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New Grineer Mobs!


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The Grineer Executioners. I met one. He shown to me how to throw a disc and after 3 times i found myself with my nova upside down waiting to be revived... Are u kiding me? I love it ^^ A mob that can kill u so fast u don't have time to say wtf :)

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I've seen it.. it was terrible..






I know, and they are flying everywhere...THAT IS SO OP :). Today i fought with my team vs 8 of those... 8!!!!! We all used our revives >_<

You can dodge their projectiles easily, though :P

Edited by Chris9428
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Now all I really want is to verify if blocking works, and then have the eviserators be made a bit easier to see. Don't nerf the damage, or health, just give me like 1/10th of a second to realize I got hit and it was my fault for being a goober.

An argument can be made to slow the projectile a bit, and maybe that would work if blocking negated the damage. Maybe.

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Grineer Sawman:

I don't get it! They have these wild thrown buzz saw things that cut my whole unit in half, bouncing off walls and everywhere and I am stuck sidelined with this hand saw that I have to sneak up on them with while it's making more noise than a saw mill! Why the hell can't we get some whirling, thrown blades of death!?

<Captain Vor hands Sawman a shiny new eviserator cannon and new helmet>

Grineer Sawman:

Well... Alright then!

<Executioners deploy in droves>

This my fellow Tenno is why we must be careful what we wish for; once your enemy knows a thing can be done, they are halfway to doing it themselves. :)

Kidding aside, I love the new enemy.

Edited by Drusus
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