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Rhino Spikes - Less Is More, Mkay?


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So, I saw the new Rhino Iron Skin visual for the first time last night.


Saw it on another player.


And it must be said, I thought they'd given the Rhino hair.



Too many spikes. Way too many. And they're so thin, at distance, it makes the Rhino look fuzzy. Like he's furry.



I'd suggest:

1) Make the spikes shorter, and perhaps fatter. When they're that long, they look "delicate".


2) Limit them to his shoulders, thighs, back. Basically, put them on areas where it actually makes sense to have armoured spikes. There shouldn't be any spikes on his belly.


3) Only have 4-5 per armour "region". Having that many spikes makes them look like hair, when you can't see them up close.


These changes, I think, would make the armour-shard effect look more intimidating - like running into a Rhino would be more like running into a wall, than running into a cactus.


Otherwise, I like the underlying metallic effect - makes him look less like a frozen turd, and more like it's actually iron skin.

Edited by MXXVI
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2) Limit them to his shoulders, thighs, back. Basically, put them on areas where it actually makes sense to have armoured spikes. There shouldn't be any spikes on his belly.


Otherwise, I like the underlying metallic effect - makes him look less like a frozen turd, and more like it's actually iron skin.


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I think what would also be good would be to make the Iron Scales that should be used for Iron Skin shimmer based on the player's energy colour selection for the Warframe. Virtually all other abilities have their Energy colours being shown quite prominently during ability use.

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I think what would also be good would be to make the Iron Scales that should be used for Iron Skin shimmer based on the player's energy colour selection for the Warframe. Virtually all other abilities have their Energy colours being shown quite prominently during ability use.


I was about to edit my post to suggest exactly that, but you saved me the effort ;D

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Yeah, not at all a fan of the new Iron Skin. Honestly I'm not a fan of the old one either, given that the duration means I can't see my color scheme during a mission for more than a few seconds if I'm good about refreshing it, but at least the old one kept the shape of my 'frame the same. The spikes are making me a very unhappy Rhino.

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Yeah, not at all a fan of the new Iron Skin. Honestly I'm not a fan of the old one either, given that the duration means I can't see my color scheme during a mission for more than a few seconds if I'm good about refreshing it, but at least the old one kept the shape of my 'frame the same. The spikes are making me a very unhappy Rhino.

You don't like looking like Bowser on steroids?
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Hope nobody minds if I just paste a post I made in another thread about the new Iron Skin, it's relevant. Lots:

It [iron skin] certainly looks more metallic now, and unique since it reflects the selected color energy.
But I have a problem with the spikes.

Rhino all spiked up is fine and it makes sense since he's a brawler.
But the way it's cluttered and randomly spread all over right now makes it look more like he rolled in glitter.


Why not place the spikes more strategically like on spiked biker jackets on the shoulder and elbows?


MAYBE EVEN give him metallic rhino horns on his head, eh, EH? :P


Edited by The_Markness
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Hope nobody minds if I just paste a post I made in another thread about the new Iron Skin, it's relevant. Lots:

It [iron skin] certainly looks more metallic now, and unique since it reflects the selected color energy.

But I have a problem with the spikes.

Rhino all spiked up is fine and it makes sense since he's a brawler.

But the way it's cluttered and randomly spread all over right now makes it look more like he rolled in glitter.


Why not place the spikes more strategically like on spiked biker jackets on the shoulder and elbows?


MAYBE EVEN give him metallic rhino horns on his head, eh, EH? :P


This is something I can agree with.
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darwin4_zps47b41173.png      30661L_zpsad152528.jpg   640px-Darwin01_zpsbb31a1ce.jpg   Awakened-Prototype-Create-A-Player-Suite  Like so?

I would of liked a hexagonal pattern or scales of some kind for Iron Skin, similar to the Crysis Nanosuits. That way it would have a change in looks so you know Iron Skin is in use, and you'd still be able to see your colour scheme. Kinda like this:



Edited by Ellysium
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Well I worked shifts all weekend and just played a game with the new patch. Very disappointed with the spikes for Iron Skin. Looks like a bloody Christmas tree, just plain foolish looking. I thought the previous iron skin was good, now I frankly won't use my iron skin.


I also see the sound of the Snipertron Vandal was changed; again sounds week without any power. 


Sorry to post negative feedback; I've though past patches were good. These items above have taken away from the experience at least for me.

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