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This Event Sucked


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The event its self was okay, I had a lot of fun doing the ship killing stuff. But I agree with a lot of points OP made. It really came out of nowhere and the rewards sucked. DE really should stop giving out "exclusive" mods as event rewards, the arguments for this has been done to death. They should work on giving out more cosmetic stuff for their events and have less events but make the ones they do have better with cosmetic rewards. Instead of just S#&$ting out mediocre events with rewards that just result in a lot of anger and arguing.


RE, statues: I agree, even though my clan didn't place anywhere near the top. The top clans should have earned an exclusive golden statue or something, on top of the lesser statues, while the second place clans should get silver and third place bronze while the remaining clans should have just gotten a small congratulatory hologram or something for the dojo to signify they participated.


Also having it end early was an awful idea because it just allowed the "hardcore" weekend skipping crowd to literally deny other players a chance at playing the event, which not even the other events did. DE should have had one final ship come out (made it the flag ship or something) and had it last until the time went down even if it's health went down to 0%.

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So this event was a large step foward for DE in many fashions. The event rewarded teamwork, it didn't require grinding only a single mission, and they tiered some of the rewards. However DE still made a number of mistakes that, if repeated, can guarantee that I won't participate in any more events.


1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situation.


2. Warning: Previously DE said they would give us more warning for theses events and yet this time we had less warning than previously. Not only did DE not allow people to prepare for this event but the event has ended 15 hours early. So people who were told they would have Monday morning to finish the event are now totally screwed.


3. Cosmetics: You have over 3 million players and yet have decided that only 1 guild in each bracket will get your statue. This is the biggest rub for me because my clan got second place. Hours and hours of grinding and now we have literally nothing to show for it. In the future statues and such should also be tiered so the people in first can get a fancy statue and everyone else will unlock a 'participation' statue after their clan gets X kills. As it is, if there's no second place reward you can bet that no one in my clan will ever waste their time again.


All in all the events have improved with each one. I really hope DE listens to this because honestly it is a punch in the gut to do so much work and then have so little to show for it. Events like this cause burnout already. Having someone work an entire weekend to get something and then not even receive a consolation prize is not going to keep people invested in the game. I can tell you in the wake of this failure there's very little chance of my clan playing Warframe over the next couple weeks.

#1 - No, 250 points wasn't easy, Not every Warframe player is a hardcore player, and casual players such as myself had a really tough time juggling my free time to get 250 points. I literally had to dedicate precious hours of my weekend for it if i wanted all the 5 mods, so it was hard enough as it was for me. Which means that on average, the difficulty was right on.


#2 - Agreed. While i think they did OK on giving the heads-up for the event, there's room for improvement (Hey DE, you advertise your major updates via e-mail to all your users. Do the same with events). But not allowing people to work until the last minute on their points was a clear oversight.


#3 - Agreed as well. Being 1º is it's own reward, so the statues should go to the top 5, 10 or 15.

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Why was 250 too easy to get? I watched my guild leader grind it all out. Even participated some myself. It took around four hours to get to 250, including a few Xini runs for corruptors. That was with a coordinated clan group which worked together well, always had all three corruptors, and was running quickly.


I personally ended up having to finish the next day, after most of my clan mates had done theirs. I was at 197 points. Finding random groups took time waiting in queues, I was forced to do higher tier planets because that's where all the ships were, and we often only got 3-5 points when a new group came together.


I agree, if you did the event the first day with a clan group and perfect corruptor management, on mercury, saturn, or venus, then you probably finished it in an hour or two. That's because you're one shotting every single mob, rushing straight through the stage, and clearing runs in 3 minutes.


On the contrary, in the higher planets you have to slowly fight your way up to the defense room. If you don't, all of the mobs you rushed past happily catch up to you in the defense area and you get slaughtered by 400 grineer. High level eviscerators can 2-3 shot people with 1k+ combined health. Without a frost for snowglobe, people were dropping a lot. Those 3 minute mercury rushes become 10-15 minute eris and pluto slogs. 10 points becomes 3 or 5. It gets much, much slower and more difficult.



Aside from that, I agree on a lot of the rest. top 100 events seem pointless, especially when it's clear the same few clans are going to win every time. When you're looking at 1000+ member clans, it's no longer about individual contribution so much as it is activity ratios. A clan with 2,000 members where 90% of the players are active and get 250 is going to beat a clan with 2,000 where only 40% are active, and farming hard.

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At the OP all I am really hearing is complaining about a statue that essentially sits in your dojo and does nothing. The 250 points needed was challenge enough and if you actually plan your entire weekend on playing a game you really need to go outside. I mean seriously, do you even Lift? Date? Procreate? Eat? Anything?

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As a person who unfortunately works a lot of weekends, I would have appreciated DE letting the event run into Monday, or at least start on Friday/Thursday. I understand though I am the minority, so I don't feel bad at all. I got some mods out of it, and it was fun having a really good reason to play with friends again.

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The lore of the event was awesome. The mechanics were super cool. The details were terrible: grinding is not fun, rushing is not fun.

Yeah, that's why I only did the bare minimum. I didn't want to rush through mission after mission. Still, I want to give DE credit for listening to what people are asking for and making improvements. There were some good ideas at work here, and I'm sure the events will continue to improve.

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I am going to agree with quite a few people on this thread


1) I think the score tier was fine. It didn't push you hard core and gave a chance to those that didn't have much time to their weekend. The mods given out are useful or useless depending on the type of player you are, the overall mission though... I liked the idea, concept of it. However it was 25 runs of pretty much the same thing over and over again. I mean repetition is to be expected with some events, that's with any game sure. However it would of been nice for a bit more to it. Maybe different core room types per ship. Maybe adding parts where the ship was becoming more damaged from all the injections, not just random ice or fire event stages that pop up but like, active issues on the ship. If you're the last set of groups in after you inject the core you get a countdown time before the ship blows up. It adds to the feel of the game a bit.


2) More warning is always appreciated. As a suggestion I seen other companies that do something like the message decoder thing, then give full details right after its cracked, normally starting about a week before the event. Also I had the gist of where to get these corruptors, the problem was that I had no clue I had to equip them into the inventory slot like a use item for me to use it. A clan member told me that one. So in your event details page put in how the event works (Arena net for Guild wars 2 uses the in-game mail system to give full event details in the mail. And on their updater they have a link to a forum post that details everything on what's going on, and how to participate in the event. Etc)


3) I don't really care about the whole clan statue thing, but it still wouldn't be a bad idea to add a participation award for clans, (Some tiered rewards for the top 10 or so, then participation awards for X amount points needed per grade of clan which shouldn't be all that much, for an example for a shadow clan (10-30 people right?) could of been like 2500 points overall, so that's 10 people getting the full 250 and if they have 20 people, they could clear it easy) Little things for consideration.


From what I seen though DE has been really taking a step in a right direction, even Anet screwed up with their first set of major events for guild was 2. Then they learned how to improve as a company. Everyone learns and improves upon their mistakes, DE is no exception. keep going the right direction DE and you will go far.

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I generally agree with you but I think the "marathon grinding" issue should get a little more attention.


But you first suggestion makes it kinda worse


1. Reward Tiers: 250 points was too easy to get. The highest reward tier should be HARD to get and people should have to push for it. Reward tiers should have a larger scale and the highest tier should be something people can't complete in one sitting. The idea behind tiers is to replace the unhealthy marathon grinding that your events currently promote. Perhaps it will take a death for DE to realize that these top 100 events are not good for their player base. You burnout your hardcore players and do not satisfy your casual players, a lose-lose situation.


Simply increasing the requirement does not make it harder. It increases the amount of time you have to invest into this event to accomblish the goal. Its mindless repetition and not a greater challenge.


I agree with what you are trying to accomblish with your suggestion but I believe your actual suggestion does not do what you expect it to do.



The "marathon of endless repitition for a whole weekend" aspect of these events we got so far is a huge problem in my opinion. It promotes cold competition. Its primarily about "Who can keep playing the longest?".


I would prefer something like the dojo's parkour room kind of competition. Something where you can focus on your best run. So you can repeat it until you think you cannot improve.



What I am saying is. We are freaking space ninjas. DE can set up events that test our skills at certain things. Then create a leaderboard and reward the best players. Why does DE expect of the hard core playera to play 3 days straight? This is mad!


What I would like to see is a competition in skill. DE can create a skill challenge for two weeks, put some lore around it make it available for a weekend.

Like an simple assassination or extermination mission with a non random map and see who is the fastest group. I would be ok with that.

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