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Some ideas about Zephyr

(XBOX)Ubre Blanca

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Her first ability would be better without the straight upward jump, it’s annoying indoors and not very helpful in the PoE.

Her second ability could be a part of her passive, and is just triggered by ground slamming with whatever melee. 

Her third ability is good.

Her four would be better if the tornadoes had some sense of direction, like actively going after people, instead of aimlessly wandering. 

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First of all, i love this warframe and it's fun to play with, but some changes could make her more joyable like:

Her first ability could be more just a mobility skill, it could be implemented some CC unique for her, like throw enemys with her when casted in the ground. And when is on air casting in the direction of enemys makes a shockwave.

The second ability would bem better if could be casted in ground making a static unique tornado that drags enemys and in air makes a forward funnil that keep a path that enemys can't go in and buff allies with movie speed inside of it. The static tornado can follow her the first ability os user on it.

The third ability is good.

The fourth ability could have some sense of direction, like after enemys and be recastable, this really would help.

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I use the jump all the time on her first ability. Its especially nice with explosive weapons in large open areas. You can tailwind from standing to gain instant height, then aim-glide to stay at that height and blast enemies with your Zarr/Tonkor/Ogris etc, then come smashing back down with divebomb or jat kittag. I've found this to be a really enjoyable attack pattern.

Divebomb is fine in concept, just poor in execution, something needs to be done with it, but DE is extremely unlikely to replace the ability entirely after all the bad feedback with the Limbo rework.

Her Tornadoes do track, but the problem is eventually they get bored and leave the area, but you can't cast again until the timer is done. Limiting their area of activity to a set range and letting you turn the ability off would do wonders for her #4.

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How about some synergy between her abilities and change the current passive into more damage when she is in the air, and increase in damage done to enemies in the air. But not as a default number , but a percentage one since it should have scaling. *all warframe abilities should be affected by percentage imo but that seems like a sort of a project that de probably wont have time to implement in such a short time*

Her first ability needs to be changed into divebomb with a bit more interaction, for example where she dives she should be able to create a upward vortex that suspends enemies for a short amount of time.

Her second ability could give some sort of boost to help her stay in the air. Either by giving her small time to fly without restriction or act as a ability to give her air time sort of like a double jump or triple air jump similar to Dante's double jump in DMC.

Her third ability is fine. In fact its the one ability everyone can agree is great AND DOES NO NEED CHANGE THEREFORE LEAVE IT BE DE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT TOUCH THE ABILITY.

Also her fourth ability needs a bit of a change. Since without the upgrade she gets from the syndicate mods. The ability causes more problems then helping out. Yes it does crowd control, but in some cases (more like most cases) forces players to look up to shoot enemies (which doesnt always work as sometimes damage doesnt apply (as in feels buggy or unfinished. Like you see the body but the hitbox is all over the place)). Imo it should provide better crowd control like keeping enemies at the apex of the tornado and not move them as much. For example spin them arround 360 degrees but not ragdoll them.


I'm not out to get anyone especially not trying to make DE look bad. Just stating my honest opinion. As i've talked with a lot of people about this subject and everyone agreed. That zephyrs current kit. Does not need change like tweak. It needs A FULL REWORK> and an actual rework like Ember or Excalibur. Tweaks aint gonna cut it for this one since currently out of 4 abilities. In actual fights ive never seen anyone use anything more then air shield 3, and to troll or afk her fourth ability. So if you do a percentage from my personal usage of these abilities. Im lazy to bullet jump most of the time so i just use 1 to move around because i cant think of any reason why i would stop shooting to jump into enemies with 1. Knock some of them down and get killed by something else since i just got into its face and got stomped to death. Her second ability is useless as slam attacks are stronger and more efficient at coming down from the air. So in actual usage in a single exterminate (for example) her ability usage goes from

first ability - 5% usage

second - 0% usage

third - 85% usage

fourth - 10%


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