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New to the game? Returning players? Looking for a home? We, The Anthem, shall bring you to that place you called home~.


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Name: Iceman154435
Rank: 7
Country: USA
About me:  Just got back into the game since playing it a couple years ago.  Got my old loki prime frame and boltor prime with some decent mods but have kind of hit a wall.  Don't know where to go from here and could use some advice from some experienced clanmates to help step my game up.

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Name: Heovet

Mastery Rank: 5

County: Singapore

About: Was a Destiny 2 player, but then got burned by it's definitive lack of any sort of endgame. Looking through some forums and some one recommended Warframe. It's great. I'm looking to join a clan as I've heard some of the clan weapons are really powerful (I have no Idea what that means XD). I likely will be unable to attend most of the meetings, but that's the price of global conquest I suppose XD.

I look forward to your reply... ... ??? (Was that too formal?)

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Name : Umbraxeo

Mastery rank : 12

Country : US

About me: I am a returning player that was brought back in by the allure of shiny gold accessories that can blow a hole in the head of bombards, so if you ever need anyone to run relic hunts or chase down prime parts I'm your girl! Lately ive been playing this game nonstop so i'll be around to help plenty. I'm known for my sharp tongue and witty humour which i would be more than happy to bring to discord. Joining a clan with a good community is essential to me and from what I have seen i would be honored to join your clan!

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Name: SneakyScarySnek
Mastery Rank: 21
Country of residence: Canada
About yourself: Veteran player, currently ~2,000 hours in game. Log in everyday to just check in and usually do sorties or just trade a bit. Spend some of my free time helping new players. Currently in University, so can't do things like raids or long gameplay stretches.

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Name: Ponium
Mastery Rank (Please be 5 or above): 14
Country of residence: Germany
About yourself: I'm looking for a fun and active clan to make Waframe more enjoyable and fun.

I played a lot two years ago (around 600 hours playtime) and now i wanna come back and have some fun.


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Name: ironicmoustache

MR: 5 (very close to 6)

Country of residence: Malaysia

About: I'm a new player (been playing for about two weeks), looking for a clan to be part of a community and make my experience a bit less solitary (and get access to that sweet clan tech). Plus vault runs and all that sort of jolly co-operation. I try to log in every day and play a bit, but might not always be up for super-long gameplay stretches due to my job. But always keen on trying stuff out with other people. Still going through the star chart.

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Name: BTinLC

MR: 10

Country: Canada

About: been playing for about a month and am just now feeling like I understand the game.  I'm looking to get deeper into the game as far as end game content, and having chill clan mates to do that stuff with.

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Mastery Rank:8
Country of residence:USA
About yourself: I've been on this game almost from the start. I used to be in the clan Crescent Moon back when clans first became a thing and helped them grow. I had to go away for a long time and am finally back and usually play every day aside from weekends unless its for something important. I was looking for a friendly and dedicated clan to join and be a part of.

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Name: D3Dash
Mastery Rank: 8
Country of residence: Mongolia
About yourself: Picked up the game recently, and learning my way around.

I'm looking forward to your response. Cheers.

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Name: jasonsee004
Mastery Rank (Please be 5 or above): Rank 12
Country of residence: Malaysia- Johor Bahru
About yourself:

Just Started this game 3 weeks ago , so far still playing alone all the way

Looking for a Malaysia / Singapore clan to know some new friends to play together with , hopefully will get some active team play together every night after 8pm

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Name: SkSakul
Mastery Rank: 6
Country of residence: SK (EU)
About yourself: Survived the age of korean mmorpg grind, got bored with scifi and fantasy mmo, so I tried Warframe again. And from the early time, it looks and feels quite better.

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