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Fedback on Sniper and Focus2.0


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Sniper weapons:

Fittingly enough, yesterdays Sortie mission 3 was sniperweapons only and i used my Rubico, the result was suprising.

A few months back there was a Sortie mission 3 which had the modifier shotguns only. We were joking in the clan-chat that this almost making the mission easier, because of the strength of the Vaykor Hek and especially the Tigris Prime.

Long story short, sniper weapons seem to me to be on the same level as shotguns!



havn't tried Unairu and Madurai yet, but especially Unairu seem to be interesting. As for the other three schools:


Vazarin was always very solid, now it's amazing!

Using Vazarin gives any Warframe the ability to reliably heal allies. This is extremly nice, however it seems the Healing Dash is not working on Sentinels and evacueens from Defection mode. It whould be great, especially for the later the change this.

Instant revives were kept, so that's great, but i'd like to be able to get a few more insta-revives via a few more ranks of Mending Souls.


Zenurik became a lot more fun.

It features very nice CC with Temporal Blast.

I don't miss Energy Overflow in the slightest. Since it's now very fluid changing into Operator mode and back renewing Energyzing Dash is hardly a bother. Also, a few hours ago i had the pleasure playing with somebody who used it, while a used a different school. Getting energy regeneration from teammembers is incredible! But I didn't have to chance to stack my own with the Dash of a second team member.


Naramon  was also changed for the better. 

The I-win-button that was Shadowstep was removed. Good!

The new Naramon is a lot of fun to use! It's CC and the ability to increase dealt damage and even open up enemies to finishers makes it a powerful tool to deal with strong enemies, like Heavy Gunners, Techs and Bombards!


All in all, Focus 2.0 made the Focus ability a worthy 5th ability. Focus and Operator-mode can heavily change a Warframes behaviour.
It's almost like having access to a second Warframe on the press of  a button. This heavily cuts done the mandatory nature of some Warframes, like Trinity. Now a Rhino has a reliable way to heal himself as well as Teammates with Vazarin or or generate Energy for himself or his Team.

Trinity on the other hand is able to get herself a massive boost in damage with Madurai or reliable CC with Naramon or Unairu.

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I, for the most part, agree with you entirely. This sniper and focus change was great and has definitely been interesting to see the operator in action more. The ONLY thing I have to disagree with you on is that I DO indeed miss energy overflow. My only suggestion would be that whoever CASTS energizing dash keeps the benfits of the energy regen without having to recast. Essentially take away the timer for the caster but keep it for those who it was cast upon. Pulling out my operator in a level 150 area to ATTEMPT an energizing dash is uh... not all it's cracked up to be. Operators are not remotely strong enough to cope with level 150 bombards and Heavy gunners plus 40 other grineer shoting at your face. Plus I feel like having to recharge my frame in the middle of a massive firefight takes away from the mobility the game has strived so hard to achieve.

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23 hours ago, Walkampf said:

Naramon  was also changed for the better.

I need some of what you're smoking, man. Naramon is as useful as Unairu now. Not useful at all (especially since the melee combo decay doesn't even work).

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