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Couple Of My Warframe Art-Concepts


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IDK, they look a bit bland and there is not enough happening, then again I do use Rhino. Personally the top one just looks like a skin tight suit with a few lights and a fox helmet. The second one looks a bit better but the body is much to straight and could use a bit more hard stuff, like how Ember is.

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Interesting concepts. I especially like the helm on the first one. As stated above both need more detail on their bodies and by detail I mean more bits and pieces and not colouring. But as the title says they are concepts so they look good so far. :) The colouring looks good on the second frame.


Try parting the frames you came up with to bodyparts and when looking any separate part they should all look interesting and detailed.


That's my small advice.. :)

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These look right at home beside the older frames, love the look!


Except the design on 2nd 'frame's chest. IMHO the two black lines bisected by red are ugly because of how they're just... there. Following the lines from her under her neck, and over her shoulder, I expected them to curl/wrap around, or even be present elsewhere as as a continuos 'theme'.

They don't radiate anywhere beyond just terminating under her breasts. It makes it look like her top is just draped there :/

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