to use skills to kill existing bosses. Edited by Redthirst
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In any MMO you need to play certain classes to win. Oh please, tell me what Warframe can fulfill the healer role? The main problem of Warframe now is that its not a co-op game. You can't make Warframe a normal co-op game without limiting some roles to certain frames. Warframe design is flawed now, since you can complete ANY task with ANY warframe, even solo.

Well, Mag can fulfill the healer role but she only heals shields, but yes she still counts as a healer.

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