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Double Defense Reward -> Void Keys Solution!


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My suggestion is to give 2 possible rewards for each 5 waves of Endless Defense missions:

One is a void key and the other a Mod.


The higher the level, the higher quality keys or rarer mods will be.


Players will only be able to choose one of rewards, or continue to battle.


This way people won't get frustrated when they want to get void keys and useless mods still coming, will reward people with skill and experience enough for high level waves and provides ways of getting void keys that are not completly random.

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Tho I agree with the idea, I think it'd be nice if it was more of as the waves go on, the rewards stack, like at wave 15 you have the rewards from 5 and 10, But after 3 or 4 different sets you start replacing one of the 4 with different rewards.

Aint they milked enough money so far? 

You do realize that all of the money that De makes from the game, is what pays for their servers, their office, their equipment, their power, their water, their employees. If you was a programer, would you work for free? Or would you charge people?

Edited by Weird_Stealth
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  • 2 weeks later...

Come on DE! I know you need to make money, no problem with that (as you can see I'm actually helping with that!).


But the void keys drop rate and the endless defense rewards still stupid and nonsense!!


People getting common mods on waves 30+!? Come on! Please!

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