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26Th - 29Th July Event Ending Shorty Thread Merger


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no offense, and dont get offended...but there was practically the whole weekend for you to farm points and destroy fomorian ships. those of us that did make use of the time tried our best to destroy every single one, and we succeeded.


if you didnt have time to do it, dont blame the de. the de set a certain amount of ships to be destroyed and gave us the time frame to destroy them. we (the ones who participated and helped) completed it within the set time. we did not wish to lose our resources, so we (all those who participated and destroyed them) only did what the de said.


and dont talk about "you got a life". we do have a life too, and we made good use of it. if the event is completed earlier than expected...than so be it. grow up..this is life.

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What the... why are people complaining about this? :D How can they misunderstand so badly? Yes, deadline was 29th, but deadline just means a date UNTIL when the task must be completed. If it's completed earlier then that's it.

its really not hard to understand people are either slow or they dont wanna admit the truth. its one or the other

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no offense, and dont get offended...but there was practically the whole weekend for you to farm points and destroy fomorian ships. those of us that did make use of the time tried our best to destroy every single one, and we succeeded.


if you didnt have time to do it, dont blame the de. the de set a certain amount of ships to be destroyed and gave us the time frame to destroy them. we (the ones who participated and helped) completed it within the set time. we did not wish to lose our resources, so we (all those who participated and destroyed them) only did what the de said.


and dont talk about "you got a life". we do have a life too, and we made good use of it. if the event is completed earlier than expected...than so be it. grow up..this is life.


It was a poorly planned event. 20% of the time it was supposed to span is empty. The previous event was barely completed on time, this one was completed absurdly quickly. On top of that this event was also designed to block people from being able to do it whenever people happened to finish the last ship, while the previous two events people could still kill Moas and Informers after the bar had been filled. It's not surprising that there is discontent with how this event was handled.

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It was a poorly planned event. 20% of the time it was supposed to span is empty. The previous event was barely completed on time, this one was completed absurdly quickly. On top of that this event was also designed to block people from being able to do it whenever people happened to finish the last ship, while the previous two events people could still kill Moas and Informers after the bar had been filled. It's not surprising that there is discontent with how this event was handled.

the event was handled fine people just didnt make time simple as that not DE's fault that people cannot read or cannot understand the rules they set forth. the event finished early deal with it and move on there will be more events. Just suck it up already

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It's nice to have everything made completely clear so people don't complain.

I don't see why that's so terrible. Most contests make stuff clear.

That's really all I can say. II've stated my opinion and I don't want to argue.

this event was very, very easy to understand. ppl are annoyed tht other ppl make entire topics for things such as this to complain tht they arent smart enough. and then the complainers say theres nothing wrong with not being smart. well i say there is. its annoying to those who are.

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It was a poorly planned event. 20% of the time it was supposed to span is empty. The previous event was barely completed on time, this one was completed absurdly quickly. On top of that this event was also designed to block people from being able to do it whenever people happened to finish the last ship, while the previous two events people could still kill Moas and Informers after the bar had been filled. It's not surprising that there is discontent with how this event was handled.

so you suggest that every event should be the same thing? not changing anything? well bad news for you then. go with the flow and adapt. or are you not smart enough to wrap your head around some rules? 

for 95% of the playerbase it was obvious that there may be no ships left after completion.

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Ok events up to now (excluding the artifact one) have had a set time limit with an objective meaning we have a certain amount of time to complete the objective so nothing says they have to keep going until the time limit if they did our chance of failure would increase so the argument that it says it goes until x time is invalid they are saying we have to finish by x time or else...

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if they add another ship that will just prove that DE cannot take their own event seriously and it will show that if the community whines and moans well just be handed what we ask for. the rules were simple the directions were up front and the event was in black and white on a big posting on their site among other things. If you missed out its your own fault nobody elses so stop trying to make it that way -.-'

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people have'nt learned at the age of 5 or younger that if there is no more of something it is finished. There is no more left, it is Finished!

nice ' placement. now what were u saying about being 5?




.......yeah im not in the best mood...... besides i can guarantee no 5 year olds play this game. i would not be if there were

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It was a poorly planned event. 20% of the time it was supposed to span is empty. The previous event was barely completed on time, this one was completed absurdly quickly. On top of that this event was also designed to block people from being able to do it whenever people happened to finish the last ship, while the previous two events people could still kill Moas and Informers after the bar had been filled. It's not surprising that there is discontent with how this event was handled.


it wasnt poorly planned. its just that we (those who actually participated) destroyed the ships faster than expected. also, the fomorian ships that were destroyed were still continually being destroyed as i saw some go down to -21%. and i still managed to jump on some that was in the negative percentages. (but those were fixed, i think)


the de made various fomorian ships to appear. and were set to appear for the entire event time frame. we just destroyed them too fast, so the fomorian ships timeframe gets moved up to replace the ones thats been destroyed. otherwise...we'd have to wait a few hours and do nothing till the next ship appears.


if you missed out, dont blame the de or the players that completed the event. blame it on yourself. its nobodies fault but your own.

Edited by asurako989
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TL;DR : I'm OK with goals that can be reached early, but we need ways to get points during the entire event duration. Else it's frustrating.


Hey guys, don't be too rude with the whiners.

The truth is that this event was both interesting, and frustrating.

Interesting, because the effort of the whole community leaded to a simple goal. And we could reach the goal early, which is good !

But it is also frustrating for the few of us (including me) who can't play during week-ends. They are quite impatient but when it's time to play, on monday, nothing original is left for them to do.


What we should learn from this event is that optional objectives should be left for people to complete AFTER the main goal was reached. For instance, we could have more little Fomorian ships that would spawn after big ones were defeated, but with little or no consequence on the drop rates on the planetoid. Or perhaps escape ships in which we could go to capture a Grineer representative, and then make them explode with the same mechanism as big ships.

In a word, anything that would allow us to get points (but fewer) after the main event objective was reached.


Opinions ?

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nice ' placement. now what were u saying about being 5?




.......yeah im not in the best mood...... besides i can guarantee no 5 year olds play this game. i would not be if there were

someone who's using 'u' instead of 'you' correcting someone else on misplaced '. That's rich.


P.S. There's ' in "I'm"

Edited by Balerion84
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TL;DR : I'm OK with goals that can be reached early, but we need ways to get points during the entire event duration. Else it's frustrating.


Hey guys, don't be too rude with the whiners.

The truth is that this event was both interesting, and frustrating.

Interesting, because the effort of the whole community leaded to a simple goal. And we could reach the goal early, which is good !

But it is also frustrating for the few of us (including me) who can't play during week-ends. They are quite impatient but when it's time to play, on monday, nothing original is left for them to do.


What we should learn from this event is that optional objectives should be left for people to complete AFTER the main goal was reached. For instance, we could have more little Fomorian ships that would spawn after big ones were defeated, but with little or no consequence on the drop rates on the planetoid. Or perhaps escape ships in which we could go to capture a Grineer representative, and then make them explode with the same mechanism as big ships.

In a word, anything that would allow us to get points (but fewer) after the main event objective was reached.


Opinions ?

haha, yeah or how about a big bright shiny blinking button "press for reward until 29.july". and you can be sure at the 30. there will be posts from people who didnt know how to do it.


your idea is bad and you should feel bad.

Edited by Ryaneko
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bro i get tht ur joking (at least i hope u are) but ur suggesting tht a new planet may released within the next 10 hours. hmmm...............no.

Corruptors are still dropping.  I wonder consider the event officially over until they're patched out.

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Corruptors are still dropping.  I wonder consider the event officially over until they're patched out.


its because events is not over so they are still being dropped. it will be removed once event is over, which is july 29, 12pm edt. event, however is considered completed as all fomorian ships have been destroyed. this is because the corrupters were placed into this event as they are only used to destroy the fomorian reactors.


if they keep it for future use, what are we going to destroy? nothing really, unless the de introduce a new mobile defense game mode which uses the corruptors instead of the data packs. but as of now, all left over corruptors have no known use yet.

Edited by asurako989
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y are ppl like this? all u had to do was spend 3-4 hours spread across 24 hours to farm 250 points. if u had a bunch of alphas/betas it takes 50 runs. if u were organized/lucky it took 25.


but no. instead u decided the event should revolve around your all important gaming schedule and then start whining when...o my god ...wait... it DIDN'T!?!?.


stop complaining and learn. every event has been like this. next event be like this.  i dont want to hear one more complaint.

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y are ppl like this? all u had to do was spend 3-4 hours spread across 24 hours to farm 250 points. if u had a bunch of alphas/betas it takes 50 runs. if u were organized/lucky it took 25.


but no. instead u decided the event should revolve around your all important gaming schedule and then start whining when...o my god ...wait... it DIDN'T!?!?.


stop complaining and learn. every event has been like this. next event be like this.  i dont want to hear one more complaint.


TOTALLY BRO. ppl should just quit complaining. another person who thinks the same as me.

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