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Can We Just Disable Snow Globe On Infested Defense?


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Agreed. Snow globe is in the way in infested defense.
I had experience it myself couple time asking nicely to Mr.Frost, so he would stop spamming globe, but his reason is because of the slow down.... hmmm... kay... but he end up dying couple times in his own snowglobe LOL!!!


Couple things that i just wanna stay away from infested and not going close range:

1. Disruptor!

2. Getting knockdown/flinch can really screw you up!

3. Toxic! Toxic! Toxic!

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How about we put this another way since apparently there are some "special" little people on this forum playing frost in infested defense?


When the developers saw it was impossible to revive a player being affected by vortex, they fixed vortex.


When the developers saw griefing being done using mag pull and switch teleport at extraction points, they blocked the ability usage on players there.


When the developers saw that solo rushers were causing grief to the rest of a 4 man team by sprinting to extraction without picking up drops, they put in the 50% of team requirement to start extraction timer.


I see no difference when it comes to Snow Globe on Unlimited Infested Defense.  If everyone played nice and respected their teammates, none of these fixes would have been required, but because there are "special" little people playing frost in the infested defense maps in the game, they need to make this fix.


I ask that every player that sees this send DE_Steve and DE_Scott a private message with:


Title:  Please Fix Snow Globe to prevent griefing of team on Infested Defense


Body:  This is part of a community effort to get Snow Globe fixed so that entire teams are not defeated by the careless actions of certain Frost players casting Snow Globe on the Pod in Infested Defense.


Link to the most recent discussion on this matter:


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I propose that we replace Snow Globes with....



Hear me out first! While I meant this as a joke at first I think it's not a bad idea. Just like Rhino's roar or Volt's speed being team-wide abilities this would be several separate impenetrable snow cones that would cover all friendlies including defense objectives like crypods, etc.

Your entire squad would be protected from projectile and laser damage like as if in a snowglobe as would be the cryopod. Also the snowcones would move as the players move. While this is happening there would be heavy snowfall affecting nearby enemies and slowing them down as if in the globe and with a radius similar to one too.

(While this is crazy, and defies all physics, so does the current snow globe and pretty much most of all that is Warframe... and we like it that way.)

I am... somewhat serious about this one. Thoughts?

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So basically you're saying:



But seriously, I'm not talking about snow globing a lane here, you want to snow globe a lane and slash at things with your pathetic melee damage, good for you. As long as I have room to work around the pod while you are off amusing yourself I don't care. More power to you, but once you start snow globing the pod you're a moron.


Translated, "I am leet, I have lvl 7 clan tech weapons and maxed everything, you may watch me, you may even get the odd kill with your pathetic baby weapons, but don't get in my way or I'lll insult you in capitals and repeatedly tell you how I can get to wave 60".  If you want to be like that go play with a clan, people in pubs want to play not sit there watching you stroke your epeen.

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I ran into a frost like the OP mentioned a couple days ago on an infested defense. I told him that snow globe was not needed with bastille -  so what does he do? Keeps on casting it. In retaliation, I just threw down bounce pads everywhere around the pod. The reasoning was two fold, annoy him to death and keep mobs off the pod. It succeeded, he left, and we continued on without a hitch.

Edited by BoOz
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Translated, "I am leet, I have lvl 7 clan tech weapons and maxed everything, you may watch me, you may even get the odd kill with your pathetic baby weapons, but don't get in my way or I'lll insult you in capitals and repeatedly tell you how I can get to wave 60".  If you want to be like that go play with a clan, people in pubs want to play not sit there watching you stroke your epeen.

So you support retard Frost players like the ones OP pointed out? I bet you are one of those Frosts

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As a frost prime user who has been using frost for over several months I can attest to the fact that snowglobe really does not benefit very much in infested type missions especially infested defense.


First off to the people defending snowglobe in these missions types and saying that the only thing wrong with it is that it stops teammates from getting kills...that's not the truth at all.


In infested type missions the only thing snowglobe really helps to stop are chargers, everything else benefits from it.


Infested rushers will explode within seconds of entering the globe, the slow only slows down the explosion animation from .25 of a second to a full .50 of a second...if many of these enter the globe you're going to feel the agony of the stunlocks while the pod will take a good amount of damage even enough to get rid of the sheilds and allow chargers to attack it while you're being thrown around silly by the rushers.


As for ancient disruptors people like to stay away from these guys because when they get close the end result is usually losing your shields and energy. The loss of energy really keeps you and your team from saving anyone in the few seconds they aren't stunlocked. Basically these guys will wreck your #*@! and then some.


Healers will heal the entire group of enemies in the globe because they're healing aura is large enough to reach all around the globe. If you get multiple of these in there then it's basically infested heaven.


and toxic ancients...these guys don't have anything but their attack animation slowed down but as we all know their entire body is an attack nobody likes to get close to these things either. If they're forced to be close to them then I gurantee there will be deaths incomming, they also can kill the pod extremely fast.


basically by the time 3 or 4 rushers make it into your globe and one of them sets off their explosion it's basically over for you guys. From one frost to another...please stop making us look bad we can really be helpful in defense but it doesn't mean always pressing 3, you can press 2 on the bridge and destroy anything that tries to come up it, and you can press 4 to basically win until wave 10. Just stop with the snowglobes on infested defense.

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Well first of all, am I missing something here, but I don't understand why people constantly mention you have to use melee weapons ? You can use whatever weapons you want when inside the globe, I guess you only can't use ogris, but you can still use your secondary.

No reason to melee if you think melee weapons suck and have low dps ?


Secondly, I agree people have the point when playing with experienced players who can kill the mobs fast enough.


But what to do when that doesn't happen ? What should frost do when he sees mobs destroying the pod and there is only couple of seconds left ?

Not use snowglobe even then ? Yeah right ! It can save the mission, as it will reduce DPS mobs do on the pod...

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Yeah, it's annoying as hell but disabling a specific skill in a specific mission seems like a terrible, terrible precedent to set. I don't know why people bring him to Infested Defense missions in the first place where he's almost useless(whereas he's amazing in others) but meh.There's plenty of ways to deal with it anyway.


Do you guys REALLY want to open a can of worms where people can say your favorite Warframe's skill should be unusable in certain places?

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I ran into a frost like the OP mentioned a couple days ago on an infested defense. I told him that snow globe was not needed with bastille -  so what does he do? Keeps on casting it. In retaliation, I just threw down bounce pads everywhere around the pod. The reasoning was two fold, annoy him to death and keep mobs off the pod. It succeeded, he left, and we continued on without a hitch.

Hey BoOz! BTW great game yesterday!


Yeah man the bouncepads all around the cryopod is an excellent strategy without a doubt against infested. Because they're mostly melee, stagger and toxin.

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The best part is when the frost doesn't have stretch either. So you can barely fit between the edge of the globe and the pod. Also loved the frost that told me to "use my brain" when I was telling him why the globe sucks vs infested.


If I'm pubbing Xini I leave at the first opportunity. It's simply not worth the headache anymore of trying to explain why globe sucks and carry their weight since they globe the pod.

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To be clear, I want to say that I really do not mind a Globe to cover a lane that leads up to the pod.  Say 20m away from the pod, Frost and Player 2 get in globe and shoot infested and then melee left overs before they get to the pod.  Good job guys.  Players 3 and 4 take a different side and handle that area.  Good team work as most infested def missions only have two lanes.  A little jog can shuffle players to where they are needed.  The problem is that many Frosts that I have played with will drop a Globe on the pod, then run away to go fight somewhere else.  Plenty of enemies get past them and weaken what the team has to do to survive.  This is what give the Frosts and their Globes a bad name. 


I use to main a Frost, I use to Globe the pod.  I learned not to do this on infested def unless our group was the type that liked to go melee heavy.  When Vauban came to play, I quickly understood that he could do my old job much much better.  I did not retire my Frost, I just use him where he is needed most, or when doing a slow resource solo.  Globe itself does not need a nerf, change, swap, or disable, players need to respect each other more and work as a team.  I am not saying for Frosts not to use their skills, I am saying that they should be using them wisely to help the team, and not hinder, especially when asked nicely by other players to cooperate. 

Edited by Ryoken
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Was just in the infested defense with the plasma sword BP to help a friend. We went into a public game and a guy, we'll call him chuckles777 was playing Frost. On the initial waves, he was glowing the pod, but then he started dropping snow globes on all the incoming lanes leading to the pod, making it a pain to shoot anything. The best part was when my friend needed a revive late in the mission and Chuckles sat there tea bagging him instead. Real classy.

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You shouldn't be away from the pod.


If you're sniping away from the pod, you're either a door hero or just doing defense wrong.

You are right. It is best that I stand on top of the pod with my ogris/torid/snipetron and fire at enemies as they enter the globe. Having vision of the battlefield by elevating oneself above the fray is never a justified tactic for snipers/rocketeers/etc. Clearly utilizing a ranged weapon anywhere farther than 4 meters from the defense point means that I am either a door hero or I dont understand how to play the game.



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Well first of all, am I missing something here, but I don't understand why people constantly mention you have to use melee weapons ? You can use whatever weapons you want when inside the globe, I guess you only can't use ogris, but you can still use your secondary.

No reason to melee if you think melee weapons suck and have low dps ?


Secondly, I agree people have the point when playing with experienced players who can kill the mobs fast enough.


But what to do when that doesn't happen ? What should frost do when he sees mobs destroying the pod and there is only couple of seconds left ?

Not use snowglobe even then ? Yeah right ! It can save the mission, as it will reduce DPS mobs do on the pod...

well you see, IIRC snow globe takes 50 or 75 energy, it's 1 ice wave and 1 freeze or 3 freezes, if you have full energy you could even use avalanche. Why I'm saying this is that frost can stop or slow movement without impeding other players ability to shoot at the pod. At that situation avalanche would freeze the enemies near the pod while other people (if they're not brain dead) could rush the pod with no issues. 


If the enemies destroying the pod are toxic ancients and chargers then it doesn't matter what you do because you already lost and they probably got that close in the first place because the frost used snow globe and vauban couldn't bastille the damn thing.

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I propose that we replace Snow Globes with....



Hear me out first! While I meant this as a joke at first I think it's not a bad idea. Just like Rhino's roar or Volt's speed being team-wide abilities this would be several separate impenetrable snow cones that would cover all friendlies including defense objectives like crypods, etc.

Your entire squad would be protected from projectile and laser damage like as if in a snowglobe as would be the cryopod. Also the snowcones would move as the players move. While this is happening there would be heavy snowfall affecting nearby enemies and slowing them down as if in the globe and with a radius similar to one too.

(While this is crazy, and defies all physics, so does the current snow globe and pretty much most of all that is Warframe... and we like it that way.)

I am... somewhat serious about this one. Thoughts?

Meh, snowglobe is one of the rare warframe abilities that makes the group stick together once sh*t gets rough, your idea isn't bad , but as it is, Frost's only good ability IS snowglobe. Freeze is nothing but a funny gimmick, ice wave is only useful against low levels and so is avalanche. So add the snow cones idea to Avalanche perhaps, as  i'm sure frost users would't mine the lack of damage it makes but wouldn't mind some extra CrowdControl/squad buff ability for Frost either. But snowglobe is fine as it is. It's a great tool overall and has proven its worth since the beginning. What you propose might seem to benefit the squad even more on paper, but in reality it would take away the one fun thing about frost being the fact i can cast SG and melee things like i'm Neo in the Matrix =P Also with SG you can predict  what area you'll control, and you always know that once you cast it everything around you will be slowed down, your solution offers less control imho.


To those complaining about frosts SG in infested defense, here's a tip for y'all: USE THE FRIKKING CHAT !! Hook up with some dudes explaining what you're looking for and boom there it is. Don't make the game adapt to you cos certain players don't adapt to your game style or do what you consider to be silly things. You like sitting on creates with a noobtube, great, terrific, whatever floats your boat. I find that boring as hell but if that's fun to you you should be able to enjoy that as well. But be active about it, crew up and reap the benefits ; )

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Meh, snowglobe is one of the rare warframe abilities that makes the group stick together once sh*t gets rough, your idea isn't bad , but as it is, Frost's only good ability IS snowglobe. Freeze is nothing but a funny gimmick, ice wave is only useful against low levels and so is avalanche. So add the snow cones idea to Avalanche perhaps, as  i'm sure frost users would't mine the lack of damage it makes but wouldn't mind some extra CrowdControl/squad buff ability for Frost either. But snowglobe is fine as it is. It's a great tool overall and has proven its worth since the beginning. What you propose might seem to benefit the squad even more on paper, but in reality it would take away the one fun thing about frost being the fact i can cast SG and melee things like i'm Neo in the Matrix =P Also with SG you can predict  what area you'll control, and you always know that once you cast it everything around you will be slowed down, your solution offers less control imho.


To those complaining about frosts SG in infested defense, here's a tip for y'all: USE THE FRIKKING CHAT !! Hook up with some dudes explaining what you're looking for and boom there it is. Don't make the game adapt to you cos certain players don't adapt to your game style or do what you consider to be silly things. You like sitting on creates with a noobtube, great, terrific, whatever floats your boat. I find that boring as hell but if that's fun to you you should be able to enjoy that as well. But be active about it, crew up and reap the benefits ; )

I agree with your post... Pretty much in every way. Communication is key and an integral part of all good teamwork. I was half joking with this idea. Snow cones would look pretty ridiculous. Imagine walking around in mobile ice tepees. XD

I just came up with that to combat the problems with using it in infested defense. Yeah... I do like my snow globe the way it is.. Just throwing it out there. lol.

Edited by sushidubya
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If I'm doing infested defense at all, I'm on the pod.

If I put snowglobe on the pod, it's probably because there isn't a Vauban there. (although I did run a T3Def with a very solid Vauban where we hung out inside a snowglobe-bastille for essentially the entire mission) Sometimes I'll drop snowglobe in a scary situation because it slows the enemy and gives me time to beat the crud out of them.

If it doesn't kill players and doesn't make us fail, how is it a problem? Why on earth would we want to block a single ability from a mission type? The issue is with the player, not the ability.

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basically by the time 3 or 4 rushers make it into your globe and one of them sets off their explosion it's basically over for you guys. From one frost to another...please stop making us look bad we can really be helpful in defense but it doesn't mean always pressing 3, you can press 2 on the bridge and destroy anything that tries to come up it, and you can press 4 to basically win until wave 10. Just stop with the snowglobes on infested defense.

Oh yes, frosts who use icewave on the paths are wonderful. I've never been in a situation where I was like "dude stop that, you're going to get our pod killed" because he was completely locking down an entire path and keeping the pod effectively defended. Even at a point where icewave and avalanche stop being instant kills they at least can do some stunning so the frost can switch to weapons to murder the infested.

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Why is it ok for frosts to decide for everyone else that they have to use melee? If 3 people say "stop using globe it's not helping us, in fact it's hurting us" then why is it out of the question for that frost to comply? Why?


Late Reply but: I never said that Frosts make everyone melee, 1 of the 4 powers that Frost has when used in the wrong place does that. In the PuB games i've had with Frost's who use Globe then i ask them to stop and briefly explain why it's not as effective as you first think and they usually stop and start using Ice Wave or Avalanche. 

If you have a Frost that is still using Snow Globe after you ask them not to then they are probably trolling you, No different from a Loki, Mag or Vauban Trolling you. And all these threads succeed in doing is feeding a pointless hatred that can be overcome by asking a simple question.


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Late Reply but: I never said that Frosts make everyone melee, 1 of the 4 powers that Frost has when used in the wrong place does that. In the PuB games i've had with Frost's who use Globe then i ask them to stop and briefly explain why it's not as effective as you first think and they usually stop and start using Ice Wave or Avalanche. 

If you have a Frost that is still using Snow Globe after you ask them not to then they are probably trolling you, No different from a Loki, Mag or Vauban Trolling you. And all these threads succeed in doing is feeding a pointless hatred that can be overcome by asking a simple question.


Why give them an ability that can be used for trolling? vortex, bounce and switch teleport have uses in all game modes but globe is absolutely trash in infested defense. And I'm not saying frost is completely garbo in infested defense, all of his skills but snow globe are really good at slowing or stopping the enemies. And snow globe could be useful as well if only you could shoot in it. But then its useless.

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